
Chapter 659 European LCS?

The next day, for all high school students in Shanghai, an epic horror movie called "Back to School" was officially released.

The beautiful winter vacation of half a month is officially over.

On the small road in the early morning, it is easy to see high school students in twos and threes sighing and frowning, carrying their schoolbags and preparing to go to school.

For the students in the third year of high school, the mood is even more gloomy.

Because the end of the winter vacation means more to them than returning to school, what they are about to usher in is the last semester of their high school career, and the second half of their senior year is definitely destined to be the darkest and hardest half year of their entire high school career.

The pressure of the college entrance examination is getting closer and closer.

Lin Feng was in a good mood.

One is because he learned about Nightingale-Nightingale Dark Battle last night from Nian Shisan, such an interesting exchange event, which made him look forward to this weekend five days later.

The second is because he hasn't seen the group of gay friends from Thirteen High for a while.

Going to school, although I am a little tired, but after all, it is very pleasant to be able to be with a group of good friends and chat nonsense and gossip after studying.

Oh yes, he is also planning to go to school to talk to Baozi, Tangtang and the others about the nightingale's secret battle.

With such a brisk mood, Lin Feng walked on the way to school energetically with his schoolbag on his back.


At around 6:50 in the morning, ten minutes before the start of morning reading, the students in the class have already come in one after another with their schoolbags on their backs.

Many classmates hadn't seen each other during the winter vacation, and they all greeted each other affectionately and laughed and said hello.

As soon as Lin Feng entered the classroom, he saw his deskmate Ouyang sleeping on the seat, almost unconscious, while Yang Fan in the front row saw Lin Feng coming, and greeted him with a smile on his face:

"Fengzi is here?"

"Good morning~"

Lin Feng sat down on the seat beside Ouyang with his schoolbag on his back, and curiously asked Lao Yang:


Why did Ouyang fall asleep as soon as he arrived? "

Yang Fan glanced at Ouyang, who was lying on his stomach, sleeping like a dead pig, and shook his head helplessly:

"This guy seemed to be up all night last night."

"At first, he wanted to pull me to drive the black double row together, but I ignored him later. I guess he queued solo all night...he didn't sleep. When he came to the classroom earlier, he lay on the table and said he wanted to Get some sleep now."

"Oh, that's it." Lin Feng nodded clearly, then turned his head and looked in the direction of the group next door, and saw that Tang Bingyao was already sitting on the seat. The girl was wearing a clean red and white school uniform today. Seriously holding this English textbook and reading the word list.

Lin Feng came to the spirit and said hello:


"Good morning!"

Tang Bingyao turned her head and saw Lin Feng, her eyes lit up, and a happy smile appeared on her face:

"Well, good morning~"

Lin Feng was planning to share the story of Nightingale's secret battle with Tang Bingyao, but he changed his mind when he said something:

"When Baozi comes, I'll tell you a good thing!"

good thing?

The girl tilted her head cutely, a little curious, but at this moment the English class representative had already walked up to the stage with the textbook to lead the morning reading, so Tangtang put away her curiosity for the time being, turned back and continued to pick up English Textbooks are ready for morning reading.

And Lin Feng over here was rummaging through his schoolbag for the English textbooks he had read in the morning, and at the same time couldn't help but glance at the group next door.

The desk seat in the corridor aisle away from him is still empty.

"The buns haven't come yet..."

Lin Feng was a little puzzled.

In his impression, An Xin was never late.


From the beginning to the end of the morning reading, it takes about half an hour.

Originally, Lin Feng thought that An Xin might have overslept and was late in the morning, but he waited until the morning reading was over, but there was still no sign of the girl rushing in.

The desks and seats of the next group are still empty.

Then the first morning class began.

By the end of the first English class in the morning, An Xin still didn't come.

"Has Baozi asked for leave?"

After class, Ren Rou and Tang Bingyao gathered together. They couldn't help but look at the desk that belonged to An Xin, and they were a little surprised.

Lin Feng nodded:

"Well, I'm on leave."

"It seems that you are not feeling well."

He sent An Xin a text message just after class, and received a reply from the girl, saying that he might not be able to come to school today.

Ren Rou was a little worried: "Are you sick? It seems that Baozi has asked for leave a few times because of this."

Lin Feng shook his head: "I don't know..."

But then he was also a little confused:

"Before, Baozi's health was always good."

"Why is it like this often after I transferred to another school?"

After discussing this kind of problem for a while, everyone couldn't come to any conclusion. Only Tang Bingyao seemed to be thinking of something, with a slightly worried expression on his small face.

The topic about An Xin didn't last long, and soon everyone talked about other things.

Yang Fan looked at Ouyang and joked:

"You kid just slept in a class."

"Have you recovered your sleep, are you refreshed now?"

Ouyang yawned, stretched comfortably, and smiled broadly:

"Well, I slept comfortably!"

"Sure enough, English class is the best sleep aid!"

Ren Rou couldn't help rolling her eyes when she heard this, and said angrily, "I heard that you stayed up all night again last night, right? I really don't know what to say about you. You're still playing ranking in the Internet cafe after returning to school today. It's just you." What should I do with my college entrance examination review in the next six months?"

Ouyang suddenly started calling out to Tianqu:

"It's wrong!"

"I didn't play ranked at all last night, okay?"

Lin Feng was curious: "Didn't Lao Yang say that you asked him for a duo?"

Ouyang Li explained straightforwardly: "Yes, but didn't he ignore me later? Then I didn't play in solo volleyball alone and couldn't score well, so I didn't play. Then I watched the live broadcast of the game all night!"

Ren Rou and Yang Fan couldn't help being a little surprised when they heard these words:

"Watching the game live?"

"You watched it all night?"


It turned out that last night Ouyang really didn't spend the whole night scoring in the solo queue, but, as he justified, he watched the live broadcast of the game for a whole night.

In this domestic late-night period, the games that can be seen will naturally not be the professional leagues of the national server lpl or the Korean server ogn.

Ouyang watched the European LCS League live broadcast last night.

"What's so interesting about European leagues?"

Yang Fan couldn't help shaking his head:

"If you count the professional leagues in several major regions, the European LCS leagues are the most boring."

"A game can be played casually for fifty or sixty minutes, and the number of heads in the first thirty minutes does not exceed five. It can make people fall asleep just by looking at it."

Ren Rou squinted at Ouyang and hummed:

"You listened to this guy's nonsense."

"It's crazy for him to be able to watch such a boring league. It must be because he queued solo all night and still doesn't admit it."

Both Lin Feng and Tang Bingyao couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

Indeed, the urine nature of the European server professional league can be said to be known to almost everyone.

Although the professional teams and professional players in Europe are not weak in the world professional e-sports circle, and there are many top-level players, they are too stable in terms of their game style. Ornamental aspects are quite lacking.

Look at a European LCS professional league...

Then it's really more interesting to find a live broadcast platform to watch an anchor play a bronze and silver segment.

But seeing Lin Feng's unbelieving attitude, Ouyang shook his head like a rattle:

"No no no no no"

"Hey, why don't you believe me!"

"I really watched the live broadcast of the LCS league last night!"

"And I'm really not exaggerating. Those games last night... are really different from the lukewarm European professional leagues in our impression!"

"Especially there's a European jungler in it, it's so damn fucked up!"

I am guilty... Make up an update today, the next chapter will be before 6 o'clock, please forgive me from the organization!

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