
Chapter 657 Nightingale's Dark Battle

What made Lin Feng even stunned by surprise was a message from QQ.

The person who sent the message was an old friend who hadn't been in touch for a long time.

Said it was an old friend...

Probably not exactly.

After all, in the S1 season that year, Lin Feng and the rest of the team went all the way from the national server to the world finals, met gods and gods, met Buddhas and destroyed Buddhas, and won almost every game. I can't hold it anymore, and I have all kinds of resentment.

So it is more appropriate to use the term "old opponent".

But even old opponents are divided into types.

For example, Shi Hang and Jiuyue Shuangye belong to the same category, and everyone's personal relationship can be regarded as relatively close and familiar.

The other category is purely the relationship between rivals back then. Apart from meeting and confrontation on the field, there is no other contact and communication.

Well, for the latter category of people, Lin Feng, who was the number one mid laner Maple in the national service back then, has retired for so many years, and he has already lost track of him in the circle, let alone actively contacting him.

But this time, an old opponent from back then came to Lin Feng.

It is also a heavyweight existence with an incomparably famous reputation in the professional e-sports circle in the world today.

One of the seven kings of the world.

Taiwan's No. 1 jungler.

The most powerful blind monk ever recognized in the world.

Assassin Squad Captain

Read Thirteen.


The first time Lin Feng and Nian Shisan played against each other was before the S1 World Finals. In the end, their national service division had to play a BO3 with the Taiwan division to compete for the only other final in Asia besides the Korean division. The qualifying places in the competition area.

In the BO3 match at that time, Lin Feng naturally won in the end.

But the strength and performance that Nian Shisan showed in the competition at that time also impressed Lin Feng and the others very deeply.

We all cherish each other, and naturally we can become friends.

However, Nian Shisan has a rather arrogant personality, and he always feels brooding about his loss to Lin Feng and the others... especially the loss to the jungler "Eleven" of Lin Feng's team, so he always thinks about getting Look for an opportunity to overturn Shishigan once and for all.

But everyone knows what happened later. Lin Feng retired, the strongest team recognized by the national server was disbanded, and Amo and Aqiu also had no news, except Tian Tian who was still among the top players. In addition, the jungler Eleven has also become unknown.

As for the "re-fight" bet with Nian Shisan back then, naturally it was never mentioned again.

Speaking of which, it is true that Lin Feng and Nian Shisan have not been in touch for a long time.

The most recent time was the S5 World Finals. After many years, Lin Feng called Tian Tian with his senior No. 3. Tian Tian bumped into Nian Shisan shortly after the call

But at that time Lin Feng didn't talk to Nian Shisan either.

So this time...

The message sent by Nian Shisan on QQ this time is really the first contact between the two after several years.


"Is Maple here?"

"Will you be here!"

"I'm Thirteen! Are you free recently? If you have nothing to do, come and fight Nightingale!!"

"How about relying on people?"

"Don't pretend to be dead! I know you use QQ to keep invisible!"

"Get online!! You must be here!!"

After that, there was a series of bombardment of information. Based on Lin Feng's familiarity with Nian Shisan, the latter's personality is indeed of this type of chatter. If you ignore him, he can chatter non-stop for half an hour. Speaking of playing professional e-sports, it might be more appropriate to be a stand-up comedian.

What really surprised and stunned Lin Feng was that the old Shisan, whom he hadn't contacted for a long time, would find him so suddenly.

Second, it is the Nightingale that Nian Shisan mentioned in his QQ message.

Nightingale, meaning "Nightingale".

Lin Feng's English level is not bad, and he knows the meaning of the word thrown out by reading Thirteen.

But the so-called nightingale...

It completely left him at a loss without a clue.

After so many years of no contact, the old thirteen suddenly asked him to "beat the nightingale" on QQ?

Is it bird hunting?

Speaking of which, does Nightingale protect animals...

Full of messy thoughts, Lin Feng typed back thirteen sentences in the chat window:

"What is nightingale hunting?"

Not more than three seconds after the message was sent, a "Dididi" reply prompt sounded. Co-authored Nian Shisan was still watching QQ and waiting for Lin Feng to reply. When he saw Lin Feng's message, he immediately followed the second reply :

"I rely on you, as expected!"

"I knew you were going to be invisible!!"

"Damn! I haven't heard from you for so long, I thought you were really dead!"

It's a whole lot of whining and nonsense again.

Lin Feng quite habitually ignored these nonsense, and continued to type and ask again:

"What is nightingale hunting?"

Only when I read Thirteen can I react:

"Eh? You don't know?"

Immediately there was a pass of contempt:

"I'm sure you don't even know that, Nightingale!"

"Is it famous in the circle?"

Lin Feng nodded and typed: "If you talk nonsense again, I will quit."

Nian Shisan sent a series of ellipsis, and finally put away the nonsense and began to answer positively:

"Nightingale, you know the meaning of 'Nightingale'. It's a very old competition. Strictly speaking, it can't be regarded as a competition. At least it's different from the professional league."

"Actually, it's an exchange competition, worldwide."

"We in Taiwan privately call this the Nightingale's Dark War."


After putting away his nagging personality, Nian Shisan was not at all ambiguous when he talked about the business, and quickly explained this Nightingale and Lin Feng clearly in a few sentences.

The so-called Nightingale, the "Nightingale's secret battle" in the thirteenth mouth, is indeed not an ordinary professional league.

It's not even right to call it a semi-professional game.

Because this is just an online exchange game, there is no venue, no awards, no ranking, and even no organizer.

But the specifications of this Nightingale Dark War are not low.

Because those who can participate are almost all the top people in the world's professional e-sports circle.

Some are active professional players.

Some have already retired, but they also had brilliant records back then, and their strength is still not to be underestimated by anyone.

The Nightingale War is a product of such a group of people. It will be held once a year at the beginning of a new season. It is called "exchange and discussion". Through actual combat, we will jointly study and discuss some characteristics of the new version of the new season.

This kind of thing is actually very common, just like when each new version of the patch is just released, each professional team club will also organize research and discussions to discuss some heroes, styles of play and tactics that are most suitable for the new version, so that their own The team can adapt to the rhythm of the new version faster and better, so as to have better performance and results in the next new professional season.

But Nightingale is not organized by a dedicated person, and the benefits are not so clear.

It's just an amateur exchange organized by a group of top players in private.

Of course, because the members who can participate in the nightingale dark battle are of extremely high levels, and the various actual combat materials discussed in the new version are also very precious, some professional team coaches will find ways to get their own team members to participate, hoping to be able to participate. Through this exchange meeting, first-hand valuable materials can be obtained.

In addition, Nightingale Dark War has another feature

"That is, all participants will not use their real ID names."

"All with vests, basically no one can recognize anyone."

"Purely rely on strength to learn from each other."

"That's why it's called 'Dark War'."

After Nian Shisan explained to Lin Feng, he finally sent a message:

"How about it?"

"Are you interested?"

The update is here, the next chapter is before 7 o'clock~ a new week, friends, study and work hard.

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