
Chapter 807 I seem to see a little hope

The second game of the MSI All-Star Interactive Exhibition Contest ended with an ending that everyone couldn't help but feel a little bland.

To put it bluntly, it actually makes sense.

Because although it was an all-star interactive exhibition game, in such a game, the blue and purple sides added up to four all-star players, and the remaining six were lucky water friends randomly selected from the scene.

This also means that the strength of the audience of the six water friends can't stand too many tests. Most of them are at the level between gold and diamond, which is already considered very good.

It's not a professional player after all.

Therefore, it is normal for some operational errors to occur during the game, which directly lead to team battle explosions and crashes.

Perhaps it was only because of a special case in this game that the players and audience at the scene subconsciously had an illusion, subconsciously thinking that even the lucky water friends who were randomly selected by the audience can also have incomparably amazing strength level.

This special case is naturally about Lin Feng.

An entire exhibition match lasted more than forty minutes from beginning to end.

The purple ADC plane under the control of someone almost played a stunning demeanor that shocked the audience.

Even under the shocking eyes of all the spectators, including a group of top professional players, the plane and the blue ADC's wheel mom just had a 50/50 split.

It's on par with F-Han Shihao, the leader of the e-sports four emperors!

Where is the strength that ordinary passer-by audiences can have?

It was precisely because of this that, starting from the middle stage of this exhibition game, all the players and audience on the scene, including the professional players, subconsciously forgot the identity of someone as an "ordinary high school student".

Completely and naturally, he regarded him as the world's top powerhouse who could stand side by side with Han Shihao, Tian Tian, ​​Spoon and Autumn.

also until this moment

When the dust of the game settled and the emblem of the purple side's "victory" rose up, all the players and spectators finally woke up like a dream.

The purple ADC plane that can be called the MVP of the audience...

Still just an ordinary high school student!

next moment

There was once again thunderous cheers and cheers in the entire competition venue that were enough to lift the ceiling!



Even if the end of this exhibition game is not satisfactory.

But just the performance of the purple ADC plane in the audience is enough to pay for the whole day of today's game!


Soul-stirring! !

"This is an epic ADC matchup!"

"It can be called a classic double five kill!!"

The dull heart on the commentary stage suppressed his excitement, and said loudly at a fast speed:

"For our God F, such a performance may be something he can take for granted as the leader of the four kings of e-sports."

"But it's completely different for our purple side's ADC aircraft water friends!"

"An ordinary water lover audience."

"To be able to play this kind of game with the head of the four kings of e-sports!"

"This game is definitely worth remembering by everyone, and it is definitely the most exciting match in this year's MSI Mid-Season Invitational!"

The voice fell.

The cheers and applause from the auditorium exploded like thunder again!

Half of the audience shouted excitedly, "God F! God F!", while the other half shouted "Airplane! Airplane!" even more excitedly.

Nian Shisan at the backstage of the venue took a deep breath.

Epic showdown?

The corner of the mouth of this top professional jungler who is also ranked among the world's seven kings suddenly raised a strange arc:

This word...

It was really hit right by the commentator.

The so-called "epic duel" is not limited to the performance of the ADC players of the blue and purple sides in this All-Star exhibition game.

even more……

The identities and origins of the ADC players on both sides, as well as the past events of the year, are epic and legendary enough in themselves.


competition is over.

In the competition room of the blue and purple armies on the stage, the all-star players on both sides, passers-by and spectators also stood up from their seats one after another.

The passers-by, spectators and friends who were assigned to be on the same team as the All-Star Gods on both sides quickly seized the opportunity to sign autographs and take photos with their own God God idols, and hurriedly took out their mobile phones to take selfies with several All-Star players.

The spectator Shuiyou who was supporting Thresh just now looked at Lin Feng with some hesitation, and carefully asked someone for a friend seat in the national uniform. After Lin Feng readily agreed, there was a flattered expression on his face, as if he had won Arcana is average.

That posture was no different from the fact that he wanted to be the autograph friend of several other All-Star players.

Then Tian Tian also came over, stretched out his hand and patted Lin Feng's shoulder very affectionately, happily and excitedly:



Lin Feng scratched his hair and smiled:

"Oh yes."


The tone seemed to be understated, as if winning or losing this game didn't have much emotional impact on him.

It seemed that the epic ADC matchup just now was nothing more than ordinary.

When several people in the purple team's arena were about to walk out of the arena, Autumn walked past Lin Feng, then stopped, looked up at Lin Feng, and said calmly:

"I have watched the video of the world finals of the S1 season."

Lin Feng didn't answer, his eyes flickered slightly.

And then Autumn's second sentence has been slowly uttered:

"It seems that your condition is recovering well."

In two sentences, a lot of shocking or jaw-dropping information is hidden in it, with a bit of meaningful taste.

Lin Feng smiled and nodded to Autumn:


The tone is polite and reserved.

It seems completely different from someone in normal high school life.

But when he is facing the second of the Four Emperors, Autumn, the God of Support in the world, this is the attitude he should have had when he was the legend who stood at the top of the pyramid back then.

Autumn nodded slightly, and a faint smile seemed to appear for the first time on his calm, staid face, which had almost never shown the slightest vivid expression:

"It's been a long time since anyone has shaken the throne of the world's best mid laner."

"Now, I seem to see a little hope."

"I will be looking forward to your return, not as an ADC, but you stand in your strongest position"


The last word or say a name is exported.

Light and fluffy but with a shocking weight.

Afterwards, the recognized God of World Auxiliary stopped continuing the conversation, and turned away with his usual calm and calm posture.

Lin Feng lowered his head.

The drooping eyelids and eyelashes fluttered slightly.

Then he took a deep breath, looked up, turned around, and walked out of the arena.


He was greeted by enthusiastic screams, cheers and applause from the audience.

The update is here, the time for the next chapter is not yet determined, but there will still be three updates today.

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