
Chapter 711: A New Round of Rankings

Not only the professional players in the Dark Wars MSN group are discussing the upcoming new round of Dark Wars leaderboards, but outside the MSN chat group, countless ordinary League of Legends players on the Internet are also very concerned about it. this matter.

Especially for the League of Legends players in the national server, today's secret battle list results make them wait extremely anxiously.

"I don't know what will happen to today's list ranking."

Some water friends in the post bar couldn't help saying this.

The following bunch of comments are also expressed by other national server netizens in agreement.

Today's nightingale secret battle is over, but there is still at least an hour before the list is announced.

this hour...

It's really hard to wait.

I don't know how many national server players and netizens are eagerly waiting. They want to see today's nightingale secret battle, and whether the rankings of the participating masters of their own national server have advanced a few places on the ranking list.

After all, the ranking data of the first day of the dark battle yesterday is really not ideal for the professional players of their national server.

Surprisingly, only Yuanshen and Xinghuang made it into the top ten.

Didn't even make the top five.

"However, for today, Edisi, Dark Heart, and Jin Shining should all have pretty good records."

"The ranking will definitely go up a bit."

Some netizens said so optimistically.

But there are also quite a few national server players and netizens who hold a more pessimistic attitude:

"Not necessarily, it seems like Nian Shisan, Seven, and Orian, the seven king-level super gods, have all started to exert their strength today."

"Those guys have a very high winning percentage today."

"There are more masters, even if Eddie and the others are working hard, the ranking may not be much better than yesterday..."

"I don't know if Yuanshen and Xinghuang can keep their rankings from yesterday."

Such an analysis,

Although it is a bit of a blow to morale, it is also an objective fact, so many netizens on the national server began to feel a little depressed again.

But soon, someone said again:

"By the way, isn't there another Lin?"

"That Lin...should also be the master of our national uniform, right?"

"I've been paying attention to his record and victory today. It's so beautiful, it's almost better than Xinghuang and Yuanshen!"

"If it was him, he would probably be on the list today!"

In a word, it also awakened many netizens on the national server in the Tieba forum. Yes, there is also Lin. Although I am not sure about the identity of the great god, it seems that the other party is very likely to be their national server. God.

If this Lin can make the list...

It can also earn a lot of face for their national uniform in this nightingale secret battle!

Thinking of this, the national server players and netizens couldn't help but have a little more hope and expectation in their hearts, but for now, before the list data is actually announced, they dare not easily assert that Lin's ranking can break through. to where

After all, Lin just participated in the nightingale secret battle just today, and today's ranking data will be evaluated on the basis of yesterday's.

However, in any case, this is a hope, a hope.

Anyway, next...

Just waiting for the list to be announced!


2:30 am.

It has been half an hour since the statistics of the dark battle list began, but the results have not yet been announced.

On the Internet, countless League of Legends players and netizens are eagerly waiting.


In the secret MSN chat group, the conversations and discussions among the professional players gradually died down, and the chat group became quiet. Everyone knew that the time for the announcement of the list should be approaching.


In Nightingale's secret management group of six, Nian Shisan, Orian, Seven, Autumn, Ax, and Crow are all online at the moment. With the concerted efforts of the six, the statistical efficiency of the list data is higher than yesterday's. It's a bit higher.

At this time, today's list data and rankings have roughly been counted.

After the final ranking chart was posted in the group, the management group was quiet for a while.

Then Seven sent a message to Autumn:


Autumn silently looked at the ranking of the dark battle list just calculated, shook his head, and did not speak.

Nian Shisan took a deep breath and sent a message:

"Can it be released in the secret battle group?"

Several other administrators also sent messages to express their agreement, and today's task of managing the group is over.

Before closing the group, Orian asked the other two colleagues who just went online today:

"Ax and Crow, play tomorrow?"

However, the message of this inquiry was sent out, but it did not receive a clear answer.

Crow responded with an ambiguous "Maybe (perhaps)", and Ax just sent a smiley face without a text message.

So the last conversation in the management group came to an end.

next moment

When Nian Shisan posted today's hidden battle ranking chart to the MSN chat group, the entire chat group became commotion again.

Even, it's not just the MSN chat group for dark battles...

Almost as soon as the statistics of the list were released, the chart of the dark battle list seemed to have wings and quickly spread through various channels and spread throughout the Internet!

All of a sudden, League of Legends players all over the world are excited about it!


On the Internet, the national server players and netizens in the major post bar forums of the national server waited painstakingly, and finally waited until tonight's dark battle list ranking was announced.

Almost everyone can't wait to jump into the posts that reprint the charts and start looking at them immediately.

At a glance, today's dark battle ranking list, the top personnel have not changed

The top three are still the three from yesterday.

However, Spoon, the seven king mid laner of the European MLG team, dropped from the top to the third place.

Autumn moved from third to second.

As for today's number one...

It is the mysterious top laner who has been judged by the vast majority of professional players in the world's professional circle to have the strength of the four emperors, J.

Such a result is not surprising.

And the vast majority of national server players and netizens are still hurriedly looking for the figures of their national server masters on the list.

But at first glance, today's list results still make people feel unbearably disappointed:

Although the records and winning percentages of Eddie, Jin Shining, Lightless Heart, and Huangxue Yege today are better than yesterday, and their rankings have also moved up a little, like Eddie and Jin Breaking into the top 15, Huangxue Yege also ranked 11th

However, these national service professional masters still failed to break into the top ten list.

And in the top ten, Tian Tian, ​​who was originally ranked tenth, barely squeezed his way up to the ninth place.

The seventh place of Lixiao Chenxing still hasn't changed.

Because Nian Shisan, Orian, and Seven, the top seven-level professional players, also started to exert their strength today, and they all hit the sixth, eighth, and tenth places respectively.

Such a result has made countless national server players feel lost:

"Why is this..."

"Is there still no one in our national uniform in the top five?"

"The highest ranking of Star King is seventh, and even the top ten are still only him and Yuanshen."

Some netizens couldn't help but began to complain like this.

But soon, someone suddenly reacted, hastily opened his eyes wide and carefully looked at the top ten on the list, and suddenly exclaimed in surprise:

"No, no!!"

"We have someone in the top five!!"

"Damn it! I just forgot that there is our national uniform master!"

"Look at the top five!!"

Many national server players and netizens who were still immersed in frustration subconsciously looked at today's secret battle list in a daze, and their eyes slowly scanned from top to bottom...

Fourth place, Moon.

the fifth place

When they saw the fifth place, almost all the national server players and netizens widened their eyes!

Oh My God! !

The ID name of the fifth place...

It's Lin! ! !

The update is here, I'm going to go to bed, my work and rest are not normal recently, good night my friends~

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