
Chapter 757 Barbarism


On the way to the restaurant, Ouyang's words caught everyone's attention.

A member of the Shanghai Middle School e-sports club was slightly taken aback:

"This time there are Japanese people who came to Shanghai to watch the MSI game?"

Indeed, you must know that although the League of Legends game is now popular all over the world, there are countless players from China, Europe, North America, South Korea and other major countries and regions, but the Japanese...

It's really rarely heard of.

So for everyone, it is really difficult to associate the MSI Mid-Season Invitational with the Japanese for a while.

But Zhang Hao suddenly reacted:

"Oh yes, it seems that the Japanese server has been opened recently, right?"

"It is said that Japan has also started to form a team. This time, it is specially for MSI to learn and observe?"

Zeng Rui's eyes fell on Ouyang: "What you saw earlier was a member of the Japanese professional team?"

Before Ouyang could answer, Yang Fan frowned and shook his head;

"Probably not. It seems that those few people are just ordinary foreign students studying here in Shanghai."

However, Lin Feng was reminded to remember: "Oh, speaking of this, it seems that sitting in the front row of the auditorium today, I saw a few Asians who didn't feel like Chinese or Korean. .”

Speaking of which, Lin Feng turned to look at Tang Bingyao:

"Candy, right?"

Tang Bingyao recalled it seriously, then nodded:


"It seems that there are."

Everyone has always trusted Tang Bingyao's super-class memory, and the truth will come to light

"Damn, is there really a Japanese team here to watch?"

Ouyang was a little speechless, and then pouted again:

"Little Japan still formed a team,

Their Japanese server has recently opened, and they are almost abused by a group of masters from our national server, so they can't find the southeast, northwest, right? "

There are also members of the Shanghai Middle School E-sports club jokingly saying:

"Yeah, their professional team in Japan is estimated to be as strong as our national service electric first-platinum division, haha"

But Zeng Rui shook his head:

"Don't take people too lightly."

"Although they have just started the server, the overall strength of the players may not be as good as ours, and even worse than the Korean server, but since they have formed a team so early, they must be determined to make a name for themselves in this e-sports field."

"The Japanese are known for their ability to learn. If their e-sports circles work hard to learn and absorb the experience of other top teams, and quickly improve their own strength, it may not be impossible."

An Xin smiled and nodded: "Well, Ah Zeng is right, you can't underestimate any opponent."

Zhang Hao murmured subconsciously:

"Even the Japanese have started to form teams... If they really become stronger by then, shit, it's really hard to imagine what it would be like to have a Japanese team in the S-Series World Finals."

Lin Feng shrugged and commented indifferently:

"It's okay."

"If it's this season, it will only take half a year. No matter how fast they improve, they won't be able to reach the sky in one step."

When eating lunch at noon, everyone continued to discuss the topic of the Japanese team at the dinner table.

After researching, everyone unanimously came to the same conclusion as Lin Feng. Give the Japanese half a year, even if they study hard, they still can't jump for a while.

Any of the top teams in the world today is honed little by little by fighting in countless games and hard training day and night. That is the accumulation that a strong team should have, and it is also a strong team. The road that the team must go through.

Any later new team would never want to steal and play tricks, get away with this kind of thing and then reach the sky in one step.

As for the Japanese team, there are also several players with top personal strength...

"Tch, where do top players come out so easily?"

"Now there are eleven great gods in the e-sports circle, the Four Emperors and Seven Kings, they can easily overwhelm Little Japan, okay?"

Ouyang at the dinner table waved his hands vigorously like this:

"There are so many so-called genius players in the e-sports circle, how many of them can really stand the test?"

"The Japanese team still wants to find some top players..."

"Really think everyone can be J and Lin?"

Mentioning J and Lin who shocked the entire e-sports circle in the Nightingale Dark War, everyone at the dinner table couldn't help nodding their heads in agreement.

Only Tang Bingyao, Zeng Rui and An Xin glanced at someone calmly or with a smile on their faces.

Lin Feng continued to concentrate on eating.


After a simple lunch, it was almost time for the afternoon.

The other four group matches in the afternoon of the MSI Invitational Tournament started at about 1:30. Everyone returned to the Fengyun E-Sports Arena, and the time was just at 1:00.

Lin Feng, An Xin and Tang Bingyao returned to the front row and sat down in the auditorium, just in time to see Su Xue coming back from the backstage not far away, with a somewhat angry expression on her face.

"Sister Xue!"

Lin Feng greeted.

Su Xue raised her head and saw Lin Feng and the other three, and walked over quickly, with a smile on her face:

"Have you eaten lunch?"

"It's still early to come back."

The attentive Tang Bingyao noticed that Su Xue was in a bad mood, and asked concerned: "Sister Xue, what's wrong with you, you don't seem very happy?"

Su Xue sighed and shook her head:

"Forget it."

"Earlier, I went to meet with the super tubes and the other anchor we were teasing fish with, and said that the interview task this morning was not going very well."

After a pause, Su Xue also showed a bit of annoyed expression on her face again:

"Some other live streaming platforms...the tricks are too dark."

In Su Xue's explanation, the three of Lin Feng understood the situation. This morning, the staff and anchor reporters sent to the scene by the major live broadcast platforms had already launched a fierce competition. The group competition on the stage was in full swing. The audience is also undercurrents.

Su Xue's own interview task was scheduled in the afternoon, and another male anchor of their Douyu TV was in charge of the interview in the morning.

But it's not going well.

Because there are too many competitors in the same industry, it is impossible to distinguish valuable interviewees. It is a rhythm of too many monks and too few porridge.

"Think about it, some team coaches or team leaders have already been invited by the MSI organizer to go to the backstage live broadcast room to do a special official live broadcast commentary. The opportunity for us to interview is the end of their official live broadcast. Take a break then."

"25 minutes at most."

"But there are at least eight or nine live broadcast platforms and game media that came here today. Three minutes for each? It's not enough!"

Su Xue began to complain to Lin Feng, An Xin and Tang Bingyao:

"And they really went too far. It's not bad to jump in the queue first. Huya TV actually found a few tall staff members to block us, the anchors of other platforms, from passing, and let them go. My own anchor strives to grab the first interview opportunity."

"The interview lasted a full ten minutes!"

"At that time, we Douyu and the super management of one or two other platforms were all angry, and they almost didn't fight with Huya TV."

Speaking of this, Su Xue still has some lingering fears:

"I was not around at the time, so I didn't see it with my own eyes."

"Just after hearing what Chaoguan said later, I felt a little scary. How could there be such a barbaric thing on this occasion."

And An Xin couldn't help but frowned slightly, looking at Su Xue:

"Sister Xue, you this afternoon..."

Su Xue sighed:

"Yeah, it's my turn this afternoon."

"I didn't interview many people in the morning. I have a heavier task in the afternoon, and if other platforms still compete so fiercely for interviewees... I don't know what will happen this afternoon."

In her tone, Su Xue was also a little worried.

The update is here, the two updates are over today, the network here in the Philippines is a bit poor... It took half an hour to upload the chapter successfully...

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