
Chapter 813 Sorry for Keeping You Waiting

The spectators in the Fengyun E-sports Arena have already got up and prepared to leave one after another, but the lively noise and noisy atmosphere in the arena still haven't stopped at all.

The players and spectators who came to watch the game today are still chatting excitedly and discussing the games tonight, whether it is the impressive All-Star exhibition game ahead, or a certain purple ADC in the interactive exhibition game The amazing performance of the aircraft also included the final championship and runner-up competition between the Season team and the SSK team

Every game is enough for these live players and audiences to have endless aftertaste.

As a topic, it is enough to talk about it at the dinner table or in the school dormitory for a long time.

The anchors, commentators and staff of various domestic and foreign live broadcast platforms or game media also started to clean up at this time. Regardless of the results, the end of the MSI Mid-Season Invitational Tournament also made them feel a little relieved.

A big job is done.

Interviewed many real heavyweight professional players.

Also collected a large number of valuable interview videos and text materials.

After returning to their respective companies, they will continue to be busy sorting out these materials, racing against time to make news reports or other popular videos, and bring first-hand information and consultation to other League of Legends players and netizens.

So at this moment, the reporters, anchors and the staff of the major game media do not know

When they are satisfied and ready to call it a day...

In fact, in a secluded corner of the backstage of the venue, there was a truly "priceless" conversation going on.

I really want to say the weight...

So the material weight, preciousness, and shocking degree of this conversation are enough to explode all the interview, video, text, and text materials of this entire MSI Mid-Season Invitational Tournament.


"In the finals that year, I just won by luck."

A calm and even indifferent sentence was slowly spoken from Han Shihao's mouth.

Just this sentence, only a few dozen words, if it makes other ordinary League of Legends players listen to it, they will probably be stunned and completely shocked, but if it falls into the ears of the anchors and reporters of the game media or live broadcast platforms in the circle,

It is even more necessary to make these professionals go crazy!


It refers to the year of the S1 season.

F-Han Shihao, who is the head of the four kings of e-sports and the strongest mid laner in the world, is already recognized as the strongest player in the professional e-sports circle in the world today. All kinds of honors, flowers, and halos will Its shroud is extremely eye-catching and even dazzling.

Countless people have analyzed the video data of Han Shihao's world-class heavyweight matches.

The final conclusions can't help but sigh in admiration

F is too strong. The SK team is also too strong.

Even in the previous two S-series world finals, the SSK team won the world championship trophy twice, and the wins were all logical, without any surprises or dangers, showing the dominance of the world's number one player and the world's strongest team. strength and style.

There is only the first World Finals in the year of the S1 season.


Different from the two subsequent championship trophies that were usually obtained as a matter of course, only in the finals of the S1 season, the F-Han Shihao of that year really experienced a dangerous and difficult battle.

Even before the final match point, the outcome was still uncertain.

Although it was still Han Shihao who won the championship trophy of the first World Finals in the end, the old people all remember very clearly how thrilling and ups and downs the BO5 peak match that played five games was back then. ups and downs.

But afterwards, when Han Shihao was interviewed countless times, he was asked about the S1 season finals that year. The world's strongest mid laner never gave a positive answer.

Either he changed the subject with a calm face, or he was right indifferent.

It seems to be a silent gesture refusing to talk about the earliest past events of that year.

This has also become a pity that countless professionals in the circle and game media reporters have always kept in mind.

until today.

Or rather, until this moment.

When the most dazzling pair of rivals in the S1 season finals in the past stood together again, Han Shihao finally expressed his thoughts and judgments for the first time in person.

He said that back then he just won by luck.


Lin Feng was silent.

After a while, Lin Feng laughed again:

"Luck is also a kind of strength."

The tone was calm and calm, as if it was only at this moment that he really let go of the biggest regret of that period back then.

Back then, he was not wronged when he lost.

Putting aside his immature mentality when he was young, to be honest, that round of BO5 back then was also the five games he played the most exhilaratingly and heartily.

It doesn't matter whether you win or lose.

It only matters who his opponent is.

