
Chapter 1 Graduation

Time is always passing by quickly and silently.

In June, the Summer Split of the League of Legends China LPL Division is in full swing.

The God-Hand of God team is still far ahead in the summer standings. It seems that the core of the team, Dawn Chenxing and Huangxue Yege, have begun to improve in the LPL league after a hard training in the European server. The rapid progress has made other major LPL teams feel obvious pressure

"The strongest team in the national server is back!"

There are e-sports professional commentators in China who are full of praise for the God team.

In addition to the God team, the subsequent KG team and Hayami team are also very strong. In the standings, God-the hand of God, who ranks first, is tightly biting, ranking second and third.

"Yuanshen's condition is quite good recently!"

"It's not just the professional league, it seems that Yuanshen's account is about to reach the top in the Dianyi king group, right?"

"Team Hayami's decision to recruit 'Edisi' back is really correct!"

"Among the first-line professional mid laners in the national server, besides God's Star King, Eddie can already be firmly ranked as the second mid laner in the national server!"

All kinds of comments and admiration from inside and outside the circle, including from professional and non-professionals, almost filled the post bars and forums of the major League of Legends on the Internet.

And most surprising of all...

But it is from the second echelon of the LPL division.

From the beginning of the S5 season, the eight major teams of the national service LPL have a fairly clear echelon ranking.

The first echelon is the God team, the KG team and the dust-Dust team.

The second echelon is Team Hayami, Team Mingguang, and Team Heiyao.

The remaining two teams rank in the third echelon and face the risk of being eliminated and relegated and falling into the LSPL First Division.

In the past year or so, although the competition in the first echelon of the national service LPL division has been extremely fierce, in the second and third echelons, several teams and clubs seem to be not very motivated.

Or it can't be said that way.

To be more precise, it should be that the games of these LPL teams are always a bit tepid.

Don't be greedy for merit, just seek no faults.

It can often seem a little dull, no matter which team wins or which team loses, it doesn't make people feel depressed or happy as if it doesn't matter what the outcome is, that's all there is to it.

"No fighting spirit, lack of hard work."

This is a rather rude evaluation of several LPL teams after a South Korean e-sports coach was invited to work in China for half a year.

And a team that lacks fighting spirit and hard work may be able to live a stable and comfortable life in its own league division, but it is doomed not to face those wolves-like foreign teams in the truly fierce world competition. Have the strength to fight.

But this situation...

However, when the summer season of the LPL professional league entered into full swing in June, a change took place that everyone did not expect.

Changes happen on the field.

I don't know which game started on which day in early June. No matter the audience who went to watch the game live, or the commentary on the commentary stand, or even the professional commentators in the circle who followed the LPL league, they all began to find out in astonishment that

The Mingguang team and Heiyao team, which were originally classified as the second echelon of the LPL division, and the dust-Dust team, which was squeezed out of the first echelon by the Hayami team, seem to have suddenly changed their playing styles.

drastic change.

On the arena, the previous lukewarmness was completely swept away, and several teams suddenly began to dare to fight and fight hard.

Even fighting extremely fiercely.

Incomparably moving.

In almost every game, kills burst out from the very beginning of the battle.

The top laner, mid laner, and wild ADC support. The players in each position really showed their all-out attitude, desperately fighting for every little bit of advantage, and desperately fighting for every little bit of opportunity.

The game was fierce.

Also incredibly beautiful.

Once or twice, maybe it can also be said that it might just be that these few teams suddenly became bloody and broke out.

But more than half a month has passed, and the momentum of several second-tier LPL teams is still rising instead of falling, and they are fighting more and more fiercely!

"This rhythm is just right!"

One time, a veteran professional player from the former S2 season who served as a guest commentator for the LPL summer game commented in an extremely excited tone:

"I just want this kind of momentum! This kind of energy!"

"Originally what we lack in the LPL competition area is not strength, what we lack is the spirit of daring to fight!"

"Be careful and try to avoid mistakes...Anyone can dawdle."

"But only if we are really determined to fight hard, can our national server hope to carve out our own sky in the future international competitions."

"This hope..."

"I feel like I'm starting to see it now!"


When the summer game of the League of Legends national server LPL division was extremely hot and vigorous due to the fierce competition of various team clubs, it was also in the first ten days of June, and the important day that decided all the senior high school students in the country came quietly.

college entrance examination.

The date of the college entrance examination in Shanghai begins on June 6.

Ends on June 8.

Three days passed by in a blink of an eye, and when I looked back, I was already waving goodbye to my alma mater, the high school, where I had studied and lived for three full years in such a scorching June summer.

The sun is golden and dazzling.

Large tracts of sycamore trees hang down their long branches, and the lush green leaves look vibrant in the sun.

The atmosphere in the school has become relaxed, and the tension in the exam preparation and review days ago is no longer there. At the same time, the air in the campus is also slightly sad.

In the classroom, the students wrote their classmates' records among each other, and carefully wrote down the good wishes to their classmates and friends. Boys and girls quietly mustered up the courage to find someone they liked or had a crush on in high school, and put them in the classmates' records. It is best to look at the most precious page and ask the other party to help write something down.

Outside the classroom, in front of the school's teaching building, library or auditorium gates, groups of graduates gathered together to take pictures for souvenirs.

Some even bring their teachers together, show a bright smile to the camera and shout "Eggplant", and preserve the last beautiful scene belonging to high school memory in the form of photos.

And more often, in more places and corners of the school, the graduated students sat together in twos and threes, chatting and remembering the last three years of their high school career.


The memories belonging to the high school campus will be slowly left behind in the forward time.

Destined to be a little dusty and forgotten.

Those who used to say good morning to you every morning, and waved goodbye to you at the school gate every evening with a smile, will be washed away in the torrent of time.

Just like the leaves of sycamore trees will change from emerald green to golden.

Friendship and classmate friendship will slowly ferment in the precipitation of time.

Sad and intoxicating.

On the 9th, almost all the graduating classes of Thirteenth High found a hotel to hold a graduation party.

Class 37 of high school is no exception.

That night, almost everyone was drunk to their heart's content.

Everyone talked about everything, and no one was unhappy.

In the small circle of Lin Feng, Ouyang, Yang Fan, and Ren Rou and Tang Bingyao, everyone gathered at the same table and had a great time drinking. They couldn't help but laugh loudly when they talked about many past topics and funny stories in the senior year of high school. laugh.


Even in such a relaxed chat, everyone is carefully and deliberately avoiding a topic.

About that girl.

The update is here, the new volume, the story of the university and the professional league will unfold simultaneously!

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