
Chapter 629 There are still 10 minutes before the premiere

The statement that Su Xue released on her Weibo and Tieba public platforms was not long, but it directly and unreservedly revealed the whole story of the recent incident.

Countless netizens couldn't help being surprised.

Many people didn't know about such a thing at first, but they couldn't help being dumbfounded after seeing Su Xue's statement. They didn't expect that they didn't pay much attention to the anchor circle, and Huya TV had such a big incident.

turn out to be……

Huya's water is so deep?

Watching the excitement is always a serious matter. Many netizens immediately forwarded Su Xue's statement. For a while, almost half of the League of Legends players on the national server and even many netizens who don't play games heard about it. Such a thing.

As for Huya TV, they responded quickly and immediately posted a statement on their official Weibo

In the statement, Huya's official statement sternly emphasized that their live broadcast platform has always followed the principle of fairness and reasonableness, and there is absolutely no such thing as locking popularity as a certain female anchor said. In addition, they also severely criticized Su Xue's malicious slander in that statement , asking Su Xue to withdraw the statement as soon as possible and give an apology.

At the same time, Huya also issued a stern warning to its own Huya anchors in the private anchor QQ group, and issued a gag order to all anchors under the company, requiring all anchors not to broadcast live or on other personal platforms. Express your opinion on the matter.

But despite obedience on the surface, these Huya anchors couldn't help talking about this matter in private.

Because this time...

Things are really messed up.

Although it is a well-known unspoken rule that the live broadcast platform locks the popularity of the live broadcast room, speaking of it, Su Xue is probably the first to directly expose this unspoken rule on a public platform with such a fierce attitude anchor.

"It's really courageous"

Some anchors couldn't help feeling this way in private.

It is equivalent to saying that Su Xue is directly tearing face off with Huya TV, a live broadcast platform.

This kind of courage, this kind of guts, there are really few anchors who have done this before, and often even if they switch jobs to other platforms, they will not have such a violent tear with their old club before leaving.

Some older anchors who were a little more calm frowned:

"But that Su Xue did this,

It's like pushing yourself to the forefront. "

"Huya is definitely going to block her."

"Even if you find a new next home, after going to the new platform, your popularity will be greatly reduced. It's hard to say whether you can continue to mix on the new platform."

An anchor answered the call:

"Yeah, and her statement felt like it was full of words."

"When I go to the new platform, if the popularity really drops, I guess many people who are waiting to see her jokes will immediately jump out and attack her."

"After all, she offended Huya this time and really offended her very hard."

In fact, after seeing Su Xue's statement, the super-manager at Huya immediately broke a cup in a fit of rage, and was almost out of breath:


"How dare this woman be so arrogant!"

"Damn, take yourself seriously, take care of yourself, just wait and see!"

"Let's see what tricks you can come up with in teasing fish!"

Because Su Xue's statement is equivalent to giving him, the superman who is the party concerned, to bear a lot of pressure in the company, and even the senior management of the company began to ask about this matter, and his own boss, Mr. Sun, also The phone call scolded him furiously, and in the end he could only grit his teeth and promise again:

"Don't worry, Mr. Sun."

"That woman is capable of this."

"She knew that she would lose her popularity after going to the new platform, so she deliberately wanted to make things bigger and gain some attention for herself."

"When she starts broadcasting on Douyu, her popularity will drop within a few days."

"At that time, no one will pay attention to her any more."

"Yes, yes, I promise!"

Recalling the phone call with his boss yesterday, Chaoguan couldn't help feeling aggrieved and angry again.

It's all that Su Xue!

Originally, the popularity of the lock live broadcast room was such a small matter, but now there are so many troubles out of nowhere, and the situation is almost out of control for him.

Chao Guan's face became a little distorted and hideous

Anyway, it depends on tomorrow.

That Su Xue went to the new platform Douyu, and once her popularity dropped, the netizens who followed this incident would gradually lose interest in her, and this incident would naturally be exposed very quickly, and no one would ever talk about it again. mentioned.

