
Chapter 693

In the bottom lane, Lin Feng and Autumn on the purple side grabbed the opportunity of level 2 and made a strong start, and successfully played a wave of beautiful rhythm.

The opponent's ADC Obama on the blue side was forced to make a [healing].

The support Morgana originally wanted to save a [Weakness], but the ADC Delevingne that Lin Feng took out in this round has too high A-level damage after turning on the Q skill, and Autumn's support Thresh is even worse. An aggressive [Ignite] was directly set on Obama, so that Morgana's [Weakness] finally had no way to be set on Delevingne.

A wave of blood consumption, plus the swap of the summoner's skills, the purple side's bottom lane duo used a [ignite] to replace the opposite [weakness] and [healing].

made money.

If we say that Morgana's [Weakness] was forcefully forced out by Autumn's auxiliary Thresh [Ignition]

Then Obama's [treatment] was purely because of Lin Feng's Delaine's sharp ax that was as fast as lightning.

The E skill interrupts the Paladin's displacement.

The hand speed of the operation response is impeccable.

Not only is Autumn, who is the support Thresh, slightly changed his opinion on his ADC teammate, but the jungler Jin Shining, who was also paying attention to the situation in the bot lane, couldn't help being amazed.

Old Shi guy was right.

This Maple...

Even if you play ADC, you are really good at 6!

And this is just the beginning.

The previous wave of cooperation has allowed Lin Feng and Autumn to find a tacit understanding with each other.

One of them is Thresh's support, and the other is Draven's ADC. They are both strong and violent bottom lane heroes, and the operators of the two heroes are also quite similar in terms of play style, and one is stronger than the other.


This has reached a tacit consensus.

In the next minute or so, on the bottom side, the situation of the blue side's ADC Obama and the support Morgana began to become extremely uncomfortable. At the same time, we must be careful not to let the opposite Draven forcefully come up to find opportunities Fighting for blood, one side has to beware of Thresh's hook at all times.

The pawn line was slowly pushed under the defense tower of the blue side.

At this time, the blood bar above Obama's head has only a little over one-third of the remaining blood.

"Still leaving?"

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows slightly.

Zeng Rui, who was sitting by the side, gave a solemn reminder:


"The other side may want to lure you into the bait."

"Their jungler might be nearby."

Tang Bingyao also nodded her head in agreement. At this time, she should have chosen a more stable style of play, just suppressing Obama's last hit and blood volume. very big.

At the same time, Jin Xingxian, who was the wild widow on the purple side, had already begun to send warning signals to the bottom lane.

ding ding

Several golden warning signals were placed on the lower half field of the opposite blue side, indicating that the opponent's blue side's jungler may be nearby.

The light in Lin Feng's eyes flickered slightly.

He also guessed.

On the other side, Obama dared to wave under the tower with this amount of blood, which is obviously a problem.

But in fact, there is nothing to worry about, after all, if there is no suitable opportunity, of course he can't just force the tower

Just at this very moment.

Not far away, the blue ADC Obama under the tower seemed to be trying too hard to seduce. He accidentally walked in front of his own long-range minions, and was immediately seized by Autumn's support Thresh with a reverse E "pendulum of doom" "Extreme sweep hit.

Slow down and hold on!

Obama's body staggered forward and rushed forward.

Morgana, the assistant of the blue team, put E skill shields on her ADC teammates almost immediately, and Obama handed in [Flash] displacement and retreated violently while eating Lin Feng's Draven to tie A.

but still the same moment

Under the control of Autumn, the soul lock warden swung the sickle and chain in his hand, and a shot of the icy chain with Q skill whizzed out, unexpectedly flying towards Morgana!

Hit the east and the west!

Caught off guard, Morgana was caught by Thresh's hook and dragged outward!

Lin Feng's eyes lit up immediately:

"The opportunity is here!"


Lin Feng originally thought that if there was no suitable opportunity, even if Obama was left with blood in this wave, he would not easily rush to the tower.

But the opportunity came soon.

Autumn's support Thresh's "Death Judgment" hook Q middle blue support Morgana created a wave of excellent shooting opportunities for Lin Feng's Draven.

