
Chapter 50 Giving up is a shame

In the high-end passerby game of the European server king group, cn and 006's three-game losing streak against crow also fell into the eyes of many European professional first-tier and second-tier players who were also paying attention to the duel.

Such a result, in the eyes of the majority of national server players, is naturally extremely regrettable and frustrating.

But for these European professional players, seeing the three defeats of China's CN and 006, they all feel quite happy

In any case, although they don't know the true identity of this crow, at least they can be sure that this is their European master.

Moreover, even Spoon and Phoenix, two of their strongest mid laners in Europe, were defeated by this crow before, if in the end crow is still defeated by that Chinese...

Doesn't it mean that their first and second kings in Europe have become a joke?

The current result is the most reasonable and acceptable.

In the msn chat group of the top European professional players, a group of European players are also chatting with each other in such a relaxed tone:

"That 006 is pretty good at playing."

"But it's pretty much the only way to go here. I want to go up the rankings, but there are crows blocking the way."

"Btw (by the way), now I don't doubt Crow's strength. I was able to beat Phoenix and Spoon. I was able to reach the top of the European server before. It really depends on my own strength."

"I didn't expect such a top player to appear in Europe."

"Maybe it's another Four Emperors?"

"That 006's luck is really bad, but if he wants to make it to the rankings, it's better to change the time. Now that he knows that he will continue to meet Crow, it's unwise to stick to the rankings all the time."

"I agree, what's the point of such a rivalry, anyway, his strength is no match for Crow, no matter how hard he fights, he will lose."

The tone of the conversation is taken for granted.

As professional players, the vision of these European players is naturally not bad. Although their own strength may not be as good as any of the 006 and Crow who are constantly fighting at the moment, at least this does not prevent them from seeing the opponents. power gap between them.

Anyway, basically most of the European players in this msn chat group have reached a consensus

If the fight continues, the Chinese 006 will still be unable to win.

It's now a three-game losing streak.

And then...

Four consecutive losses, five consecutive losses and six consecutive losses?

Well-well (tsk tsk), it sounds a bit unbearable.


Magic City, Shanghai.

The atmosphere in the bedroom at home is still quiet. The bright silvery white moonlight diffuses through the window lattice and falls on the computer desk and the ground, glowing with glistening light; the soft and cool light also falls on Lin Feng's side face, reflecting half of the The shadow of the shadow can't see the real expression clearly.

Three straight losses.

After finishing the qualifying match just now, Lin Feng was not in a hurry to start his next qualifying round, but fell into deep thought and memory.

The last time I experienced this...

What he remembered happened five years ago.

At that time, he had just entered the League of Legends professional e-sports circle in the s1 season. He was almost invincible in the national server and rarely lost. It was a time when he was full of confidence and expectations for his future.

Then for the first time, he formally played against Senior No. 1.

Lost the first game.

Lost very embarrassingly.

Then there were three more duels in succession, all of which were still lost.

On this side, he was already sweating profusely, while on the other side, Senior No. 1 was calm and calm from the beginning to the end, and even had time to chat and laugh with Senior No. 5 who was not engaged yet.

At that time, he gritted his teeth and continued to challenge.


A total of nine consecutive defeats.

From the beginning to the end, he failed to win a game, and in the end he sat down on his seat weakly. At that time, he was only a junior high school student, and his eye circles were almost red with grievance and frustration. There has never been such a huge heaviness of frustration.

At that time, Senior No. 1 finished chatting with Senior No. 5, looked up at him, and smiled:

"Do you still want to fight?"

At that time, he flicked the mouse in anger:

"do not fight!"

Anyway, I can't beat it.

No matter how you fight, you will lose, so what's the point.

He was thinking angrily like that, while Senior No. 1 sitting opposite him squinted his eyes, looked at him and asked lightly:

"What do you think is the most important thing for a professional player?"

He froze for a moment, then subconsciously replied: "Strength."

Senior No. 1 shook his head:


"It's faith, and confidence."

At that time, he was a little dazed when he heard it, but Senior No. 1 was still talking slowly:

"No matter what the situation is, you can only see the hope of victory if you persevere with the belief that you will never give up or admit defeat."

"Even if the opponent is stronger than you."

"It doesn't prevent you from always having enough confidence in yourself."

"You have to believe that you are the strongest."

"Or, one day you will become the strongest."

"Your confidence cannot be shaken by any foreign objects. Believe in yourself. Even if you meet the strongest opponent, you can still believe that you can defeat him."

"There is no undefeated opponent in the world."

"As long as your confidence is strong enough and your beliefs are firm enough, even the most distant goals and dreams can be realized."

After a pause, Senior No. 1 looked up at him, and smiled again:

"A truly outstanding professional e-sports player does not need to believe in miracles."


"He's always been able to create miracles with his own hands."

"Similarly, the greatest shame of an excellent professional e-sports player is not one or two defeats."

"It's about facing failure and choosing to give up."


"Are you still fighting?"


"and after?"

An international long-distance call across the ocean, the number two on the other end of the phone listened to the memories of former partners and teammates in an understatement, and after a long silence, he asked aloud.

The number one on the phone laughed:


"Of course that kid continued to grit his teeth desperately and fight me to the end."

"Three days."

"We lost twenty-three games in a row."

"But...he won the twenty-fourth round."

After a pause, the number one on the phone took his mobile phone and walked to the clear and bright giant floor-to-ceiling windows in the hotel apartment. Looking at the city scenery outside the window, he smiled again:

"Let him go to the European server to challenge that dead crow. I never thought he would win."

Number Two frowned:

"But if you want to use Crow directly as a sharpening stone for that kid Maple, wouldn't it be too hasty?"

"The whetstone is too hard, be careful to grind the knife blade in reverse."

No. 1 on the other end of the phone nodded slightly, and the corner of his mouth raised an arc that seemed to be a smile but not a smile:

"Is it in a hurry?"

"I still think...it's too slow."

"After so many years of wasted time, if we don't give him a strong dose of medicine, we still have a long way to go before he can hold up the banner of the new generation of professional e-sports circles in the national server."

"Besides, don't underestimate that kid's strength and potential."

"After all, he is my chosen apprentice."

"Of course there is no problem."

same moment.

Magic City, Shanghai.

In front of the computer screen in the bedroom, Lin Feng slowly raised his head, his eyes had returned to the deep and quiet, as if the aura of the whole person was slowly retracting, and it was a little less sharp than before, but it was like The surface of the deep sea is calm but actually an extremely raging and boiling storm is brewing.

Three consecutive losses?

Compared with the twenty-three consecutive losses back then, it is really nothing...



come again.

The update is here, the third chapter will be around ten o'clock, get out and continue coding!

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