
Chapter 16 The Frowning Spoon

Some water friends and viewers in the live broadcast room made such somewhat yin and yang comments, but it can't be said that they are completely unreasonable.

Because judging from the current situation in the middle lane, after the blue and purple mid lane heroes on the line have been promoted to level 2, it is true that the enchantress has suddenly become stronger, while the blue mid lane murloc is still quite cautious keep.

Be cautious and conservative with this word, it often appears in the mouths of professional commentators in professional leagues.

Appears more euphemistic and objective.

But for these ordinary players and water friends on the live broadcast platform, how can there be any cautious and conservative words?

This is cowardice!

Counseling is still a joke, counseling can't kill people, so it's boring!

I feel aggrieved!

Hold panic!

As a result, more barrages of complaints and complaints began to appear in the live broadcast room:

"Why are the little murlocs so cowardly...you don't even go up to the second level, so what are you afraid of the enchantress?"

"Level 2 little murlocs are also very powerful."

"This has missed several knives. If this continues, you will be suppressed and beaten by the enchantress?"

Although everyone knows that the mid laner on the opposite side of the purple side is Spoon, the seventh-level mid laner of the MLG team, who is too strong, but after all, they are watching CN and 006's live OB at the moment. This is the master god of their national uniform

Seeing their own masters of the national server being so cowardly and retreating so step by step in the face of professional powerhouses in the European server, it will always make people feel uncomfortable.

Luo Ying also looked a little hesitant.

She also felt that such a conservative laning was not the style of play of CN and 006 in the previous two qualifying matches. Compared with the previous fierce and strong, CN and 006, who played the murloc mid laner now, played better. It's a little too conservative.

But it's hard to say.

Luo Ying thought about it and felt that maybe it was just that she didn't see enough of CN and 006's rankings. Maybe this kind of prudence and conservatism is the consistent style of play of the 006 master?

After all, to be able to maintain a winning streak of 90% in the European server king group all the way,

In addition to strength, a cautious and steady attitude is also very important, right?


Everyone in the studio, including the anchor Luo Ying, thought the same way.

Only Su Xue, who was sitting in front of the computer screen in the bedroom at home, holding potato chips and watching OB as an audience, couldn't help but roll her eyes



No one knows better than her what kind of temper that brat next door has.

That guy will be scared if he plays ranked, and the sun will come out from the west!

And this barrage group of dudes still say what CN, 006 is guilty of meeting a top professional master like Spoon...

What international joke?

Damn that kid himself is the top legend in the entire professional e-sports circle!

That's the one who can talk and laugh with F-Han Shihao, and pulls Autumn, the world's support god, to come over to help with the interview with the cheek. The two top-ranked e-sports four emperors are like this. A mere Spoon is nothing?

And now, as a senior anchor and commentator with certain qualifications, Su Xue's eyesight is stronger than that of Luo Ying and those water friends in the live broadcast room.

She saw it.

Lin Feng's little murloc is not cowardly.

It's biding its time.

And those positioning operations are not unconditional signs of weakness and retreat, but delicate and meticulous maintenance of an extreme safe distance from the enchantress.

In this case... Although the Enchantress seems to be pressing strongly, in fact, there is no chance to consume the poke at all.

And about this

As the single enchantress in the purple side, Spoon herself should have the clearest understanding.


At this time, Spoon was frowning and looking at the blue mid-lane little murloc not far away on the game screen on the computer screen.

CN, 006.

This ID name, he noticed the other party's ID prefix the first time he entered the room and began to ban.

It should be a Chinese player.

And in his expectation, since the opponent is a Chinese, based on his understanding of Chinese professional players and those passer-by kings, the opponent will often play very aggressively in the early stage when using a hero like the little murloc.

But the reality is not the case.

The opposite side is very stable.

quite steady.

Almost watertight.

On the contrary, his impression is closer to the laning style of the passer-by kings or professional players in their European servers.

And what made Spoon even more awe-inspiring was that the opponent's style of play, which was biased towards European servers, was even more advanced than ordinary passer-by kings in European servers. It was already at the level of a professional player.

The opponent's control of the rhythm of the last attack and the line, the timing of various shots, and the control of the distance are all too beautiful.

Just now his enchantress pressed forward several times, but at most he could only use the Q skill "Magic Seal" to Q to the opponent.

QW's skill Erlian can't be played at all.

Because the opponent was already pulling back as soon as his Q skill was used, and once his enchantress W skill followed up with the Q skill, and the result was an empty W without any suspense. Poon frowned subconsciously.


It is consciously deceiving skills.

People who play Enchantress generally have a habit, because the casting distance of the Q skill "Malicious Seal" is 100 yards longer than the W skill "Magic Shadow", so when the Q skill can hit the target with Q, the opponent will also He entered the effective attack range of his demon girl's W skill.

Therefore, often the enchantress will make a Q skill shot, and subconsciously follow the W skill's second combo directly.

He is also included.

But it is obvious that CN and 006 on the opposite side have accurately calculated the operation habits of this enchantress. Once he is pulled back by Q, the first time to retreat, quickly withdrawing a distance of 100 yards can make his enchantress W skill at the limit distance. Frustrated.

It looked scary.

Very effective actually.

And players who can master this kind of laning enchantress skills are often absolutely old enchantresses themselves, otherwise it would be impossible to understand such small details so thoroughly, and in turn use them to counter-restrain the laning. poon pondered.

Therefore, the current line of soldiers is pushing down the opposite blue square tower, and killing the little murloc under the tower is simply the most stupid idea, so the current situation is a bit embarrassing for him.

Looking deeply at the ID name of the little murloc across the street again, Spoon thought about it.


It seems that this ID has not been seen anywhere?


The game time is just over 4 minutes.

In the middle of the Summoner's Canyon, the line of soldiers has been pushed back to the outer defensive tower of the blue side under the deliberate control of the little murloc.

Also at this time, Lin Feng scanned the small map and smiled:

"It came pretty fast."

On the mini-map screen, Sakura, the blind jungler of the blue army, is quickly driving his blind Li Qing through the jungle towards the middle lane, as if he had timed it right and was able to cooperate at this moment Lin Feng's little murlocs performed a gank.

Such a jungler who understands the minds of mid lane teammates...

It is indeed very comfortable.

Lin Feng narrowed his eyes.

The mouse moved slightly, and the little murloc under the control had already taken a small step forward calmly.

next moment

In the narrow aisle of the wild area on the left side of the blue square outer tower in the middle, the jungler blind monk under the control of Sakura quickly walked out.

Touch your eyes and move forward with W skills to help!

Arriving like lightning!

The water lovers and viewers in the live broadcast room were in high spirits, and at the same time, Luo Ying shouted out excitedly:

"The blind man is here!"

"A wave of gank in the middle! The enchantress is a bit deep in the line, there is a chance to kill and get a blood!!"

The update is here. The time of the second update at night is not very sure. It should be later. In addition, Sakura is an important hidden character!

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