
Chapter 821 I'll go to the rooftop to blow some air

The topic of League of Legends at the dinner table is still going on.

"MSI is also over... Half of the S6 season has passed in a blink of an eye"

Ouyang sighed while belching:

"time flies."

Yang Fan on the side also drank a lot of beer tonight. At this time, his face was also slightly drunk, and he adjusted his glasses subconsciously, and also expressed his approval aloud:

"Yeah, it feels like the S5 World Finals ended not long ago."

Zhang Hao, sitting opposite Yang Fan, shook his head and sighed:

"However, whether it's the S5 World Finals or the just-concluded MSI Mid-Season Invitational, the results are exactly the same."

"Team SSK still won the championship, and Team Season took the runner-up."

“No change at all”

A simple complaint, but it also points out the facts.

Indeed, half a year has passed from the S5 World Finals to the current S6 MSI Mid-Season Invitational Tournament. During the half year, the major teams in the world's major competition areas are still working hard to train hard, but SSK and The Season team is still far ahead, firmly sitting on the world's first and second thrones.

It was as if the pattern of the world's professional e-sports circle hadn't changed.

No change means dullness.

It's not that the confrontation between these two top teams in the finals was boring, on the contrary, from the S5 finals to the MSI finals that just ended, the confrontation between SSK and Season teams is as amazing as ever, and it can still make Countless players and spectators were amazed and hooked


While watching the game heartily, it still makes people feel a little regretful.

Could it be...

Is there no other team that can launch a new round of impact and challenge to these two strongest teams in the world?

The entire e-sports circle has been dominated by these two teams, so it will make people feel a little dull and boring.

The charm of e-sports lies in competition, in that there will always be new blood and new waves emerging, and new talented players and dark horse teams will continue to challenge the old generation of strong players.

If you always let one or two teams sit firmly at the top of the pyramid

It will really make such a Moba-type e-sports game lose a lot of fun and highlights.

"However, the nightingale secret war has produced several powerful top masters a while ago, right?"

Ouyang suddenly remembered and slapped his thigh:


"Just that guy named 'J', the top laner of the Four Emperors!"

"Is he not playing professional yet? If a master of that level enters the professional e-sports circle in the future, he might be able to threaten both F and Autumn!"

This statement is indeed true.

According to the views of ordinary players, the SSK team is truly invincible because of Han Shihao, the leader of the Four Emperors, and the Season team is also able to have the strongest in North America because of the second support god Autumn. combat power.

The remaining two four emperors, Phoenix and Moon's teams are also the top teams in the world.

It can be said that this seems to be a default law

A team with four emperors in charge, no matter how bad it is, is at the world's first-tier level.

Well, since J has already been named as the new world's top top laner with the strength of the Four Emperors, once he joins a certain team, he will surely pull out a strong team in an instant and impact the inherent structure of the e-sports circle.

However, Ouyang's judgment was actually only half right by coincidence.

Indeed, the appearance of J will have an impact on the structure of the world's professional e-sports circle.

But not limited to J alone

Behind this so-called "newly promoted" top laner of the Four Emperors level, represents a group of peak powerhouses who accounted for almost half of the previous generation.

And that...

It is truly a terrorist force that is enough to make the entire new generation of professional e-sports circle tremble.


After speaking a few words with great interest, Ouyang glanced out of the corner of his eye, just in time to see the bullet screen on the screen of the mobile phone with the live broadcast turned on, and Su Xue's fans and friends in the live broadcast room are all swiping the bullet screen Strongly express their own sense of existence and express their opinions

"Hey! It's not just J!"

"Say it's missed, say it's missed!"

"How about Lin!"

"That's right! Nightingale's secret battle also has a mysterious great Lin in our national server!"

Ouyang suddenly slapped his head when he saw it: "Yes, yes, yes! The barrage is smart! There is Lin! That guy is also a dark horse who turned out to be a dark horse. At that time, Nightingale secretly fought to the third or fourth place in the overall list Bar?"

While talking, Ouyang also chanted two sentences:

"I don't know which master of our national server Lin is..."

"Lin... hey, is that the pinyin of the surname?"


