
Chapter 691 Can only play ADC

This year's Nightingale Dark Battle, there are a total of more than 30 professional players from all over the world participating in the battle.

According to the usual practice, in each round of the Nightingale Dark Battle, only two groups of battles will be arranged simultaneously.

That is to say, there will be a total of 20 people playing at the same time.

As for the remaining ten people, they watched the game through OB when they were not assigned to play.

This also makes it possible that even though each match in Nightingale Dark Wars is a duel between ten world-class top professional players, like the most gorgeous all-star lineup that most ordinary players imagined and expected, God Wars, It is not easy to make up a complete ten-man lineup for a game.

Because some people are on the court, and some people are waiting on the sidelines and not playing.

In your group, Autumn, who ranks second in the Four Emperors, has just finished his OB work as an administrator and played on the field, but the Four Emperors Phoenix on the other side has just finished the previous round of competition. The field was emptied.

So in fact, even in this kind of nightingale dark battle where strong people gather, it is difficult to see the match of the four emperors. For example, the Phoenix Phoenix and the Moon Emperor Moon have not faced each other for two whole days. once.

Even the matchup between the two four emperors sitting on the blue and purple sides rarely appeared, let alone the all-star gorgeous lineup where the four emperors and seven kings made up a pot of porridge.

To see two top gods of the Seven Kings rank in the same group is already a grand event worthy of the excitement of countless players and audiences for a long time.

But right now...

A new round of Group A battle rooms just came out.

The blue and purple contestants had just entered the room, and their ID names had just appeared on the list in the room

It has already stunned countless players and audiences who watched OB through the live broadcast platform!

Completely shocked to sluggish!


"Moon Emperor Moon."

"Autumn Emperor Autumn."


"The Demon of the European Legend team.


"That jungler ET007..."

"And Ah Xing."

God-Hand of God team training base, in the training room, Luxue Yege, who was sitting next to Lixiao Chenxing, muttered subconsciously, and then couldn't help but straighten his eyes for a while, almost couldn't believe what he saw on the computer screen in front of him. The Group A lineup for this round:

"What the hell... what the hell..."

"It's a world-class all-star lineup!!?"

And behind Li Xiao Chen Xing and Huang Xue Ye Ge, the other members of the first and second teams of the God team also fell into a sluggish state.

As the leader of the team, Yan Tian was the first to react, his breathing suddenly became rapid and unsteady

This set of matches...

Really a world-class all-star lineup! !

The mood couldn't help but began to turmoil, Yan Tian urgently urged:

"This game is going to be recorded!"

"Record it!!"

"Must be recorded!!"

Under the agitated mood, the leader of the God team, who has always been known for his calm and general style in the circle, even the pitch of his voice was about to be distorted.

Because of such a set of matches...

Even if it is placed in this nightingale secret battle, it is definitely a unique battle of gods! !


Seoul, Korea. SK team training base.

Mafa, a seventh-level jungler of the team who has just finished a secret game, is preparing to take a break, casually chatting with a few other teammates in the training room to relax.

Just at this time, a jungler from the second team of SSK watched the game just now, and he was a little bit unsatisfied, urging Mafa to play another OB game to enjoy the game.

For such a request, Mafa shrugged nonchalantly, and asked the member of his second team to operate the computer to start the OB, while he got up and went to the water dispenser to pour himself a cup of hot water.

So the jungler of the second SSK team moved and manipulated the mouse excitedly, and used Mafa's secret account to call up the friend list panel, looked around quickly, and directly clicked on the one whose ID was "Au "Friend's OB spectator mode.

Au is the vest ID that Autumn used in the Nightingale Dark War.

As the second among the four emperors, and also the only one who supports the four emperors, Autumn's strength is respected and recognized even among the SSK team, which is recognized as the strongest team in the world today.

Seeing the jungler of his second team click on Autumn's OB to watch the game, other players on the side also came forward with interest, ready to see how the lineup of this game is going to be.

At a glance...

Several team members who leaned in front of the computer screen were also dumbfounded.

For a long time, there was an uproar and exclamation.

Mafa, who had just poured himself a cup of hot water and came back, was a little stunned. He stepped forward and looked at the screen on the computer screen.

Then he was also moved immediately!

This lineup...

So strong! !

The entire training room was engulfed in commotion and excited discussions, and just at this moment, a person walked in from the outside of the training room.

It was Han Shihao who had just finished eating instant noodles.

Several members of the SSK team in the training room subconsciously looked towards the door. After seeing the person coming, they all became excited and waved hurriedly:

"Brother Shihao, come here!"

"Ah Hao, come and see! The lineup for this secret battle is too powerful!!"

"It's unimaginable!!"

"Come and see!!"

"It's really shocking!"

Han Shihao raised his eyebrows slightly, a little surprised, but he also walked forward as he said, and first looked at Mafa with a questioning look, while the latter showed a complicated expression on his face, and nodded at the computer screen:

"See for yourself."

So Han Shihao's gaze also fell on the OB screen on the computer screen.

next moment.

A look of astonishment flashed across the face of the world's strongest mid laner.

Immediately, Han Shihao's gaze became sharper little by little.

This round...

It's really worth him to take a look.


Shanghai, inside the box of Wangniu Internet Cafe.

Zeng Rui still had a shocked expression on his face, and he couldn't digest the shocking reality for a long time.

Tang Bingyao, on the other hand, was about to move her small face closer to a distance of less than 20 centimeters in front of the computer screen. Her black eyes were wide open looking at the lineups of the blue and purple teams and the ID names of the players, counting them one by one.

Four Emperors.

Four Emperors.

seven kings.

seven kings.

Before she had time to count, Lin Feng had already helped her answer:

"Two Four Emperors, one possible Four Emperors."

"There is also a Seven Kings, and the strength of the other is estimated to be at the level of the Seven Kings."

"The remaining guys..."

"They are all on the level close to the threshold of the Seven Kings."

Speak quickly and concisely.

But at this moment, the flames of fighting spirit in Lin Feng's eyes became more and more hot, and he felt that the blood in his whole body began to boil hot:

This round...

Really interesting!

This is the fight he wants!

This is the matchup he needs!

Three Four Emperors, two Seven Kings, including the mysterious and even more terrifying J. This round of world-class all-star team battle is exactly what he dreams of most! !

But at this moment, Tang Bingyao on the side suddenly said curiously:

"Then Fengzi, what position do you want to play in this game?"


Lin Feng was stunned.

Tang Bingyao has already begun to wring his fingers to help him calculate seriously:

"The top order is that Demon."

"Mid laner Dawn Star."

"Auxiliary Autumn."

"The jungler is... the 'Golden Sparkle'?"

After a pause, Tang Bingyao came to a conclusion:

"Then, Fengzi, you can only play ADC, right?"

The update is here, the next chapter will be around 11 o'clock, please ask for a wave of flowers and red envelopes~

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