
Chapter 689 Alternate Succession

"A lot of top laners have also emerged in this year's Nightingale Dark Wars."

"We know that there are quite a few veteran professional top laners. The Demon of the European Legend team and the Seven of the North American Cog team are all seven kings or close to the seven king level."

"However, even for these two people, if they are in a normal laning situation with Yuanshen's strength, it should be at least a 50-50 situation."

In Shanghai, the God-Hand of God team training base, a group of first and second team members gathered in the training room. Team leader Yan Tian frowned, making such an analysis in his mouth.

Several other members of the first and second teams on the side also nodded subconsciously, with expressions of approval on their faces.

Followed by a top laner from the second team of the God team:

"With Yuanshen's current strength, he should already be qualified to be among the Seven Kings."

"From the time of the S5 World Finals last year, his state has completely exploded."

"Even Chris and Demon at the time were in the lane and he beat them."

Another jungler from God's second team nodded and added:

"Yuan Shen's personal laning ability is actually not the strongest, but if you count team battles and other comprehensive abilities, he is definitely the world's top top laner, nothing to say."

After some conversation and discussion, the members of the God team, both the first team and the second team, agreed with this statement very much.

But the more so...

As the leader of the team, Yan Tian frowned even more.

Now, Huangxue Yege and Dawn Chenxing of their own God team are playing a match, and the two have just been assigned to the same group as teammates. Others here are doing exchanges and discussions.

So now he is also completely unable to make further analysis on this topic at this moment due to lack of intelligence information.

There are only a few facts that can be ascertained so far

1. Tian Tian, ​​the "Yuan Shen" of the KG team, has reached the level of the Seven Kings.

2. Even some veteran professional top laners in this dark battle,

The strength comparison between He Tiantian is also between brothers.

3. According to the information just obtained, Tian Tian's record in one round was indeed extremely dismal.


It was in the early stage that he was overwhelmed by the opponent's top laner to an extremely passive position.

According to common sense, looking at the entire professional e-sports circle in the world, it is impossible to find a professional top laner who can do this.

But the statistics of the game just now are clearly in front of him.

The ID name of the mysterious top laner facing Tian Tian...

Exactly "J".

It's that mysterious "J" again.

Yan Tian took a deep breath, and forcibly suppressed the bewildered emotions in his heart:

A strong man that Lian Yuanshen can defeat...

Why has there never been any information about this J in the circle?


In the previous round of secret battles, Lin Feng was not in the same group as Tian Tian, ​​so he couldn't see the thrilling top laner duel.

But after learning the news that Tian Tian suffered a disastrous defeat in the last round, he guessed the truth immediately

"Is that J?"

Lin Feng made a direct call to Tian Tian, ​​and immediately asked questions straight to the point.

Tian Tian on the other end of the phone nodded heavily and replied:


"It's him."

Lin Feng frowned subconsciously:

"That guy... how strong is he?"

He had already asked Tian Tian this question yesterday, but at that time Tian Tian had never had the chance to fight against J. Although the evaluation he gave was extremely high, it was not really accurate.

Now, it's different.

Tian Tian was silent, and only after a while did he speak in a difficult but extremely firm voice:

"Four emperors."

"That J must be at the level of the Four Emperors!"

Because the phone call was open and released, Tian Tian's answer was also clearly heard by Tang Bingyao and Zeng Rui who were beside Lin Feng in the box.

Tang Bingyao's small face showed a look of surprise, and her small mouth couldn't help opening slightly.

And Zeng Rui was even more terrified when he heard it.

Four emperors! ?

In today's world professional e-sports circle, it is recognized that the most powerful top laner is the top laner Seven of the Cog team, one of the world's seven kings. As for the four kings of e-sports, there are three mid laners and one support .

In other words, there has never been a top laner who has reached the level of the Four Emperors.

It is almost difficult to find a convincing basis for arbitrarily evaluating a top laner as the Four Emperors, because there is no strong player of this level in the circle that can be used as a reference for comparison.

What kind of existence is a top laner at the level of the Four Emperors?

At present, the only criterion for judging is only one

Stronger than the Seven Kings.

"Much stronger than me."

Tian Tian on the other end of the phone emphasized in an extremely serious tone:

"From laning to team battles, I am not as good as him."

"Especially the laning ability, that J's personal operation level is a level that I have never seen anyone reach before."

"The opposing jungler didn't come in the early stage, and I was firmly suppressed when I went on the road."

"Very, very scary!"

Lin Feng nodded with the same dignified expression.

Then he seemed to think of something, and asked, "How is your current record, fat man?"

Tian Tian sighed: "It's not very good. At best, I will try my best to continue to keep the top ten position on the list. Today, if I want to make it to the top five, I probably can't do it."

Then he also asked Lin Feng with concern: "How about you, Fengzi?"

Lin Feng scratched his head:


"On my side, it's okay."


From 5 o'clock in the evening to 8 o'clock in the evening, Lin Feng has also played a full four rounds.

All four victories.

There is a reason why he performed extremely well in his own state, and there is also a certain element of luck.

In the first two rounds, he was ranked Nian Thirteen and even Autumn in the group. With such teammates at the level of Seven Kings and even Four Kings, it was quite easy to win those two games.

And speaking of...

Counting the three games played by Tang Bingyao and Zeng Rui, Lin Feng's winning percentage tonight is 6 wins and 1 loss, and the KDA data of at least four games are quite good.

If he continues to fight with this momentum, it is estimated that tonight he will also have a chance to advance in the ranking list on the second day of Nightingale Dark Wars.

At the same time, the editorial department of Douyu TV has roughly calculated the statistics of today's seven or eight rounds of secret battles, and quickly made an announcement on its official Weibo and the OB live room on the platform's official website.

Lin's win rate immediately attracted the attention of many national server players and netizens

6 wins and 1 loss?

This record is good!

She is much more beautiful than many well-known professional players who participated in the battle!

Looking at this ID name, it seems to be the pinyin of the Chinese surname?

Is this Lin also the master of their national costumes! ?

Although it has not been confirmed for the time being, many fans of the national server have preconceived and insisted that this Lin must be some mysterious master of their national server

After all, the results of other professional players in the national server in the dark battle are just not satisfactory at present. If you can't see a master of the national server playing an amazing performance in such a nightingale dark game...it will be too easy to feel discouraged and frustrated. frustrated.

However, only one Lin is not enough.

The national server players Shuiyou in the live broadcast room are still anxious and concerned about other professional players participating in their national server:

one way or another……

At any rate, one or two more people are in the top ten on the list!

Several top professional players in the national server who were in the midst of the nightingale battle also felt the invisible pressure at this time, gritted their teeth and continued to raise their spirits, and devoted themselves to the continuous round after round of competition.

They don't believe in evil anymore.

The mentality of not admitting defeat was inspired.

So what about the nightingales who are as strong as a cloud, they represent the face of the LPL competition area, and even the hopes and expectations of millions of League of Legends players on the national server. How can they easily admit defeat and fall down at this time!

As the night wore on, the intensity of Nightingale's secret battle increased again!

More top professional players and mysterious powerhouses have all gone online one after another and entered a new round of competition.

The work pressure on several administrators of the dark battle MSN group who are responsible for the OB observation tasks of each group of matches has also increased suddenly, such as Autumn, Nian Thirteen, Orian and Seven, are almost so busy that they have no time to participate Race to fight.

Fortunately, when the hands of the clock point to 8:45 p.m. Beijing time...

The remaining two administrators of the dark battle group finally went online one after another.

Take over.

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