"Hahaha Fengzi's Master Lin and you may have the same surname, what a coincidence!"

Ouyang turned his head to look at Lin Feng and laughed heartlessly.

Lin Feng had a pure and innocent face.

But people like Zeng Rui, Zhang Hao, Tang Bingyao, and Su Xue all squinted at someone



Not everyone at the dinner table knew the truth, plus there was a live broadcast in front of hundreds of thousands of Shuiyou fans and viewers, some people who knew the inside story just knew each other and would not speak out.

Yang Fan, like Ouyang, didn't know the real identity of someone. At this time, Lao Yang was a little drunk from drinking, looked at Lin Feng, and said with a smile:

"But to be reasonable, Fengzi's strength is really awesome."

"To tell you the truth, after graduating from the college entrance examination this year, if you go to fight for the opportunity to play professionally and join the e-sports circle, you may really become a flag-bearer in our national server."

The barrage in the live broadcast room suddenly swiped the screen, and countless fans and water friends expressed their strong support for this suggestion:

"That's right, that's right!"

"This is too reliable! Fengfeng is absolutely suitable for playing professionally!"

"The little anchor brother will definitely sweep the LPL!"

"It's not just LPL, it must sweep the world's professional e-sports circle!"

Looking at the unconditional support on the barrage of enthusiastic replies to comments, Lin Feng also laughed:


"I think so too."

Then someone got excited, took a sip of beer with a wine glass, continued to dance happily, and began to look forward to the beautiful blueprint for the future:

"It's not just me then."

"I play mid laner!"

"Tangtang is the ADC, and Azeng is the support!"

"Baozi continues to be our team coach and analyst!"

"Also...cough cough In addition, the remaining two positions of the team can be assembled soon, and the team will be formed!"

"In addition, Sister Xue will continue to develop and climb up in the future, and try to explain the LPL and even the world finals. After that, we will compete for the world championship trophy in the finals. Sister Xue will explain the whole process of our winning the championship on the commentary stage."

"It's perfect hahahaha!"

Someone spoke with great enthusiasm, and Ouyang, Zhang Hao, and Yang Fan beside them were also aroused with enthusiasm, raising their hands one by one:

"Then we'll be the cheerleaders!"

"The fan club is up!"

"I'll be the head of our fan club! At that time, bring more girls in!"

The Shuiyou players and audience in the live broadcast room were also excited, and the barrage swiped the screen to express their views:

"We are all ready-made first fans!"

"Come on, Fengfeng!"

"Hahaha awesome! There is no team yet, and the number of fans has already exceeded hundreds of thousands!"

"There is no team in the world that has this kind of treatment, right?"

"Ok, deal!!"

The atmosphere seemed extremely joyful and lively.

Tang Bingyao bit her lips lightly, but said nothing, and couldn't help looking at An Xin not far away again.

At this moment, the girl was just holding the wine glass with a smile, the expression on her face was as natural as ever.



When the food on the table was basically swept away, Su Xue suddenly remembered one thing:


"Is it time for a birthday present?"

After being reminded by Su Xue, everyone came to their senses:

"Oh yes!"

"Give me a gift!!"

Today is An Xin's birthday, and the people who came to help celebrate the birthday naturally did not forget to prepare their own birthday presents in advance. Now that this moment came, everyone took out the gifts they had prepared and rushed to hand them over. To Anxin:

"Baozi, this is mine."

"And this one is from me, live fast, live fast!"

"Ahem, I don't know what to give as a gift... Anyway, I bought a small thing that I think is suitable, I hope you like it~"

"I bought a bracelet here. I think it matches Baozi's skin tone better. Put it on and try it~"

Except for Su Xue, everyone was just an ordinary high school student, and the gifts they gave couldn't be too expensive, most of them were just ordinary little things, but they were still enough to do their best, and An Xin accepted them one by one. , With a smile on his face, he sincerely thanked the past one by one.

at last……

When basically everyone finished giving gifts, Lin Feng looked around:

"Hey, am I the only one left?"

Everyone looked at Lin Feng in unison, someone scratched his head and laughed:

"Oh, it's my turn!"

