
Chapter 818 The Last Feast

The time came to the day of May 8th.

Today is Sunday, and it is still a day of relaxation and rest for the high school students in Shanghai.

And since the morning, Su Xue and Lin Feng at home have been busy.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Su Xue hurriedly got up and dragged Lin Feng from the bedroom next door together. After a simple wash, the two went directly to a Tesco supermarket not far from home to make purchases.

This is to prepare the dinner ingredients for An Xin's birthday celebration in the evening.

"This this."

"And take some of this too."

"Have you bought any vegetables?"

"Baozi likes to eat yams, right? Get more!"

"There are also steaks, take two pieces too, and you can fry them up and eat them later!"

"Beer... Would you like some beer?"

"Forget about the wine bar! Buy the expensive one!"

Between the rows of freezers and shelves in the supermarket, Lin Feng and Su Xue shuttled back and forth in a hurry, and the entire cart was filled up in just over half an hour.

After a big purchase, the two returned home with big and small bags of ingredients. After filling up a refrigerator, they couldn't take a rest. Su Xue directed Lin Feng to start cleaning again:

"Wipe the windows."

"You are in charge of the living room."

"I also mopped the floor. It hasn't been cleaned for a while... It's Baozi's birthday at night. There are so many people coming. Our house can't be dirty."

On weekdays, Lin Feng went to and from school every day, and when he came back, he would go back to his bedroom to lie lazily and rest. Su Xue was also busy doing live broadcasts all day long, and with the rhythm of their study, work and life, they often cared about each other for a week. Not cleaning the house once.

But this time can not be sloppy.

After all, it was An Xin's birthday.

Their family is also the "undertaker", so of course the "undertaker location" must be satisfactory enough.


So after working all morning, when both Lin Feng and Su Xue lay down on the sofa in the living room, sweating profusely and panting, looking at the living room and dining room that had taken on a new look, they finally let out a long sigh of satisfaction.


For lunch, the two simply ordered a takeaway and settled it casually.

In the afternoon, I still couldn't be idle.

Because the birthday party agreed to start at six o'clock in the evening, the processing of many ingredients has to be prepared from now on.

Su Xue naturally did his part in this aspect of work, while Lin Feng, whose kitchen skill index was zero, was sent to the former's bedroom to help complete today's daily live broadcast work

"By the way, remember to tell those water friends in the live broadcast room later that we will do a live broadcast for Baozi's birthday tonight."

Before entering the kitchen to start work, Su Xue did not forget to turn her head to remind Lin Feng.

Lin Feng patted his chest and promised:

"rest assured!"

"Leave it to me!"

He ran into Su Xue's bedroom in a flash, started the computer, logged on to the Internet and opened the live broadcast room. Soon Lin Feng saw a large number of old fans and water friends swarming in the "Suhang Yexue" live broadcast room.

The popularity data in the live broadcast room is rising rapidly every minute.

In just five minutes, the number of viewers in the room had reached 80,000, and it was a result of pure realism without any water content. This once again reflected Su Xue's growing popularity after coming to the Douyu TV live broadcast platform Momentum, in the League of Legends sector, it seems to be close to the status of "the most popular sister".

The fans and friends in the live broadcast room just came in, and when they saw Lin Feng on the camera screen, they all happily sent bullet screens to say hello:

"Oh, Fengfeng!"

"good afternoon!"

"Have you eaten yet? Where is Xuexue?"

"What's going on in the afternoon, the Korean server beats the stick, or the national server beats the king?"

"Oh, that's right! The day before yesterday, Fengfeng, your ADC plane was blown up in the MSI All-Star Exhibition Game!!"

"Strong! Invincible!!"

"Upstairs add 1! Damn, even God F can do it! The little brother of the anchor is so handsome!!"

A passionate barrage swipes the screen.

Lin Feng also looked at it with a smile on his face, and chatted happily with the group of old fans and water friends in the live broadcast room for a long time, and finally remembered the business:

"Oh, by the way, I have something to tell you."