When being hit and controlled by the chain, Morgana can't move for 1.5 seconds. Even if Lin Feng crosses the tower, the former can't use a Q skill to stick to the face to control Delevingne under the tower.

Even just at this time, Obama, who was on the opposite blue side, found out that his own Morgana was charged after flashing away.

This move, in Go terminology, is an out-and-out stunned move.

Because this Q does not make any sense.


It sent Obama himself into an extremely dangerous situation again!

Delevingne under Lin Feng's control instantly turned on W.

"Bloody sprint"!

Attack speed and movement speed both skyrocketed!

Directly stride forward to catch up and press in!

But at the same moment, in the direction of the triangular grass at the mouth of the lower road, the jungler prince from the blue side, wearing a golden armor and a golden helmet, carried a steel spear and killed towards the front of the lower road tower. !

The jungle prince of ET007!

Sure enough, it was ambushing nearby!

At this moment, countless national server players and audience members sitting in front of the computer screen watching the game couldn't help but tense up!

The prince is here!

This wave is dangerous!

At the training base of the Mingguang Team Club, Jin Xingshan in front of the computer screen in the training room saw the battle situation in the bottom lane through the small map at this time, anxiously sent signals to warn Lin Feng and Autumn to retreat!

Ding ding ding ding! ! ! !

The warning sounds are rushing continuously! SK team club, training base.

A group of SSK team members who watched the game through Mafa's account OB were also chatting quickly:

"The prince came in time."

"This wave of purple side should retreat."

"If you don't leave, something will happen."

"Don't be greedy."

Only Han Shihao, who was standing behind the teammates, still had the same expression on his face, but his eyes on the OB screen on the computer screen became slightly sharper.



At such an unexpected and urgent juncture, Tang Bingyao and Zeng Rui, who were sitting next to Lin Feng in the box of Wangniu Internet Cafe, also became nervous and worried.

"Fengzi is gone!"

"The prince opposite is here!"

"Back back, this wave is enough to force the opponent's ADC to flash!"


Lin Feng raised his eyebrows.

Just as he was about to open his mouth, he saw that Autumn, who was assisting Morgana in the hook Q, had already controlled the warden of soul lock one step faster and threw the lantern in his hand forward!

The lantern landed right behind the opponent's defensive outer tower!

The light in Lin Feng's eyes suddenly lit up, and he suddenly laughed happily:

"Good lantern!!"

No verbal communication is required at all.

Autumn's "Soul Lamp" has already shown his attitude.


It was aimed at Lin Feng's appetite!

In the blink of an eye, the summoner skill key on the keyboard was pressed down by Lin Feng's lightning strike!

[Flash] Advance!

Delevingne's figure instantly shifted into the tower!

Ping A!

A cloud of blood splashed on Obama's body!

At this time, the jungler prince of the blue team ET007 has already scored a second EQ and suddenly rushed towards the target Draven under the tower!

At the same moment, the Executioner of Glory under Lin Feng's control threw out his E skill backhand like lightning!

"Open the way with a sharp axe"!


The thick giant ax that whizzed out abruptly knocked Prince Jiawen's body down from mid-air!

Take a small step forward.

With another flat A shot, the icy spinning ax pierced through the body of the target Obama, taking away the last small amount of blood on the Paladin Ranger's head. At the same time, Draven stepped on his teammate Thresh ahead of time On top of the thrown lantern.

Fly back!

Out of control, the blue team assisted Morgana with a Q skill that was very tricky and shot in the direction of Thresh, and calculated the position of Obama the moment he landed, ready to forcefully control and keep people.

but the next moment

Another golden glow suddenly lit up.

Thresh flashes!

The traction beam of the lantern was suddenly elongated in an instant, and Draven, who was inside the lantern's mask in mid-air, fled in an instant to hundreds of yards away!

No danger, safe escape!

The whole process happened so fast from beginning to end that countless ordinary players and water friends in the online live broadcast room hadn't reacted yet.

But those top professional players who were also contestants in the Nightingale Dark War...

But they were all moved instantly!

This wave of cooperation...

Perfect to the extreme!

The update will be sent. There are a lot of things today, but there are only two updates. The time of the next chapter is temporarily uncertain. Try to send it before 7 o'clock.

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