
Chapter 21 Confirmed rank of strength

The live broadcast room was full of excitement.

And this scene is indeed worthy of a sensation.

The little murloc uses q to move forward, chase and enter the tower.

The stone man's big move of turning back directly hits his face to knock the little murloc who chased into the tower into the air and control the counter-kill.

The little murloc opened e to the limit, pole vaulting like a god dodging the control of the deadly big move that was almost sure to hit.

The second paragraph e is shot down instantly.

He even beheaded the bloody stone man and took him away in an instant before the opponent jungler Qian Jue who flashed forward forcibly shifted and rushed up to save him with a big move.

Everything happens in a fraction of a second.



Especially the scene where the little murloc dodges the stone man's big backhand move with "Old Spirit", it almost makes all the water lovers and viewers in the Luoying live broadcast room have goosebumps in an instant, like a kind of A shivering feeling rushes from the spinal cord to the forehead!

It exploded!

What a fucking blast! !

How fast is the reaction and hand speed required to do this kind of extreme dodging operation?

Passerby king?

Pooh, if the passer-by king can reach this level, professional players all over the world can fucking retire, okay?


"No! It's impossible for a professional player to have this level of reaction speed!"

Luo Ying in the live broadcast room spoke in an extremely excited tone, and the beautiful newcomer female anchor's breasts in the camera screen also fluctuated slightly because of the excitement, and the picture looked extremely seductive.

But at this moment, other water friends and viewers in the live broadcast room didn't even bother to pay attention to such a rare and beautiful scene.

Because they were all subconsciously nodding their heads in agreement with Luo Ying.

It really is!

Professional players may not be able to have this kind of reaction and hand speed!

Put it in their national uniform lpl,

It is estimated that those who can have the level of operation of the little murloc just now can be counted with one slap, and there may even be only two or three people including "Star King" Li Xiaochenxing and Hayami team mid laner Edisi!

This fucking is at least at the level of a top professional mid laner in the world!


It may be the awesome realm that only the seven kings of the world can possess!

"Hey, what are you getting so excited about?"

"Maybe it's just that the little murloc q went up and just got used to keeping up with the combo of e skill."

"Maybe it's just luck."

Someone in the live broadcast room said sourly and sourly.

As a result, in the next second, this barrage was directly overwhelmed by countless angry barrages of saliva:


"Why are you showing me this kind of luck??"

"The little murloc didn't q go up and directly e, but there was a pause, a few tenths of a second before the stone man opened his big move, and he opened e at the same time!?"

A group of angry curses.

The guy in front who couldn't eat the grapes and said it was sour just dived in a disheartened face and didn't dare to speak again.

After all, cn and 006 are the gods of their national costumes.

His great master performed so well in the European server, so he naturally had to support him unconditionally.

It's just that the big guys in the live broadcast room can't help but have a little bit of the same thoughts and thoughts in their hearts:

Will it...

Could it really be luck?

After all, if it is really achieved by pure strength, it is simply too scary!


Killing under the tower took away the head of the single stone man on the purple side. The opposite jungler Qian Jue also realized at this time that he could not go up again. You can only reluctantly choose a wise retreat.

The marker signal was placed on the top defense outer tower of the purple side, and Lin Feng took his own top laner promise and began to take advantage of the situation to demolish the tower unequivocally.

The expression on someone's face is still calm and calm.


Of course not.

For ordinary players, the extreme reaction operation speed just now may indeed be a bit scary, but in fact, he knows very well that basically all the strong players who have reached the level of the world's seven kings have this level of reaction skills. speed ability.

One is by predicting in advance.

The second is indeed to see the reaction speed.

He even knows that for example, Nian Shisan, one of the seven kings of the world, and f-Han Shihao, who stands at the head of the four emperors, both of them can achieve zero without pre-judgment, purely relying on their extreme reaction and hand speed. The limit speed of light within 1 second or even 0.05 seconds should be used to deal with operations.

Back then he could too.

As for now, although his strength has not yet returned to its peak state, it is still not worth it for him to use the little murloc e skill to avoid the big move of the stone man after he has just keenly noticed the intention of the stone man Difficult.


Lin Feng glanced at the middle of the mini-map, and at this moment, the enchantress on the purple side had quickly brought the line of troops to the front of the defense tower on his side, and started to dismantle the tower.

His eyes narrowed subconsciously:

After such a short period of time, the mid laner of the mlg team on the opposite side is probably more and more suspicious of him.

Facts have proved that Lin Feng's guess is not wrong.

Because at this moment, Spoon, who was far away in the training room of the European mlg team training base, in front of the computer screen, had a serious expression in his heart, and he made the judgment that he had hesitated in his heart.

The cn, 006 on the opposite side...


Ranked among the seven kings!


The outer tower on the purple side was quickly flattened by Lin Feng's mid laner Murloc and his teammate top laner Nuo.

Immediately following Nuoshou, he beautifully controlled the pawn line again.

This makes the situation of the single stone man on the opposite side very uncomfortable. After losing his own defensive outer tower, the pawn line is still charged near the mouth of the river. To face the threat of being gank again.


"Actually, the development of the stone man is not too bad."

Luo Ying in the live broadcast room made an analysis like this.

Indeed, after all, he is the passer-by king of the European server. Although the stone man player on the purple side seemed to be suppressed in various ways online in the early stage, and died twice, the number of hits was not pulled away by Nuo Shou. The level experience Still developing well.

This is resilience.

National server, Korean server, European server, US server and Taiwan server. Basically, among the five major servers, the style rhythm of the European server king group may be the least aggressive, but at the same time it is extremely outstanding in terms of pressure resistance.

For these kings of the European server, the disadvantages in the early or even mid-term are nothing.

They can hold on.

Then it was dragged to the later stage, and everyone still came out with a similar set of magical costumes to fight the team. At that time, it was all about the effect of the team battle lineup and the individual team battle ability.

There is no doubt that the purple team in this qualifying match is definitely stronger in terms of lineup.


Lin Feng didn't intend to procrastinate either.

Not to mention giving the opponent a chance to stall for time.

It must be done quickly.

However, although Lin Feng had such an idea at this time, the actual situation did not seem to be as he wished.

At the beginning of the 11th minute of the game, Sakura's jungle jungler on the blue side roamed and gank the bottom lane, trying to cooperate with his own bottom lane Jinx and Morgana teammates to launch another wave of roaming ganks.

But this time, the blind monk had just been driven out of the grass at the mouth of the river, and he was directly hit and controlled by the quick-responsive purple Fang ADC Verus with a backhanded big move "Chain of Corruption".

Thresh kept up with the "Death Judgment" chain of the q skill, wrapped around the dead target blind monk and dragged it back.

Another lantern was thrown far behind him.

Quickly pulled up his mid-laner Enchantress teammate

The trick enchantress under the control of spoon supports roaming down the road.

Light the lantern.

Glide to the target blind monk.

The danger suddenly hit, Sakura reacted very quickly and directly kicked the Thresh in front of him with a big move, and at the same time decisively handed over [Flash] to retreat and escape.

But at the same moment...

The enchantress LeBlanc under the control of spoon swept forward with a w skill.

Instantly pick up r.

The damage of the two stages of "Magic Shadow" detonated almost at the same instant!

The blood bar above the blind monk's head was taken away by the explosion!


The update is here, the next chapter should be before 6 o'clock, it's another weekend, happy weekend guys

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