
Chapter 96

Just like the judgment Tang Bingyao made in his heart before, when the qualifying round of this round only went on for more than six minutes, the bottom lane combination of the opponent's blue team had already been defeated.

Obama's record data came to 4/0/0.

The opponent's ADC Mouse has a miserable 0/3/0 record, and his CS has also been suppressed by more than double, and his level has almost been opened up by one and a half levels.

This is really broken.

More importantly, the blue team in the bottom lane has such a huge crushing level advantage, and the credit has little to do with the auxiliary Thresh. It is purely the rhythm brought by the Holy Gun Ranger Lucian under Tang Bingyao's control.

Sitting next to Tang Bingyao, Lin Feng looked calm.

He had already anticipated such a situation, and with his familiarity with Tangtang, he knew even more about the lane dominance and oppression that the ADC hero under the girl's control could display after entering the dominant rhythm. , How terrible it will be.

we can even say

Lin Feng touched his nose subconsciously:

Even if he were to be Tangtang's opponent, facing a girl who had entered the dominant rhythm would really be a bit of a headache for him.

And even Lin Feng would make such an honest evaluation, so for the ADC mouse player on the blue side who only drilled 5 tiers, the upcoming end will be even more disastrous.

7 minutes of game time.

The purple army took advantage of the opportunity to accept the first dragon.

8 minutes.

The ADC Obama under the control of Tang Bingyao seized another opportunity online, and the E skill moved forward and forced to open the opponent to assist Nami.

Two flat A bursts, followed by the Q skill "Holy Light Through the Body".

Then level A.

[Flash] Dodge the control of Nami's Q skill, and then raise the gun and shoot the "Zhenzhen Bullet" of W skill, and then connect two flat A, a set of amazing burst damage directly destroys the blue square with more than half of its HP remaining. Assist Nami to kill and take away.

8 minutes and 30 seconds.

Tang Bingyao commanded Zhao Yang's assistant Thresh to cross the tower together,

Forced the opponent's ADC mouse out of [Flash] to escape in embarrassment, and then steadily pushed the blue side's bot lane outer tower flat.

"A-turret-has-been-destroyed (a defensive tower was demolished)."

The notification announcement sounded by the female voice of the system.

The unstoppable advantage of the blue duo in the bottom lane was completely established.

In the early 10 minutes, Obama's make-up count steadily reached 94 dollars, which was also a result that made Zhao Yang, who was a 2-segment Driller, speechless.

You know, in terms of laning, the Holy Gun Ranger under Tang Bingyao's control is almost extremely strong from the beginning to the end, suppressing the opponent's mouse, constantly performing various consumption pokes and forcing the first move, but after such a fierce fighting operation Yu, to be able to guarantee such a stable number of last hits is simply the quality that only the most powerful ADC masters can possess.

sugar girl

Is it really just a platinum segment?

Thinking about this question, Zhao Yang couldn't help trembling slightly:

Damn it, if this level is only electric one platinum, then wouldn't his electric one diamond rank 2 become a joke at all?

Whether the main ADC player of Shangcai e-sports club has become a joke is not mentioned for the time being, but what is certain is that when this qualifying match enters the 10th minute, the 5/0/0 record data is in the Under Tang Bingyao's control, Obama, who had the highest CS in his hand, was truly unstoppable.


Totally took off.

The game time is 12 minutes.

Summoner's Canyon, in the middle lane, a wave of pawns was pushed by Ji Yue's mid laner Lux and Qiu Le's jungler Blind to the opponent's blue side's middle lane outer tower, and the remaining half-blooded bomber cautiously cleared the pawns under the tower to make up the knife , stand far away from the blind man and Lacus to ensure their own safety.

next moment.

The ADC Obama under the control of Tang Bingyao circled the grass from behind the blue F4 field to outflank the back road.

Go straight forward.

Ping A followed by Q, the silver-white holy light penetrated the bomberman's body.

Take the W, and then tie the A.

Bomberman immediately handed over the explosive package of W skill "fixed-point blasting" and detonated it by himself, and escaped towards the left Sanlang wild area with the impact force.

Dot the floor.

The two burst A bullets that triggered the passive skill accurately landed on the bomber in mid-air, directly harvesting and taking away the last small bar of blood of the blasting ghost.

"Dominating (a hero already dominating the game)!"

After the single player goes around, kill the opponent's mid laner.

Qiu Le, Ji Yue, and Shen Zhuang on the road all cheered excitedly, while Tang Bingyao just manipulated her Holy Spear Ranger back outside the defensive tower with a very natural expression, then marked the tower, and quickly cooperated with the two teammates to defeat the opponent The outer tower of the middle road was bulldozed and demolished.

Obama record data came to 6/0/0.

14 minutes.

The blue and purple armies started a team battle around the second little dragon. The Paladin Ranger with explosive output in the team battle almost every level A bullet dealt shocking damage and could take away a whole bar of the opponent's hero's HP.

The final team battle ended with the purple side's 1 for 3.

Obama double kill.

Record data

Already super god!

What really helped the blue team to seal the victory was the third dragon team battle at the beginning of the 21st minute of the game. His eyes were fixed on Tang Bingyao's ADC Obama.

Determined to be strong first, this output can already be called a terrifying Holy Gun Ranger.


As a result, Lucian, who was still under the control of the girl, showed a near-perfect operation in the team battle, completely shattering the hopes of several opponent players.

"Double Kill!"

"Triple Kill (three kills)!!"

"Quadra Kill (Quadra Kill)!!!"

The kill announcements of the female voice of the system sounded one after another in the chaotic and fierce team battle, the tone became more and more passionate and high-pitched, but the last kill prompt suddenly became solemn, as if the entire Summoner Canyon suddenly became calm down:

"Penta Kill (five kills)!"

"Aced (group destroy)!"

After the team battle, in front of the Xiaolongfjord river, a pile of corpses of the heroes of the blue army lay in disorder.

And in the center of the battlefield, Lucian, holding the Holy Light Spears, was slender and standing calmly.

Just like Tang Bingyao, who still looked natural and unsurprising under the shocking and even adoring eyes of everyone in the Internet cafe box.

Lin Feng, who was sitting on the sidelines as a spectator for the whole game, touched his chin.

he suddenly found

Recently, Tangtang's ADC strength seems to be growing faster than he expected.

This wave of team battles

Played really well.

After a long while, Qiu Le, who was the first to recover in the Internet cafe box, couldn't help but let out a strange cry:

"Fuck! Pentakill!!"

"Damn Tangtang girl, you Obama is really showing off!!"

The update will be delivered, the third update is around 12:00 today, well, there must be an update this time.

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