
Chapter 665 Speak with Strength

In the nightingale secret battle, the members participating in the battle are top-tier professional players in each competition area. Although they will choose to hide their real ID identities from each other, after all, because the IP address can be found out intentionally, so here In terms of issues, the members are not too taboo.

However, after seeing Lin Feng so frankly admitting that he is from the LPL competition area, there was a small commotion in the group.

LPL Division?


For a while, the atmosphere in the group became a little subtle.

A lot of group members were quite enthusiastic just now, but all of a sudden there was no sound for a while, and they seemed a little quiet and awkward.

Even Lin Feng, who has a relatively rough personality, noticed the change in the atmosphere, and curiously asked Thirteen in a private chat:

"Hey, what happened to them?"

"I just said that I am from the LPL division, why did I react so strangely?"

Nian Shisan on the other side of the private chat window seemed to cough awkwardly, and it took him a long time to type and reply:

"Then what..."

"In this group, most people may be a little bit prejudiced against people from the LPL division."

"Just... the attitude may not be as respectful as the professional players in other divisions."

Because it was in front of Lin Feng, Nian Shisan's explanation was as euphemistic as possible, but Lin Feng still understood it quickly.

It turns out that the professional players of the national server in the LPL competition area are not highly regarded in the eyes of people in other major competition areas in the world?

Nian Shisan quickly added another sentence of explanation:

"It's actually prejudice."

"Most of the people in the group are from the American server, European server, and Korean server. They think that the LPL competition is known as the largest competition in the world. There are hundreds of millions of players. After five seasons, the results in international competitions are low. But it’s average, which shows that the level of Chinese professional teams in the LPL division is actually very bad.”

"Some guys who spoke fiercely even felt that the performance of the LPL division in the past two years is not qualified for the regular season and should be assigned to the wild card division.


Seeing the explanation sent by Nian Shisan, Lin Feng was silent for a while.

He could understand the meaning of Nian Shisan's words.

In fact...

This situation, as early as the S1 season, he had already experienced it.


The national server League of Legends professional e-sports was just emerging back then, and in that era, the most powerful professional teams in the European and American divisions, those European and American teams responded to the teams from the Asian division with a condescending and arrogant attitude, and did not even bother Gu.

There was even a professional ADC player in North America who said arrogantly that there was no way to find a world-class bottom lane combination in the Asian division, and all Asian ADC players were rubbish.

Such extremely arrogant remarks, uttered by a professional e-sports player, would be directly investigated and punished by the World E-sports Association today.

But at that time, the rules and regulations on this aspect were not yet clear, so even if the North American ADC player's remarks were so arrogant and infuriating, the Asian team players had no other means of counterattack.

The only way...

Just rely on strength to speak.

Prove yourself with your strength, and use your strength to retaliate to the resounding slap of that arrogant North American professional ADC player.

And then...

It was indeed done.

The finishers were precisely Lin Feng's teammates back then, Aqiu and Amo. 1 In the group stage of the World Finals, their team happened to meet the team of the North American ADC player. Facing the North American ADC player who said that "there is no world-class bottom lane combination in the Asian division", Aqiu and Amo The bot lane combination of the two directly crushed the opponent in 10 minutes, completely crushing the opponent with the most violent and destructive posture.

Since then, no one in Europe and America has dared to mention the fact that Asian teams do not have a world-class bottom lane combination.

Recalling the past, Lin Feng smiled subconsciously:

So, it’s okay to be underestimated.

Back then, they walked all the way under the contemptuous and even disdainful eyes of the European and American teams.

At this time, there is no need to do any verbal disputes at all.

It is enough to speak with strength.

The nightingale's secret battle this time is also for the same reason.


In the MSN chat group at this time, another member finally asked Lin Feng one more question:

"Lin, are you a former professional player in the LPL division?"

"Which team? What position?"

When Lin Feng saw the message, he typed back a sentence:

"Mid (middle laner)."

As for the team name, because he wanted to conceal his real ID, he decided not to say it after thinking about it. After all, even if it was four or five years later, as long as the team name of their team was reported back then, it would be placed in the nightingale dark room. In Zhan's MSN group, it is estimated that people will still be remembered and recognized instantly.

And Lin Feng himself planned to hide his identity in a low-key manner, but some people seemed to be relentless and did not intend to let him go easily


"A mid laner in China's LPL division, I've only heard of a mid laner from Team God."

"How do you compare with him? Who is stronger?"

The one who spoke was Hammer who was directly slapped in the face by Nian Shisan before, obviously unwilling to be humiliated like before, and jumped out at this time to forcefully lose face on Lin Feng.

Hammer's words were clearly full of ridicule and sarcasm.

Take Dawn Chenxing, one of the world's seven kings, as an example. He is sure that Lin Feng is just an ordinary retired professional player in the LPL division. How can he compare with Dawn Chenxing, who is currently recognized as the number one mid laner in China?

Lin Feng smiled, not angry at all:

"Oh, I haven't fought him, so I don't know."

However, Hammer sent a series of exaggerated sarcasm and smiley emoticons as if he had heard a big joke, followed by a very mean tone of sarcasm:

"have no idea?"

"That's your only world-class mid laner in China, right?"

"You don't even dare to report which team you are in, and you still want to save face and say that you don't know who is stronger?"

"Retired players...how come I haven't heard of any famous mid laners in the Chinese LPL division in the past few seasons?"

Nian Shisan couldn't bear it any longer, and typed a harsh irony:

"I don't know doesn't mean I don't have it."

"You don't know much about yourself, so don't come out and show yourself."

Lin Feng laughed for a while, and sent a private message to Nian Shisan to persuade him:

"What's the point of arguing with this kind of person? It's meaningless if you win the quarrel."

Nian Shisan's reply was obviously full of anger:

"I just can't stand this stupid shit."

"Damn! Did you say that you didn't have any famous mid laners in the LPL division before?"

"If you really report the name of that Maple ID of yours, what the hell, it will frighten him to death!"

Lin Feng laughed: "It's okay, it's okay, anyway, Nightingale's secret battle will start in two days, if there is a chance to face him later, it would be good to teach him a lesson in the game."

Said it quite casually.

But with all the fuss tonight, Lin Feng did remember this Hammer.

Although it wouldn't affect his mood because of this kind of character, but if he had the chance, he wouldn't mind asking the other party to pay a small price for what he said tonight.

Of course, this is not the main purpose

Looking across the list of group members in the MSN group one by one, Lin Feng's eyes shone brightly:

What really interested him...

It was still about whether they could meet some truly strong opponents in this nightingale's dark battle.

After all, the bottleneck of his state recovery has not been loosened for a while.

The update was delivered, and finally the debt from the day before yesterday was repaid... I was so moved, I went to work overtime!

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