
Chapter 653 Different Ways

Lin Feng didn't hide anything from his old friend's straight-to-the-point inquiry. He nodded his head and typed a reply seriously:

"Hmm. c"

This is an admission.

On the other side of the chat window, Jiuyue Shuangye was slightly shocked.

In fact, Lin Feng didn't need to take the initiative to admit it, he could have guessed it, and many details could be seen at a glance through a simple one or two rounds with Lin Feng tonight.

Tonight's Lin Feng performed too well and perfectly, no matter in terms of operation reaction speed or state of consciousness.

This cannot be simply explained with a reason of "he is Maple".

Because even if it is a former professional player, after leaving the professional e-sports field for many years, his own strength and state will be greatly reduced with the passage of time, and he will no longer be at the peak level of the past.

Regarding this point, Jiuyue Shuangye herself has a personal experience:

After several years of broadcasting career, even though he still broadcasts rankings for at least six hours a day, his reaction speed and state of consciousness are far from what they were back then. After all, he is still living too comfortably now. up.

Professional e-sports is like sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat.

And the state Lin Feng showed tonight is definitely not what a former professional player who has retired for many years can have.

there is only one explanation

Even during the period of retirement, he still maintains a sufficiently high-intensity training, and always keeps his reaction speed and state awareness above the professional level.

Or, through high-intensity training and hard work, gradually recovering the state of the year.

Either way, it means countless hard work and hard work.

It means unimaginable hardship and sweat for ordinary people.

Jiuyue Shuangye's thoughts were slightly in a trance. He also had such experiences and years. During the S2 and S3 seasons, he was in the Amakusa team in order to win the LPL league championship and the world S league. , also train so desperately every day, with one goal wholeheartedly.

Although hard.

Every day was extremely fulfilling.

Withdrawing her thoughts, September Shuangye typed a reply in the chat window:

"Even you are coming back."

"Does anyone else in the circle know now?"

Lin Feng shook his head and typed a reply:

"Not many, just a few for now."

Jiuyue Shuangye nodded to express her understanding: "That's right, otherwise, once such news comes out, the entire national service should have been alarmed."

This sentiment is definitely not without reason.

You know, even Shi Hang's return to the national server professional e-sports circle a while ago can cause a lot of exclamation in the national server; then if the return is Maple, who was recognized as the strongest mid laner in the national server S1 season, is that Being able to compete with F in five rounds in the world's top professional arena in S1, the entire national server will be completely excited about it.

Lin Feng smiled, and didn't say much about Jiuyue Shuangye's emotion.

The conversation between the two fell into a moment of silence.

After a long while, Jiuyue Shuangye turned away and mentioned another sentence as if looking for a topic:

"You are in really good shape now."

"Vayne played too much in the previous round."

There was undisguised admiration and praise for Lin Feng in his words.

After all, Vayne, who saves the world with five kills, plays like a god, even many professional ADC players may not be able to easily do it, let alone a former professional player who has retired for many years.

But Lin Feng shook his head and typed a reply:


"You were stronger back then."

It seems that this is just a very ordinary modest and polite sentence, but when it comes from Lin Feng's mouth, the tone is extremely serious.

So September Shuangye fell silent.

After a while, a message came back from the chat window:

"It's all in the past."

In a word, the flat tone seemed to be suppressing some emotions forcibly as a cover-up.

Lin Feng looked at it and smiled:

"Yeah, it's over."

"But until now, many, many people still remember you from that time, don't they?"

September Shuangye was silent again.

Looking at the chat window where there was no message reply for a long time, Lin Feng also did not continue to type and say anything. He looked over the computer screen and looked out of the window. The moonlight was bright and clear, and the gaze in his eyes became a little distant for a moment.


Since the S1 season, the professional e-sports circle of the national server has been developing and rising little by little. There are two positions that have been continuously emerging top professional players with outstanding talent and strength.

One is the mid laner position.

The other one is the ADC bit.

In the latter position, from the S1 season to the current S6 season, there are not too few names that can be remembered by the national server players, but not too many, but any professional e-sports that stands out in the ADC position hands, can write a rich and colorful stroke in the history of the national service LOL e-sports. 1 season of "Silent Words". "September Frost Leaf" in Season 2-S3. "Song in the Wild Snow" in season 4-S5.

three people.

The strongest ADC player in the national server for three terms.

For five seasons before and after, these three have supported the highest level of ADC position in the national server LOL professional e-sports circle, representing the strongest state of the national server professional ADC players, even if they are placed in the world professional e-sports arena In terms of performance, they are all well-deserved world-class ADCs.

In fact, the current ADC member of the God-Hand of God team, "Huangxue Yege", is the newest of the three, and is also slightly inferior to the previous two in terms of strength and record.

"Silence" is Lin Feng's teammate Amo back then.

He was one of the top three ADCs in the world that year, and one of the five players on the strongest team in the national server who once reached the finals of the World S-League together with Lin Feng and others.

In the later S2 and S3 seasons, although there were not as many truly top-level ADC players in the world professional e-sports circle at that time as in the S1 season, as the strongest ADC player in the national server, September Shuangye was able to win At that time, he was recognized as the strongest ADC in the world, an honor neither his predecessor nor successor had ever received.

That's true glory.

It’s not that you can really “past” just by saying “past”.

After a long while of silence, Lin Feng sent another message in the chat window:

"I didn't expect you to retire so early."

In fact, when Shuangye announced her retirement in September, it shocked the national server. Almost everyone could not have imagined that Ye Shen, who was still at the peak of his career at the time, would make such a choice.

But at this moment, such a sentence uttered from Lin Feng's mouth has more weight.

September Shuangye was silent, and replied after a long while:

"After playing for two seasons, it's almost the same."

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows little by little, typing and asking:


"What is almost?"

The ultimate dream of any professional e-sports player is always only one, to stand on the stage of the world S-League championship and win the trophy that symbolizes the highest honor of League of Legends.

So there is no such ambiguous statement as "almost".

Either you get it, or you don't get it.

there is another option

It's called "giving up".

After sending two questioning messages, Lin Feng suddenly felt a little tired again, because he felt tired.

He understood that he did not have any qualifications or position to question this old friend who accused him.

Everyone has the right to make their own choices.

It's just that Jiuyue Shuangye chose a path that might make his life easier and more comfortable.

Even though, this has run counter to his dream of being a professional e-sports player back then.

Feeling exhausted, Lin Feng didn't want to continue this topic, so he sent another message:

"It's getting late, let's talk next time."

"Thank you for tonight."

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the chat window, and finally a message came back:

"You're welcome."

No other reply or explanation.

The last two conversations were actually quite polite and polite, but for some reason, there seemed to be a faint sense of strangeness between the two of them.

The update is here, the next chapter is around 11 o'clock, and I finally typed out Amo's ID name~ Carefully ask for a small red envelope of 2 yuan?

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