
Chapter 28 Really strong!

Everything was beyond everyone's expectations.

No one expected that what was originally an exciting mid laner solo duel turned into a brazen sneak attack and a call for help in the end.

The result is that after the hero's tricky witch showed everyone a stunning escape show under the wonderful extreme operation of the seven-king mid laner Spoon, before she had time to win the applause, she was defeated by the blue team jungler Blind A set of mbo with a knife stabbed across the ground

In the end, the little murloc made a flat A to make up the knife, and easily took away the head.

Complete the end.

Europe, MLG team club training base, Spoon in front of the computer screen in the training room couldn't help being dazed for a while looking at the game screen on the computer screen in front of him that had turned into a black and white TV.

In the end, the second mid laner recognized by the European server could only twitch the corner of his mouth, and shook his head helplessly, showing a self-deprecating expression:



This is not a 1V1 solo game.

As a top professional player, such careless omissions are absolutely unacceptable, but the actual reason is that when he just faced someone's little murloc Fitz, the other party brought him The sense of oppression is too strong.

So strong that he didn't even have time to think about it.

You can only operate the reaction purely by your own subconscious instinct.

Doesn't the displacement of the ultimate move not hand in?

If you don't pay

Don't wait for the blind man to come over, he is probably going to be eaten by the little murloc.

The light in his eyes flickered and danced slightly, and Spoon's gaze slowly fell on the little murloc Fitz who was walking away from his enchantress' corpse not far away, and his gaze gradually became awe-inspiring and profound:


Was it from the very beginning that the opponent was ready to cooperate with the blind man in a 2v1 siege of himself?

That's why he forced out all his skills so forcefully.

For the safety of the last step.

This CN, 006

Absolutely, absolutely no less than the top masters!

Finished the demon girl and took the head of the last knife. At the moment, someone is in a very happy mood. He controls his mid laner murloc and cooperates with his jungler blind teammate to quickly move the pawn line towards the purple side and go down the second tower. There was a wave over there.

The other four heroes of the purple army on the opposite side are still in the middle, and they can't come over to defend the tower in time now.

So the second tower on the bottom road was quickly flattened by the two.

"An-turret-has-been-destroyed (a defensive tower was demolished)."

Listening to the announcement made by the female voice of the system, someone nodded in satisfaction:

"Ok, Ok."

"This wave has a rhythm."

"The blind man came quite fast this time~"

A certain person didn't forget to praise his classmate Sakura, then touched his chin, and changed his words again:

"Well, it can be offset with the previous wave of sending heads."

"Make up for it!"

The tone was still carefree, but although he made a lot of money in the next wave, the expression on Lin Feng's face did not relax too much, but still looked serious and dignified.

It's just that the enchantress died once, and the second tower fell on the opposite side.

this qualifying

It has not yet reached the time when the outcome can be directly determined.

The game time slowly came to the 25th minute.

This qualifying match has finally begun to enter the middle and late stages.

Judging by the usual urinating habits of high-end European server games, it is not surprising that the blue and purple armies still maintain a balance of power at this time of a qualifying match.

Even the kind of game that is not lukewarm after 40 minutes is quite common in the passerby game of the king group on the European server.

but this game

Not the same.

The number of blue and purple sides on the field has been rising alternately since the beginning. The confrontation between the legions of the two sides has always been extremely fierce, like a taut bowstring that has never been relaxed at all. The smell of gunpowder and gunpowder is permeating the entire Summoner Canyon. between.

And the atmosphere is becoming more and more stalemate and intense.

The popularity of the audience in Luo Ying's live broadcast room continued to rise.

From the previous 15,000, it has now broken through the 20,000 mark, and is even approaching 24,000 viewers.

This is also related to the fact that Luo Ying changed the room name of "National Service Master VS Europe's Second Mid Laner" to her live broadcast room a few minutes ago. Such a room title is indeed very eye-catching.

It's just that Luo Ying doesn't have the time or thought to be happy about her soaring popularity in the live broadcast room at this moment, because at this moment she has also devoted herself to the OB of this qualifying match, and she is so nervous at all Can't care about anything else.

war situation

It's really too sticky and too intense!

After entering the mid-to-late stage, the blue and purple armies on the field began to form their own groups, and various large and small team battles continued to break out in various places in Summoner's Canyon under the leadership of the mid laners of both sides.

Among all kinds of big and small team battles, the most amazing performance is still the mid laner hero of both sides

Little murloc Fizz.

Enchantress LeBlanc.

The two AP assassin heroes, under the control of CN, 006 and Spoon, two top mid laners, almost turned into the most terrifying nightmare in the eyes of the opponent's backline heroes in the team battle.

Traveling through the battlefield is like entering no man's land.

It is easy to harvest and take away the lives of the opponent's core key heroes.

Then float away and retreat, waiting for the next wave of shots.

It can be said that in this qualifying match so far, the most miserable situation is the ADC heroes of the blue and purple legions, a Jinx and a Verus, who have to face the pursuit of the enchantress and the little murloc respectively, but each of them has their own strengths. They don't have displacement skills, and they are almost instantly killed as soon as the team battle starts, and they can't play any output at all.

Of course, it doesn't mean that Jinx and Verus, the two ADC passers-by kings, are so good.

It is really

The mid laners on both sides are too strong!

From personal operation level to team battle ability, they are all so impressive!

Even, if you really want to say it

It seems that in terms of team battle ability, the blue side's mid laner murloc is actually better than the purple side's mid laner enchantress.

All kinds of team battles are first-hand rush and second-hand counter-attack.

Whoever is the first target, the figure of the little murloc always shuttles and loots like lightning in the chaotic and fierce battle group, bullying the target like a ghost, Verus' big move, Golem's big Tricks and Thresh's various skill controls

It seems that there is no threat to the little fish man at all!

Because the little murloc is too flexible.

The "Naughty Strike" of the Q skill, the "Old Spirit" of the E skill, and the summoner skill [Flash], under the operation of CN and 006, the Tidal Sea Spirit is transformed into the most weird and agile creature in the Summoner Canyon A icy shadow.

Totally unstoppable.


Kill again.

A set of damage in seconds, retreating after floating, the skill CD is completed, looking for an opportunity to float into the battle circle with the icy trident.

Heads keep coming.

The harvest continued.

The record of the little murloc kept rising with a thrilling momentum.

Even though the purple army on the opposite side also had a mid-lane enchantress controlled by Spoon, it seemed that they couldn't stop the strong rhythm brought by the little murlocs, and the entire purple army was retreating bit by bit.

"Really strong!"

"The 006 master is really strong!"

Luo Ying couldn't help repeating this again and again excitedly.

is really strong.

It was so strong that the water friends and audience in Luo Ying's live broadcast room couldn't help exclaiming and admiring again and again.

It was so strong that many first-line professional players in Europe were slightly shocked.

So strong that the expression on Spoon's face kept becoming more and more serious.

strong to

At this moment, Phoenix, who was in front of the computer screen in the training room of the European Legend team base, couldn't help but light up his eyes a little bit.

CN, 006?

It seems that there is no need to bother to guess at all.

That old friend who just reunited after a long absence

Did it hit the European server so quickly?

The third watch is delivered, and it is another day's complete third watch, touched! Ask for praise!

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