
Chapter 94

The game time is 3 minutes and 50 seconds.

Summoner's Canyon, bottom lane, Tang Bingyao's ADC Obama reached level 3 first.

The displacement of an E skill slides forward.

Directly go first again!

Two flat A bursts quickly hit the target blue ADC mouse, knocking down one bar of blood on the mouse Tuqi's head, and at the same time, the Q skill "Holy Light" shot out like lightning.

The silver-white holy light pierced through the chest of the source of the plague again.

At the same moment, Zhao Yang's assistant Thresh finally reacted as he should have this time. Immediately, a [Flash] directly shifted to catch up, and [Ignite] unequivocally put it on the mouse at the same time. An E skill "Pendulum of Misfortune" was swept out fiercely.

Directly slow down and control the mouse!

And just when the auxiliary Thresh under the control of Zhao Yang followed the sickle chain of the Q skill "Death Judgment" and shot towards the mouse, the ADC mouse on the blue side reacted very quickly with a [Healing] activation , At the same time 【Flash】Hand over!

The golden glow lights up.

Mouse Tuqi's figure disappeared instantly and fled towards his defense tower in embarrassment.

Thresh's Q skill hook fell through.

On the other hand, Nami, the support of the blue side, immediately backhanded and threw the energy bubble of the "Blue Wave Prison" with the Q skill towards the opponent ADC Obama, blocking Lucian's position and pursuit.

Tang Bingyao controlled Obama to take a small step back, flexibly dodging Nami's Q skill control, but in this way, the opponent's ADC mouse escaped back to his own defense tower without any risk.

Thresh’s [Ignite] burning effect on the mouse is still continuing, but with Nami’s mouthful of W skill milk blood and the recovery effect of [Healing] prescribed by the mouse itself, the mouse Tuqi’s blood bar at this moment The volume abruptly recovered to nearly a quarter of the level.

Qiu Le, who was paying attention to the situation on the lower road, couldn't help feeling sorry:

"Hey, it's a bit close."

"This ignition seems to be handed over too quickly."

And Feng Tao, who has become an audience outside the court like Lin Feng, also nodded slightly, expressing some agreement with Qiu Le's opinion.


It feels a little unrealistic to forcefully kill the ADC mouse with dual summons in this wave.

Zhao Yang, who was sitting in the auxiliary position, subconsciously tried to find an excuse for himself:

"It's not that I have to pay."

"Sister Tangtang said that if you want to fight this wave, you should set it on fire first. I followed her advice."

There was Zhao Yang's voice of rebuttal and justification, but Tang Bingyao's gaze was still very serious and focused on the game screen on the computer screen in front of her, and she was not affected by the former at all.

At this time, a wave of troops happened to be pushed down towards the blue defense tower.

Although the ADC mouse on the blue side has residual blood and the burning effect of [Ignite] on the top of its head has not yet ended, it seems that it is not willing to give up such a wave of pawns just like this, and wants to continue to stay on the line to eat pawns Make up the knife, and the standing position is still a small step forward at this time.

Just one small step.

It's so subtle that most people won't find it a problem.

But Lin Feng, who was sitting next to Tang Bingyao, narrowed his eyes subconsciously.


The mouse is dead.

at the same moment...

The light in Tang Bingyao's eyes suddenly brightened.

The sound of keystrokes on the keyboard and mouse is instantly crisp and melodious!


Suddenly, a mass of vibrant green light lit up on Paladin's body, and Obama, whose movement speed suddenly increased a bit, quickly took two steps forward.

The next moment, a cloud of fine golden glow exploded immediately.


Lucian's figure suddenly disappeared in place with the golden light, and then he moved forward hundreds of yards like lightning, just closing the distance between himself and the target mouse within his range!

Raise your gun!

The passive skill effect triggered by the previous Q skill is triggered!

Two consecutive shots of holy light hit the source of the plague like lightning!

W skills shot.

"Sincerely play"!