"Anyway, in the afternoon, just play the rankings casually. Sister Xue is busy preparing dinner in the kitchen."

"Tonight is Baozi's birthday, so we won't be broadcasting the game at that time."

"Change it to a live broadcast of the birthday party, do you have any opinions?"

Asking this question is tantamount to asking for nothing.

Because the first time I heard that today is An Xin's birthday, the whole live broadcast room exploded:


"It's the birthday of the bun beauty!?"

"Today!! Come on!!"

"The birthday party will be broadcast live tonight!? Yes!!"

"Who has an opinion? Drag out TJJ a hundred times if you have an opinion!!"

"Baozi's birthday must be specially organized! Will we water friends also make some gifts tonight, as a gift from everyone together for Baozi?"

"Where is my big bun party! It's time for us to show off!!"

"Sugar Party expresses willingness to support!!"

Almost the entire barrage was full of unconditional support for this event. Originally, An Xin and Tang Bingyao would often come over to help Su Xue guest-star in the live broadcast. In the hearts of all the fans and friends in the live broadcast room The image is extremely beautiful

Now it's An Xin's birthday, which naturally arouses the greatest enthusiasm of all fans and water friends.

Unconditional support!

Unconditional cooperation!

Lin Feng saw a bright smile on his face:

"It would be great!"

"Anyway, the big guys are waiting to help Baozi celebrate together at night. Now..."

"Go to Dianyi first and play a few solo queues!"

After the voice fell, the bullet screen in the live broadcast room was full of cheers and cheers in response.


At around three o'clock in the afternoon, Tang Bingyao, who lived closest, came over first.

After helping in the kitchen for a while, the girl was sent out by Su Xue to the bedroom to find Lin Feng, who was playing live broadcast and qualifying, and the latter was driving a jungler Qian Jue to gank three-way carry. Happy.

Seeing Tang Bingyao appear behind the camera screen, fans and fans in the live broadcast room were once again excited.

The bullet screen directly swiped the screen, and all the fans and friends were extremely enthusiastic and excited to say hello to Tangtang.

Tang Bingyao pulled up a chair and sat obediently beside Lin Feng, ready to watch the battle.

But within two minutes...

Under the strong demand and "protest" of the barrage, someone was driven to the spectator seat quite depressed, and Tang Bingyao continued to take over as the anchor and continued to play this qualifying match.

The time came to half past four in a blink of an eye.

Ouyang, Yang Fan, Ren Rou, Zeng Rui and Zhang Hao also came to Lin Feng and Su Xue's house one after another according to the address.

At this moment, both Lin Feng and Tang Bingyao also ended the live broadcast, and after making an appointment with the fans and water friends in the room to start the birthday live broadcast again in the evening, they bid farewell temporarily, and turned to the living room to gather with other friends .

Su Xue in the kitchen was still busy with a pile of ingredients.

In the living room, after everyone had a lively discussion, they quickly decided to start decorating the living room

"Baozi come over at six o'clock."

"This living room is clean, but the birthday atmosphere is not strong enough."

"Turn around again!"

"When Baozi arrives, give her a surprise!!"

So everyone began to prepare in a hurry.

Five twenty in the evening.

At home, basically all the preparations have been done.

Lin Feng and the others sat on the sofa, appreciating their work results in the living room contentedly, everything was ready, and then... waiting for An Xin to come over at six o'clock.

at the same time

In the bedroom at home, the girl who is today's birthday star sits quietly in front of the dressing table, earnestly and attentively doing her dressing up for tonight.


comb hair.


The girl's movements appeared soft and slow, with a fascinating elegance, revealing a carefulness and concentration that had never been seen before.

It seemed that he was going to the most important and last grand banquet in his life.

The update is here, I didn't code it out yesterday...Abu, I'm guilty...The next chapter is before 6 o'clock.

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