Immediately, Lin Feng quickly slipped back to his bedroom, and then quickly ran back from the room with a small box full of ambitions, and put the boxy little gift box, which was only 30 centimeters long and wide, on the coffee table in the living room, attracting attention. caught everyone's eyes


"this is mine!"

Ouyang approached curiously: "Hey, what did you give Fengzi?"

Yang Fan on the side looked up and down the small gift box tightly wrapped in wrapping paper, and analyzed and evaluated:

"It doesn't look that big."

Ren Rou couldn't help being curious and began to urge: "Baozi, quickly take it apart and have a look! See what Fengzi sent, and if you are not satisfied, we will punish him again!"

Fans and fans in the live broadcast room are also booing:

"That's right!"


"If you don't deliver well, beat Fengfeng!"

An Xin glanced over Lin Feng, and smiled sweetly: "Then, I'll take it apart?"

Soon, the wrapping paper of the gift box was torn off, and the box was opened, inside which sat a small puppet of the barbarian king.

Everyone came together, and their eyes couldn't help but widen:


"O barbarian king!"

"It's cute! It's kind of cute!"

Zhang Hao was the first to react: "Hey, did Fengzi also give Baozi and a toy puppet when he was in Guangzhou last time? This time he gave it again."

Ouyang regained his energy when he heard it, and looked at someone with malicious intentions: "So this is giving away heavy samples twice in a row? It seems that the sincerity is not enough..."

Lin Feng immediately defended himself righteously:

"No, last time I gave you Ice Ashe!"

"This time the barbarian king, just right"

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by An Xin's melodious voice:

"Just right, as a couple."

There was a slight smile on the girl's face, her eyes glistening and shining, she lightly landed on someone, and then she showed an incomparably touching and beautiful smile:

"I'm interested."

"Thank you."

It was only at this moment that everyone around was reminded to come back to their senses:


"The Barbarian King and Ashe are a couple in the game!"

"Couple puppets!"

"Damn, Fengzi can do it! You still have such a small mind, the gift is not bad!!"

It was rare for everyone to praise and praise without saying a word, and Lin Feng looked triumphant:


"I told you earlier, I'm also very good at giving gifts!"

Su Xue on the side couldn't help but roll her eyes: "Okay, okay, don't boast a few words and go to heaven, come on, come on, the gifts are all over, let's continue drinking! Hey, the beer is gone? Just bought a few bottles of red wine It can be opened!"


An Xin's birthday party started at six o'clock and continued until after ten o'clock in the evening. It continued from the dining table to the sofa coffee table in the living room. Juice was replaced by beer, and beer was replaced by red wine.

The atmosphere in the evening was great and everyone was in high spirits.

So even if they didn't try to persuade them to drink, after a few hours, everyone was seven or eight percent drunk.

In addition to drinking beer and red wine together, Ouyang, Zhang Hao, and Yang Fan, who were drinking the most vigorously in front of them, inevitably died first, lying on the sofa or lying on the ground paralyzed against the sofa , I haven't forgotten to hold a wine bottle in my arms, hiccupping, eyes blurred and dozing off.

The live broadcast on the mobile phone was also turned off by Su Xue ten minutes ago.

There was a music program on the TV, which seemed to be a special topic of classic memories. Old European and American songs from the 1980s and 1990s echoed softly in the living room with elegant melodies.

The vibe in the living room is soft and soothing and quiet.

Su Xue, who was also quite drunk, stood up unsteadily, ready to go to the bathroom.

Tang Bingyao and Ren Rou leaned together on the sofa.

Lin Feng sat alone on another small sofa, holding a red wine glass and looking around, saw Ouyang, Lao Yang and Zhang Hao who were already lying down, and shook his head regretfully:

"It's all falling down so quickly..."

And at this moment, An Xin, who was sitting not far from the opposite side, stood up leisurely with a wine glass in his hand, glanced at Lin Feng, and said with a light smile:

"I'm going to the rooftop to blow some air."

"Come with me"

"May I?"

The number of words in this chapter is two in one, and the next chapter seems to be more difficult to write... Try to send it before 9:30.

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