
Chapter 678

Regarding Nian Shisan's complaints, Lin Feng's reply still seems to be taken for granted:

"Didn't I tell you before that two of my classmates are also coming to see Nightingale's Secret War?"

Nian Shisan on the other side of the chat window tried to persuade:

"But this secret battle is really different from the previous ones. Didn't you see it yesterday? The specifications of this secret battle are absolutely unprecedented. Almost even the powerhouses of the Seven Kings and Four Emperors have to go all out. It may not be guaranteed to be in the top five of the list.”

"And you also saw the news that was posted on the Internet today?"

"Almost half of the League of Legends tens of millions of players are now paying attention to this nightingale secret battle. The current rankings of those professional players in your lpl division are not very optimistic. You don't want to help your national server win Go for a ranking?"

If it was someone else, then Nian Shisan would never easily think that whoever has the confidence to say that he can make it into the top ten and top five in this kind of nightingale secret battle.

But he knew too well about Lin Feng's identity and strength back then.

Even if the current maple is not as unparalleled as the peak state back then, in the dark battle of the nightingale, who is as strong as a cloud, he will definitely not be buried in his light.

But the premise is that Lin Feng himself can go all out without distractions.

If there are additional burdens...

It's another situation.

"Of course I want to make it to the list." Lin Feng replied still plausibly.

Nian Shisan gritted his teeth: "Then why do you want your classmate to play!?"

Lin Feng smiled when he saw it, and promised with confidence:

"It's fine."

"My classmates are also very strong!"

Nian Shisan was so choked that he could only roll his eyes and send a reply in the end:

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to care about you, you can do whatever you like."


After reporting some basic information about participating in the war to Nian Shisan,

Lin Feng, Tang Bingyao, and Zeng Rui began to wait patiently for the opening of the Nightingale Dark War.

When the time came to 2:55, the msn group of Dark Wars announced the list of members for the first round of today's two-group match.

Participants who are scheduled to play in the first round of the two groups will have to directly log in to the server and go online, waiting for the administrator to send an invitation to enter the corresponding custom room to prepare for the upcoming match.

Tang Bingyao, who played in the first round using Lin Feng's vest id account "lin", was assigned to Group B.

Lin Feng quickly glanced at the matchup list in Group B, and his eyes lit up immediately:

"Tangtang, you are lucky!"

In Group B, Tang Bingyao's team in the purple team can see several top professional players who are well-known in the world's professional e-sports circle at a glance.

The top laner is the demon of the European legend team, and his strength is hardly inferior to the "Yuan Shen" Tian Tian, ​​who is recognized as the strongest top laner in the national server.

The mid laner happened to be Wuguangxin, the mid laner of the Hei Yao team in the LPL division of the national server.

The jungler is the slightly mysterious et007.

And assist...

Zeng Rui, who was sitting on the other side of Tang Bingyao, saw the name of the auxiliary player id of the purple team in this round, and he almost stood up from his seat suddenly, his eyes almost stared straight:

"This, this, this is..."


Even his voice trembled slightly.

That's right, Tang Bingyao in this round is the adc player of the purple team in Group B, and her support is the "Autumn Emperor" Autumn, who is recognized as the world's support god and ranks second among the four emperors!

So Zeng Rui can't really be blamed for such a gaffe, because for any support player, Autumn is definitely an idol or even a myth in their minds.

Zeng Rui is no exception.

Even now, most of his support styles and ideas are to learn and imitate Autumn.

When the idol in my heart appears "in front of me" in person, it is enough to cause a huge impact and shock to any fan.

Tang Bingyao glanced at Zeng Rui, and asked kindly:

"Otherwise, should you come, Zeng, for this game?"

Zeng Rui's face turned blue and red again, as if he was going through an extremely tangled psychological struggle, but finally he shook his head with difficulty:

"Need not."

"Tang Tang, you can beat it."

From the bottom of his heart, Zeng Rui naturally doesn't want to miss this opportunity to fight side by side with his idol, but he himself is a supporting player, and the position of the group has been determined at this moment, with Autumn sitting on the purple side For the support position, of course he can't compete with the world's support god.

And if you play adc...

Compared with Tang Bingyao's level of strength, there is still a gap.

If he is cheated, not only is he sorry for the account that Lin Feng lent out, but he even drags down his idol, then he will really feel ashamed.


The time came to three o'clock in the afternoon.

On the second day of the Nightingale Dark War, the first round of the two groups started almost at the same time, and a total of 20 participants had already entered the battle room.

In Group B, the lineups of the blue and purple sides were quickly alternated in the ban selection.

On the blue side, top single sword girl, mid laner Victor, jungle excavator, adc policewoman and auxiliary Japanese girl.

Purple side, top laner ice girl, mid laner clockwork, jungler blind monk, adc explorer plus support bull head.

Tang Bingyao chose ez to play.

Zeng Rui's gaze has been closely watching Autumn's auxiliary selection all the time, and he can't help the excitement in his eyes flickering:

"Bull head!"

"Autumn's bull head is definitely one of his signature heroes!"

Lin Feng cheered beside Tang Bingyao:

"Come on, Tangtang!"

"Take a good start and come down!"

The girl took a deep breath, her fighting spirit and fighting spirit were written all over her face:



In this game, in fact, just from the lineups of the blue and purple players, the victory of the purple side has almost been declared.

The top laner has demon, the mid laner has Wuguangxin, the jungler has et007, and the support position also has autumn, the No. Can be taken by teammates to fly together.

In the early laning, Tang Bingyao, who faced the blue adc female policewoman and the auxiliary Japanese female, whose strength level was still slightly behind the ordinary professional players, did feel a lot of pressure.

This is completely different from her usual feeling of playing in the Dianyi masters or even in the king group.

On the arena where the nightingales are fighting secretly...

The sense of oppression that the opponent can bring to her is really too strong.

But this is also reasonable, after all, what the girls have to face now is not even an ordinary professional player, the worst is a professional strong player who plays for the first-line professional team in their respective divisions, and it is normal to be under pressure.

However, fortunately, the teammates in this round are strong enough.

Autumn's support bullhead alone played a carry-like role in leading the rhythm during the early matchups.

Once with the jungle roaming gank, the first hand flashed Q to force open, the bull's head knocked into the air to control the opponent's adc policewoman, and a w skill "savage charge" knocked back the target policewoman, successfully allowing Tang Bingyao's ez to get a bloody head.

Then, when the game time came to six or seven minutes, the blue team's jungle excavator wandered down the road and cooperated with the female policewoman to prepare for a strong kill by jumping over the tower. It was still Autumn's auxiliary ox head tower with a backhand qw to control the female policeman's digging two people

In the end, Niutou died in the battle, but he was successfully dragged to his own home and came to support in time. Tang Bingyao's ez cooperated with Wuguangxin's mid laner to fight back, and unexpectedly won a wave of double kills miraculously.


ez's record data came to 3/0/0.

Sitting by the side, Lin Feng couldn't help but widen his eyes in amazement:

"Tangtang beat well!"

Tang Bingyao's little face was flushed with excitement, and she was extremely cute:


"Bull head... so powerful!"

The update is here, the next chapter is around six o'clock, and it's another Monday, work hard~

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