Hit the target, and instantly receive two flat A bursts!

A whole set of combo moves was completed almost instantly in the blink of an eye. It took no more than a second from the beginning to the end, and the damage output of the whole set fell on the rat with residual blood!

The blood bar on the mouse's head suddenly bottomed out!

Empty to zero!

The killing announcement of the female voice of the system suddenly resounded through the Summoner Canyon: "First Blood (first blood)!"

Obama's movement speed was so fast that the mouse had no time to react and saw the game screen on the computer screen in front of him turned into a bleak black and white TV, making the blue team's assistant Nami unable to keep up with the rescue. , Just stared blankly at his ADC teammates who had turned into corpses and fell down.

Qiu Le's eyeballs, who were paying attention to the situation in the bottom lane, suddenly widened:


"Sister Tangtang played beautifully!!"

As the audience, Feng Tao also subconsciously took a breath, his eyes fell on Tang Bingyao instantly, and there was a flash of shock in his eyes

This operating hand speed, as well as this decisive judgment and damage calculation ability...

So strong! !

Zhao Yang opened his mouth wide by himself, staring blankly at his ADC Obama teammates who had withdrawn their guns and retreated to the line, his mind was completely blank.

Seconds, seconds?

Even he didn't expect that in the situation just now, Tang Bingyao's ADC Obama turned out to have just retreated a little bit to make the opponent Mouse relax his vigilance, followed by a sudden return of the carbine, which was so fierce and violent, instantly killing the mouse. Tucci poked his heart out.

"So [Ignition] still has to be handed in."

Lin Feng, who was sitting by the side, commented casually in such a tone.

And for a moment, Zhao Yang only felt a burst of burning pain on his face.


[Ignite] was handed in by his assistant Thresh.

It stands to reason that Thresh was indeed responsible for this person's first blood, but just two or three seconds ago, he pushed the "fault" of handing over the ignition to Tang Bingyao just two or three seconds ago in order to "shirk responsibility".

In the end...he was actually slapped again by the reality that he was caught off guard again.


After getting the first blood in the bottom lane, the rhythm of the purple army immediately picked up.

In the middle lane, Ji Yue chose a Lux mid laner, and the blue side's mid laner bomber was facing each other. Basically, they farmed each other. Although the former's last attack was suppressed a lot, there was not much danger for the time being.

On the other hand, Qiu Le's jungler, blind monk, went on the road and gank in a wave, which helped Shen Zhuang's top laner Dashu get the head of the opponent's top laner Rambo, and established an advantage.

"If the big tree gets the head, Rambo on the other side will feel uncomfortable."

Feng Tao subconsciously commented.

Indeed, the rhythm of the top lane is good, the middle lane is developing steadily for the time being, and the situation in the lane is even better on the bottom lane.

Tang Bingyao's ADC Obama has steadily suppressed the opponent's ADC Mouse in terms of level, and the number of last hits is twice that of the opponent. At this moment, the situation of the blue ADC Mouse is simply extremely miserable, and he dare not Come up to make up the knife, even the experience of the soldier line is hard to get.

In the early 5 minutes, Zhao Yang's support Thresh finally found a chance to Q hit the opposite Mouse Tuqi.

The moment the soul-lock warden's sickle chain tied the target and dragged it back, the ADC Obama under Tang Bingyao's control had already caught up with the output immediately.

Flat A.

Answer Q.

Then A, then move forward with the E skill to avoid the control of Nami's Q skill, and then A with the backhand.

Finally, take the W skill, and then level the A burst twice.

In one go, it was like flowing clouds and flowing water, a set of firepower output that was simply pleasing to the eye, poured out, and directly harvested and took away the mouse's head again.

"You-have--an-enemy (you killed an enemy hero)."

At the same time, Obama's record data has steadily reached 2/0/0.

The update is here, there is something to do tonight, the update time of the next chapter is temporarily uncertain, try to be before 11 o'clock.

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