
Chapter 8 The water friend who speaks out

At around 2:30 p.m. London time, in the bedroom of my small apartment, I sat on the dressing table and looked in the vanity mirror, carefully painted light makeup, put on a chiffon dress, combed my hair carefully, and finished everything Luo Ying, who was preparing for the live broadcast, sat down in front of the computer screen.

Log in to the official website of Douyu TV platform.

Enter the account password.

Luo Ying took a deep breath, reached out and patted her smooth and fair face, showing a smile.

Then, go live.

At this point in time, Beijing time in China is around nine o'clock in the evening. The live broadcast room has just opened, and there are almost four to five hundred water friends who come in. Basically, these are the diehards accumulated during the live broadcast of Luoying. fans

Half of them were players who were also playing ranked in the European server, and the other half were fans who were attracted by Luo Ying's looks and temperament.

Small live broadcast rooms with four to five hundred fans and viewers can be seen everywhere on the big live broadcast platform Douyu TV.

Basically, this kind of popularity is considered to be in the bottom one or two echelons among Douyu TV's hundreds of anchors.

In the first month of live broadcasting, Luoying would still feel frustrated because of such bleak popularity, but now she is used to it.

Even if her popularity is bleak, she can still concentrate on doing her live broadcast seriously

This is also a healthy mentality that an anchor should have.

First, she greeted the fans and audience with a smile in front of the camera in the live broadcast room, and then Luo Ying opened the European server and logged in, ready to start the live broadcast of the OB European server high-end game.

With her network resources, the OB positions of friends of the top kings of the European server are definitely not available.

But now there is a special OB tool on the Internet, as long as you have the ID name of a specific great god, you can directly search and start OB.

Luo Ying did the same thing before.

It's just that Luo Ying was a little disappointed at the moment. She searched the ID accounts of CN and 006, and it seems that the 006 master hasn't been online yet to start ranking.

So she can only temporarily choose to go to OB to live broadcast the ranking matches of some other passers-by kings in European servers.

The picture on the live screen enters the OB progress bar.

Soon a live OB screen of the ranking of passerby kings appeared, and Luoying herself cheered up, and began to explain and analyze for the fans and water friends in her live broadcast room while OBing

"Okay, what we are seeing now is a passerby qualifying match for the king of the European server!"

"Oh, good luck this time, the top single girl on the purple side seems to be a professional player in the European LCS division, Fen!"

"Everyone can feast their eyes on it!"

Luo Ying was also pleasantly surprised to find that she had good luck tonight. In the first round, she casually found a passer-by European server to be the OB, and met a European professional player on the opposite side.

Generally speaking, OB rounds with professional players and even top masters will make the audience more interested.

So she also quickly changed the hall name of her live broadcast room.

Soon, more and more new water friends began to be attracted to the live broadcast room.

In a few minutes, the popularity of Luo Ying's live broadcast room increased rapidly from four to five hundred to just over two thousand, and the number of bullet chats also increased significantly.

And this kind of popularity growth momentum also made Luoying unable to bear the excitement in her heart.

This rhythm is fine tonight!

If it can be maintained, according to past experience, when a group of anchors close the hall to broadcast in the early morning, her popularity in the live broadcast room should usher in another round of growth peak, and it is likely to hit more than 5,800.

Then it will really set a new record for the highest popularity since the broadcast started!


"Fuck, this knife girl 6666!"

"Okay! Fen himself played ADC in the LCS league, right? It turns out that he is also very good at playing single-handed girls!"

"Hahaha, this Wei En is a bit tricky, forcibly selling supports."

The barrage in the live broadcast room was flashed, and some old fans and water friends in the Luoying live broadcast room watched the live broadcast OB with great interest.

They were more interested in the European server, and would come here to watch the live broadcast every night.

Usually the barrage in the live broadcast room is not very popular, but the chat atmosphere is good. Sometimes everyone discusses the style of play of these European kings and gods, and the chat will be very lively, but when you feel sleepy late at night, you will be quiet Jing watched the OB not speak, and listened to Luo Ying's pleasant voice to continue explaining the live broadcast to them.

Today, however, the rhythm is slightly different.

Today's barrage is more lively.


There will also be some discordant sounds.

"The anchor is broadcasting the European server?"

"King game?"

"I rely on this to be the level of the European server king? Are you kidding me?"

"It took more than ten minutes for both sides to nod like this, it's so fucking boring."

"It's better to watch Hanbok OGN."

"It's boring, let's go!"

Except for a few die-hard fans who already liked to watch the live broadcast of the European server in the Luoying live broadcast room, many new water friends who watched the live broadcast OB of the European server King of Passersby for the first time felt boring. Just brushed out a comment like this.

There are even a few water friends or trolls with poor quality, and the barrage they post starts to become harder to hear.

There are also some malicious remarks that directly attack the anchor personally.

Luo Ying couldn't help but bit her lip hard.

Such a barrage, even if the anchor with the best personality can't help but get angry after watching it.

For the time being, she can't learn to calmly ignore the existence of trolls like other experienced old anchors, but she is also unwilling to ban people casually.

Because the popularity of her live broadcast room is not high, if you block people in various ways, it is easy to make those new fans who are neutral and have a bad impression, and then these new fans will be lost accordingly.

For the current Luoying, every bit of popularity needs to be cherished and valued by her.

"Okay, okay, everyone, don't make noise."

Facing the camera, Luo Ying tried her best to put on a bright smile, and began to appease the water lovers in her live broadcast room:

"Everyone who likes me and likes to watch the game of kings in the European server can just watch OB quietly."

"Arguing is not good."

"New viewers, this is a room dedicated to European server OB live broadcasts. If you like it, you can click to follow it."

"The ranking rhythm of the European server is generally slow like this. If you feel too boring, you can go to the live broadcast room of other Korean or Taiwan servers next door~"

Such a good temper and good attitude also made some new water friends and audiences have a good impression of Luo Ying:

"The anchor girl is not bad."

"Good attitude!"

"Okay, I'll pay attention to what you said first!"

Of course, there are still some trolls who are persistent and picky:

"What is a quarrel?"

"This OB is really boring, why don't you let people talk about it?"

"Is this the attitude of the rookie anchor?"

Then some water friends and viewers in the live broadcast room couldn’t see it, and they taught a lesson:

"Have you had enough spray?"

"Just say a few words. It's not easy for a new anchor girl to start the broadcast. If you really don't like watching OB in European servers, just change rooms. Is it interesting to be here?"

"Brothers, brush up the fish balls, and brush down the idiots."

As soon as these bullet screens came out, it also set off a rhythm, causing other Luo Ying's old fans to follow and reprimand the trolls. By the way, fish ball gifts were swiped, and those dirty bullet screens were finally brushed down.

Luo Ying saw that a big stone in her heart fell temporarily, and she was very grateful to those kind-hearted water friends who first helped to speak out.

Take a closer look, the ID names of those water friends and viewers are "White Dolphin", "Do Not Disturb During Hibernation", and "Mango Ice".

There are two Douyu accounts with a higher user level, and they look a little familiar to her.

Then Luo Ying vaguely remembered

It seems that these IDs have previously swiped the 500 yuan large rocket gift, and it has appeared several times on the banner push announcement of the Quandouyu platform, so they are considered small local tyrants.

The anchor to whom the gift was given...

Who is it?

It seems that they are the popular sister "Suhang Yexue" on the League of Legends section of Douyu TV?

The update is here, the next chapter is before 6 o'clock, and it will be a new week, please ask for a wave of flowers and red envelopes.

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