As if he didn't care about Lin Feng's answer, Han Shihao shook his head slightly, and continued calmly on his own:

"The BO5 back then was also the happiest BO5 I played since I became a professional player."

"I remember every detail of those five games."

"Thinking about it now, many details make me feel extremely thrilling."

Very frank and flat statement.

After a pause, Han Shihao's eyes fell on Lin Feng's face again:

"I haven't felt that way since then."

"Whether it's every subsequent S-series World Finals, or even against Autumn's Season team, Moon or Phoenix"

"It's actually nothing."

The tone returned to the bland little by little, but these few words from Han Shihao's mouth were still enough to cause a violent shock on the outside.

turn out to be……

Even the other three who are also the four emperors, in the eyes of the number one person in the world who stands at the head of the four emperors, have never posed too much threat.

"They're strong."

"But it's not strong enough."

Han Shihao made the final conclusion with a blank face, his eyes were as sharp and cold as a knife, and instantly locked Lin Feng's sight:


"In the past few years, I have been feeling very boring."


Maybe it's because it's been a long, long time since Han Shihao took the initiative to speak such a long series of words, every word of Han Shihao's mouth seemed a little stiff.

But from the beginning to the end, his tone did not change in the slightest.

Calm, indifferent.

It seems to be just stating a common fact.


Every word has a thrilling breath.

Lin Feng was silent for a while.

Then he also shook his head, and spoke calmly, but the first sentence he spoke abruptly changed the topic:

"I also participated in the previous Nightingale."

"Nian Thirteen pulled me into the group."

"I'm Lin."

The three sentences also stated a fact frankly and unabashedly.

The expression on Han Shihao's face remained unchanged, as if he had already known or guessed the truth.

Lin Feng was not surprised at Han Shihao's calmness at all, but continued to speak slowly:

"This is my first time participating in Nightingale. After three days of fighting, I find it very interesting."

"I heard from Old Thirteen and the others that this seems to be the most exciting secret battle in a few sessions."

"And... some very powerful mysterious guys also appeared."

"Like, J."

Finally, when he heard the last sentence, the light in Han Shihao's eyes flickered suddenly, Lin Feng noticed it, and smiled:

"A top laner of the Four Emperors who has never appeared in the circle before."

"It sounds incredible, doesn't it?"

"At the beginning, I couldn't guess his identity, so I called a senior whom I respect very much, and then I knew the real origin of that person."

This time it was Han Shihao's turn to remain silent.

However, Lin Feng's eyes have been slightly narrowed, and his gaze seems to have passed the enemy in front of him and looked farther away. The gaze in his eyes has become a little misty and deep:

"The peak powerhouse of the previous generation"

"It looks amazing."

"Even the senior I respect the most gave a very, very high evaluation, and it seems that there is more than one existence like J."

"It's a group of people, a group of legends from the previous generation who stood at the top of the same pyramid are quietly returning."

"Whether it's not giving up or not admitting defeat, those people seem to be coming back, and it will definitely cause an unprecedented earthquake in the current e-sports circle."

"But, I was wondering"

Speaking of this, Lin Feng paused for a moment, and spoke again calmly and leisurely, his voice was a little light and ethereal, but with a slightly palpitating sharp edge:

"This generation, after all, should belong to our generation."

"No matter how brilliant some people in the previous generation were, they only belonged to that generation."

"And this new generation has nothing to do with them."

"Only about us."

"The senior I respect the most said that every generation has a batch of the brightest stars, enough to light up the entire night sky, but the stars can also be dim, so there must be newcomers who uphold the same will, To shine again, to light up the bright galaxy above the heads of all e-sports players in the new generation."

"In this generation, we should also have our own starry sky."

"You can't rely on others blindly."

"Then, we can only start with ourselves."

"We ourselves will be the legends of this new generation."

After finishing the last sentence, Lin Feng retracted his gaze and landed on Han Shihao again, and smiled calmly and calmly:

"So I'm back."

"Feel sorry."

"Sorry for the waitting."

The update will be delivered. I will fly to Changsha tomorrow morning. The update time is temporarily uncertain~ Try to see if there is a third update.

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