
Chapter 696

The game time is just over 7 minutes.

On the field, the number of heads between the blue and purple sides is temporarily tied at 2 to 2.

The two heads obtained by the two legions respectively were concentrated on the single sword girl on the blue side and the adc Delevingne on the purple side.

"The purple side is about to hang up in this round."

On the pandatv live broadcast platform, in the OB live broadcast room of Nightingale Dark Wars, there are players from the national server and the audience gave their opinions like this:

"Let Jianji get two heads in less than ten minutes... How can I play this?"

But then there were other water friends who expressed their disapproval:

"Who said you can't play anymore?"

"Draven also has 2/0/0 data."

"Is there a big advantage on the bottom road?"

But the water friends who spoke out in front expressed contempt and disdain for such a statement:

"Adc takes kills and top lane takes kills, is that comparable?"

"The sword girl is almost invincible when she develops in the early and mid-term! Team battles force the back row, and the second Draven is so easy."

"Draven has to find a suitable output environment if he wants to output. Don't you look at the lineup on the blue side? Cards plus swordsmen and princes, cutting the back row can be so fierce!"

However, some viewers who support the purple side still refute a little unconvinced:

"If it is delayed later"

"The purple side is still very strong!"

This is not wrong.

Judging from the lineups of the blue and purple sides in this dark battle, the lineup of the blue side is indeed more inclined to the early stage, especially in the next period of time after the sixth level of the card master, the roaming gank ability is absolutely full. monsters.

At the same time, in team battles, the lineup of the blue team also determines that it is easier for them to start the team first. As long as they cut to the core C hero in the opposite back row and complete the kill, they can almost directly declare the victory of the team battle.

But if considered from a later stage,

The lineup on the purple side will have an advantage.

Not to mention, just the big tree on the top lane, no matter how disadvantaged it is in the early stage, it will slowly develop into a front row hero who is too fleshy in the later stage. Fire damage, thus providing an output environment for your teammates.

The lineup of the purple army has output, front row and control, which is definitely more reasonable in terms of lineup configuration.

If it is delayed until the later stage, even the disadvantages can be slowly turned around.

But the only problem is that

"It still depends on the early offensive of the blue side, and whether the purple side can hold it."

Shanghai, the training base of the Hayami team, the jungler of the team sighed with emotion.

Several other team members nodded subconsciously.

Only Shi Hang was still staring intently at the OB screen on the computer screen, his eyes shining brightly.

This round...

This is indeed the winner and loser in the early and mid-term.

And the biggest reliance for the purple army is to see if Maple's ADC Delevingne can withstand the pressure and play a carry-level role!

Although in the previous message reply to his good friend Jin Xingxuan, he patted his chest and vowed to assure the other party that Maple's ADC strength is absolutely reliable.

But in fact……

If it is in the current game, he really has no idea.

(Maple guy...)

(How far can it be played?)

Also in Shanghai, Shanghai, in a luxuriously decorated high-end apartment, Jiuyue Shuangye, the first brother of the anchor of Douyu TV's League of Legends area, is sitting in front of the computer screen at the moment, and Nightingale's Dark War is also running on the browser page. ob live screen.

His gaze was fixed on the purple ADC Delevingne on the screen, and the light in his eyes flickered.

He knew that it was Lin Feng.

At the same time, he also knew that whether the purple team could see hope of victory in this round, the key point was Delevingne's performance.

Just now he subconsciously substituted himself into it, but the answer he got made him feel slightly awe-inspiring

Even in his peak state...

In this battle, it is hard to say the outcome.

Because everyone who participated in this secret battle is a real top-level powerhouse.

Well, if it's maple...

Can it be done?

For a while, Jiuyue Shuangye's mood became a little complicated.


"It's not easy to fight."

Regarding the current battle situation, Lin Feng couldn't help sighing, feeling a little troubled.

They are an advantage on the bottom lane, but even more so on the opposite top lane.

He is well aware of how terrifying a top laner sword girl will be in team battles if she develops, and the purple side's top laner tree on their side is too poorly developed in the early stage. It's hard to stay in the front row.

Once the front row can't stand up, his adc Delevingne will be powerless even if he wants to output.

"How about changing the line?"

Tang Bingyao, who was sitting next to Lin Feng, made a suggestion.

Before Lin Feng could answer, Zeng Rui on the other side had already shook his head solemnly:


"If you switch to the top lane, the big tree may barely be able to guarantee a little growth, but the original advantage snowball on the bottom lane will not be able to continue to roll, so even if you really change the lane, it may not be cost-effective."

Lin Feng nodded:

"Well, that's the truth."

Just like for junglers, it is necessary to follow a rule of helping the good and not helping the bad. Unless one of the lanes is really beaten too badly and has to make a choice, it is easy to change the tactic. It is absolutely not advisable to give up the advantageous rhythm along the way.

Such is the current situation.

Although the big tree on the road is at a disadvantage, it is a little more wretched under the tower, and it can barely guarantee to get the line of soldiers. At least after leveling up, it will not be easily killed by the sword girl.

But if the two-person lane combination of Lin Feng and Autumn is switched to the top lane, in fact, it may not be able to really suppress Sword Fairy much, especially when there is a card master on the opposite side. 2v2 can definitely complete the anti-kill easily.

So you can't change the line now.

On the bottom lane, Lin Feng and Autumn faced the current situation. If they wanted to win, they had to compete with the opponent's top laner Jian Ji.

Let's see who can snowball their online advantages faster.

This also means that the bot side needs to play more aggressively and stronger.

And this style of play also means an increased risk factor, but for Lin Feng, right now...

I can't manage that much anymore.


The game time is just over 9 minutes.

Down the road, a wave of pawns was forced by Lin Feng and Autumn to the defense tower of the opponent's blue army.

At the same time, the golden jungler widow has quietly entered the grass in front of the outer tower of her home.

This time, we're going to be stronger.

Lin Feng's eyes flickered slightly. If he can win the bottom lane wave, not only can he get the head and push down the outer tower on the opposite bottom lane, but at the same time, their purple army can also take away the first dragon.

It is a key big rhythm.

The current pawn line is under the opposite defensive tower. He and Autumn are pressing hard. On the one hand, they want to wait for the two bot laners on the opposite side to make a mistake and give Autumn's support Thresh a chance to hook. At the same time, they are also luring the opposite blue Fang Moon's mid-lane card is flying down the road

That's why Jin Shining's wild widow squatting in the grass is doing back squats.

So, the script is already written.

But what will happen next...

But it's still hard to say.

In front of the blue defense tower, adc Obama is cautiously and calmly making up his sword and withdrawing troops, assisting Morgana to stand aside, ready to set up shields for his adc teammates at any time.

Lin Feng controls his adc Delevingne to constantly look for opportunities, step forward and use the flat a of the q skill Spinning Ax to consume the opponent's HP.


Such a bold move forward always makes people feel uncomfortable watching.

The update is here, the next chapter should be around 11 o'clock, please ask for a wave of flowers and red envelopes.

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