
Chapter 75 Dinner in the bedroom

The place for the first dinner in dormitory 504 was in a small restaurant not far from the Shangcaizhu campus.

At noon, at this time, just in time for the freshmen in the school to complete the entrance report and clean up the dormitory. Parents bring their children to eat together, or a group of roommates from other freshman dormitories come to have dinner together. Small restaurants are packed to the brim.

Waiting for the four of Lin Feng to come over, there was just the last table left in the small restaurant. Qiu Le, who was very quick to see the opportunity, rushed over to occupy a seat in three steps and two steps, and then called the other three roommates to sit down, and then moved a little slower The other group of freshmen who were one step away could only stare helplessly at the door and wait in line.

"How about it, is our speed good enough?"

After sitting down, Qiu Le proudly boasted to several roommates:

"If you take a step slower, we will be the ones standing at the door staring blankly."

"It's not me. Dude, when I was playing jungle, the three-lane gank was also this efficient! The rhythm was brought to the audience in minutes!"

The corner of Feng Tao's mouth twitched:

"It's just a seat, what about it?"

Then he frowned and looked at the environment in this small restaurant, a little dissatisfied:

"This place is dirty enough, can't you choose another place to eat?"

Qiu Le rolled his eyes: "Just be content, the street in front of our school is full of such virtues, what kind of high-end restaurant do you still think about? It would be nice to find a seat here and have lunch!"

Shen Zhuang also helped to persuade:

"Yeah, just eat something for lunch."

"It's enough to fill your stomach."

Feng Tao shook his head. He was a little hungry at this time, so he didn't bother to worry too much. He simply lowered his head and started sending WeChat messages to his girlfriend Ji Yue, urging him to come over quickly. After sending two messages, he looked up again. Looking at a few roommates:

"Hey, what's the address here? What's the name of the store?"

Shen Zhuang, who has a good memory, replied:

"Fulu Restaurant, just go out of our school gate, turn left and walk two hundred meters, just look at the signboard."

Feng Tao nodded,

Facing the phone microphone, he sent a voice message to his girlfriend and reported the address.

At the same time, Lin Feng, who was sitting next to her, also listened to the words. He also took out his mobile phone and opened WeChat to send a message to Tang Bingyao, and asked the girl where she was now.

Soon the girl replied with a message, saying that it was only two stops away by subway, and it should only take ten minutes to walk from the station.

At this moment, Qiu Le at the dinner table has already called the waiter, took the menu and started ordering:

"Hey, let's have some white-cut chicken first!"

"Wine vanilla head!"

"Garlic white meat!"

"Oh yes, and this egg yolk chicken wing!"

"Hmm... Sour Soup Fatty Beef and Minced Meat Vermicelli Pot also have one each, and let's make a pot of cauliflower!"

After ordering a bunch of dishes in one breath, Qiu Le looked up at the three roommates for advice: "What else should I add?"

Feng Tao curled his lips: "I'm free."

"You can order it for fun, I have no experience with local Shanghai dishes," Shen Zhuang replied honestly, and then made a suggestion: "However, it's the first time the four of us have dinner together, why don't we order a beer and have a drink? "

Indeed, it was the first dinner party after all, and several people in the dormitory came from all over the world to get together, and it was easier to connect with each other after drinking some wine.

Qiu Le clapped the table and agreed, Feng Tao said it didn't matter, and Lin Feng also voted in favor.

So soon, a large case of beer was brought up by the waiter first.

Just at this time, Feng Tao's girlfriend, Ji Yue, arrived. She greeted Lin Feng and the three of them politely, and then naturally opened a chair and sat down beside her boyfriend. Feng Tao also stretched out his arms He stretched out his girlfriend's slender waist, and looked quite complacent

After all, there are four people in dormitory 504, three single dogs, and he is the only one who has a girlfriend, so he will be judged directly.

Shen Zhuang looked at the couple Feng Tao and Ji Yue with some envy, thinking that he could find a partner in college next time.

Qiu Le still curled his lips, feeling that Feng Tao's show off was too naked and boring, so he started chatting with Lin Feng instead:

"Hey, Fengzi, isn't your buddy here yet?"

Lin Feng looked at his phone, the last message Tang Bingyao replied was four or five minutes ago, saying that he had left the subway station and was on his way:

"Oh, it should be here soon."

Feng Tao looked indifferent:

"Don't wait."

"I'm hungry, let's eat first."

The girlfriend Ji Yue on the side also smiled and raised the wine glass poured with beer:

"Come on, Taozi and I will toast to everyone first, and I hope you can get along well with our Taozi in the future"

There was a girl who took the initiative to toast first, and the other men present naturally couldn't back down, and they all raised their wine glasses and clinked together after a while.

After drinking a glass of wine, the atmosphere at the dinner table became much more relaxed and active.

Shen Zhuang quickly poured himself another glass of beer, and at the same time said with great interest: "Oh, yes, when you reported the freshmen today, did you see the seniors and sisters recruited by the clubs in our school? Along the way, I received There are so many leaflets!"

For universities, clubs are definitely an important element that everyone cannot avoid. Moreover, many freshmen enter the freshman year and want to meet other friends or strike up a conversation with beautiful and handsome guys. Joining clubs is also the most convenient and quick way.

Listening to Shen Zhuang's inquiry, Qiu Le was the first to pat the table:

"As for the association, I have already thought about it!"

"I want to join our Shangcai e-sports club!"

This kind of answer is not surprising at all. With Qiu Le's character and temperament as a diehard League of Legends player, in addition to being ranked high, he can't participate in that game because he was stared at by his family in high school. The e-sports club at that time, now at the university, of course you must actively sign up to participate.

As he said that, Qiu Le's eyes sparkled again:

"Hey, I've inquired about it before I came here. I heard that there are quite a few girls in our e-sports club who are making money. Let's not talk about their level. Anyway, there are a lot of beauties. When the time comes, buddies will become big girls once they go in." If you become the main player of the e-sports club, you don't have to flirt with yourself, the girls have to take the initiative to join in!"

Feng Tao scoffed a little:

"Come on."

"You are just a diamond in e-sports. There are beauties in the e-sports club, but there are also many masters. If your level is in front of others, you can only be a substitute at the most."

Qiu Le was a little upset when he choked on this sentence:

"What happened to the diamond?"

"Aren't you just like me? Let's not say who is OK?"

But Feng Tao was rarely angry. He took a sip of beer from his glass slowly, clicked his tongue twice, and said in a somewhat reserved manner:

"I'm not like you."

"You are a jungler. The main jungler of our Shangcai E-sports club is a master of Dianyi Drill 1, so it is impossible for you to grab the main position of others."

"I mainly play the mid laner. Although it is said that the mid laner of the e-sports club is also the first, but he is a senior in the senior year. After the school starts this year, he will be busy with practice and looking for a job. The main position will happen to be vacant."

Qiu Le squinted at Feng Tao:

"So the empty space is yours?"

"Hey, isn't this self-confidence a bit too much?"

Feng Tao still didn't care about Qiu Le's ridicule, but his face showed a bit of color:

"I didn't say sure."

"But I don't need to brag with you. It just so happens that I have a fellow senior in the financial e-sports club who is also the main ADC position. I talked to him before, and he said that I will hone my strength level after joining the club. If there are no accidents at that time, there is still a great chance of taking the main position."

The update is here, the next chapter should be around nine o'clock, and we should strive for the third update today~

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