
Chapter 673 List Announced

At 12:30 in the morning, about half an hour had passed since the first day of the Nightingale Secret War ended.

In the MSN group, some of today's participating players chatted in small groups and discussed today's game, exchanging some opinions on the new version and new heroes.

But more people are not focused on chatting and communicating.

Because in about half an hour, the results list for the first day of the secret battle will be out.

This is the thing that everyone in the group is most concerned about

What is their ranking performance on the first day of today's secret battle?

Who will be able to break into the top three today?

This kind of thing, before the list is actually announced, no one can make a hasty judgment easily. In fact, there are too many powerful people participating in the Nightingale Secret War this time, even existences at the level of Seven Kings and Four Emperors have appeared. There are several, which means the competition for ranking on the list will be fiercer.

After a while, the discussion in the MSN chat group gradually subsided.

The chat group fell into silence.

A somewhat solid and depressing atmosphere gradually spread.

There is a faint smell of gunpowder and gunpowder smoke.

Each of these members in the group is a world-class professional player. Normally, they are great gods with countless fans, but in this group, everyone feels strong competitive pressure.

No one wants to be left behind on the list later.

But this kind of thing is not something they can decide by themselves.

The final decider...

They are the six administrators in the group.

At the same time, in a private group of six exclusive to the administrators of the Dark War MSN group, several administrators who were responsible for the Dark War OB and list evaluation and review today were also busy.

Nian Shisan, Autumn, South Korea’s Seventh King mid laner Orian and North America’s Cog team’s Seventh King top laner Seven

Four administrators.

Three people ranked among the seven kings.

One person lives in Yonkō.

With these four people as the list judges for the first day of today's secret battle, whether it is status, qualifications or strength, they are enough to convince the arrogant first-line professional players in the MSN group.

The review and assessment methods are also fair and reasonable.

On the one hand, the basic score is obtained by putting the objective KDA and other data into the calculation formula.

On the other hand, the administrator who is responsible for observing the OB of each game today will give each player's performance an additional rating coefficient based on the reviewed video data.

In today's Nightingale Secret Battle, the four administrators here will also take part in the game one after another, and the number of games each administrator has participated in will be reviewed and scored by several other administrators. .

Ensure maximum objectivity and impartiality.

Because there are only four administrators responsible for review and evaluation tonight, the workload is actually not small, and the four administrators are extremely busy at the moment.

Nian Shisan, who played the least games today, also needs to evaluate the performance scores of the other three administrators in those games, so his workload is the heaviest among the four.

However, he has been accustomed to this kind of work from the past few sessions, and now he can handle it easily, but he is not too busy. While scoring statistics, he is still thinking about silently calculating the basic ranking of the next first day's list.

As time passed quietly, the ranking list in his heart became more and more clear, and Nian Shisan's expression became more solemn and solemn.

In the eyes of this powerful seventh-level jungler in Taiwan, a slightly complex light began to flicker:

(Today’s list...)


(It’s very confusing.)

When it was almost one o'clock in the morning, Lin Feng was still immersed in his desk in his bedroom at home and continued to concentrate on writing the last test paper tonight.

There is still one last big question left, and all the homework tasks for the evening are completed.

In fact, in normal times, although the classwork of the third year of high school is equally heavy, generally speaking, with Lin Feng's writing speed and efficiency, he can finish it all by around 11 o'clock in the evening.

It's just that he wasted a lot of time tonight because he watched a few Nightingale secret games after returning home.

Just when Lin Feng gathered his energy and continued to think hard about the solution to the last big math problem, the cell phone placed on the table suddenly rang.

Nian Shisan sent a message, just two words:

"Look at the group."

Lin Feng was slightly startled.

Then I realized that the score list for the first day of tonight's Nightingale Secret Battle had already been made.

But he thought about it, put the phone aside, and suppressed his curiosity and anticipation to continue preparing to finish the last test paper assignment tonight.

Another ten minutes passed quietly.

One o'clock in the morning.

Lin Feng, who finally solved the last big question on the test paper, breathed a sigh of relief. He pushed the test paper to the side and felt refreshed. Then he remembered the message sent by Thirteen just now and suddenly came. He quickly reopened his laptop and logged in to his MSN account.

As soon as MSN was opened, I saw the system group message prompt icon flashing continuously.

Lin Feng moved and controlled the mouse to click on the chat window of the Dark War MSN group.

At this moment, an exclamation came from the bedroom next door.

Then with the sound of hurried footsteps, Su Xue rushed in from outside:

"Hey, hey, did you see it! The ranking list of Nightingale's secret battle is out!!"


Lin Feng was stunned for a moment.

Even he just got the news from Nian Shisan, and he was going to open an MSN group to check the situation, but where did Su Xue know such news?

At this time, Su Xue had already hurriedly sat down next to Lin Feng, and at the same time explained quickly:

"A domestic e-sports media released the first-day performance ranking list of Nightingale Secret Battle on their official Weibo!"

"I don't know what channel I used to dig up the chat records in your MSN group."

"It was just leaked!"

“Right now, Weibo, Tieba and a bunch of e-sports gossip forums are starting to go crazy!!”

"You haven't watched it yet?"

Lin Feng scratched his hair and replied:

"I was just doing my homework and was about to read it."

At this moment, the MSN group chat window of Nightingale's secret battle had popped up on the computer screen in front of him, and a series of historical chat records were refreshed. Lin Feng moved the mouse to pull back the chat records by one or two pages, and then a form appeared. The picture came into view with great prominence.

This list chart is the ranking list of the results of the first day of the secret battle made by several administrators in the group after completing the review and evaluation statistics!

According to the scores from high to low, a column of ID names are clearly and eye-catchingly displayed on the list.

Lin Feng's eyes quickly scanned the list from top to bottom, and then his expression suddenly became a little serious.

Currently ranked first on the list is Spoon, the seven-king mid laner of the European MLG team.

The second place is a mysterious player "J" whose vest ID is temporarily unidentifiable.

The third place is Autumn.

The fourth place is the mysterious European jungler ET007.

The fifth place is Moon.

The sixth place is another player whose identity is unknown.

The seventh place is Dawn Star in the national server.

The eighth place is chanting thirteen.

The ninth place is Orian from the Korean team.

The tenth place is Tian Tian.

Looking all the way down the list, among the top ten on the list, only two professional players from the Chinese LPL division, Dawn Chenxing and Tian Tian, ​​are on the list, and they are only ranked sixth and eighth. None of the five could get in.

After that, people such as Shi Hang, Sunless Heart, Huang Xue Ye Ge, etc., except for Huang Xue Ye Ge, who is ranked 12th, the remaining national server powerhouses are all outside the fifteenth place!

An update is coming, the next chapter should be around 11pm, please give me red envelopes and flowers!

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