As for what if Su Xue continued to maintain her popularity after going to the new platform?

This kind of thing is absolutely impossible!


No matter what, as soon as Su Xue made this statement, everyone inside and outside the circle couldn't help but focus their attention.

Whether it's waiting to see a joke, or just curiously following the subsequent development of the matter, they are all waiting for Su Xue's premiere on Douyu's new platform tomorrow Saturday night.

Everyone will be curious and speculate, wanting to see how much popularity this female anchor, who dared to fight head-on with Huya TV, can maintain after going to the new platform.

After all, for the parties concerned, if they leave the old club and go to the new platform, and continue to maintain their popularity, it will be the most powerful counterattack against the old club.

Even if I don't stay with you, I can still live better!

Finally, the time quickly came to Saturday.

Six thirty in the evening.

There is still half an hour before the premiere of Su Xue in Douyu.

Almost all people inside and outside the circle have already opened the official website of Douyu TV, or browsed Weibo and post bar forums, waiting for Su Xue's live broadcast room to start broadcasting later, looking forward to seeing this brave woman tonight. What kind of popularity can the female anchor achieve in the live broadcast room?

The supervisor at Huya was also waiting with a sneer.

Some anchors who have a good relationship with Su Xue even sent Su Xue their concern and greetings on QQ.

But at this time, Su Xue was sitting in front of the computer screen in the bedroom at home, watching the messages from various water friend groups and friends on her QQ that were about to max out the entire QQ message system, she deeply took a deep breath


half an hour!

Lin Feng at the side glanced at Su Xue:

"Sister Xue, are you nervous?"

Su Xue nodded helplessly: "Sure, I don't know how many people are waiting to see my jokes."

But then her gaze became firm:


"I won't let them succeed!"

Because she has so many diehard fans.

Her fans are the source of her confidence.

Tonight's premiere is a battle without gunpowder or even enemies. Everyone is waiting to see her good show, but everyone also underestimated her determination

This battle.

She must win!

I will definitely win too!


Fifteen minutes to seven o'clock.

On the Internet, in the major posting forums and Su Xue's own Weibo, there are even many netizens and players with good deeds shouting and betting on the opening, guessing how popular Su Xue's Douyu premiere will be tonight.

Five thousand?

Ten thousand?

Twenty thousand?

Or 35,000 or even higher?

Some experienced netizens gave a more reliable opinion, because the popularity of live broadcast rooms on various live broadcast platforms is very low. Often, for a live broadcast room that claims to be popular with 200,000 people, the real number of online users is probably divided by Eight or divided by ten is the real data after removing the moisture.

That is to say, Su Xue signed a contract to go to Douyu. If the Douyu TV official pays more attention to her, the popularity in the live broadcast room should also be increased, so at least it will not be so ugly with only a few thousand people. .

In fact, this statement is indeed half correct.

In the last ten minutes before the premiere of Su Xue's Douyu was about to start, the super tube of Douyu was also communicating with colleagues in the technical department in the background:

"That Su Xue will premiere later."

"It's estimated that she can't bring many people from Huya."

"On your side, help her to increase her popularity, so she can make it look better."

The colleagues in the technical department nodded:

"Okay, what percentage do you use?"

Chaoguan hesitated for a moment: "Her words... can bring about one or two thousand fans, right? There has been a lot of trouble recently, and it is estimated that one or two thousand people will come to join in the fun. Help me She brushes it in multiples of ten, and it's enough to get thirty to forty thousand popularity."

This fish-fucker superman thinks very naturally.

After all, Su Xue was not a particularly popular anchor in Huya before, and now she has just jumped to their Douyu TV. As a new anchor, her superficial popularity can be regarded as 30,000 to 40,000.

At least not too bad face.

At this time, there were less than ten minutes before the premiere of Su Xue's Teasing Fish.

this moment……

Almost no one would think of it.

Ten minutes later, they were destined to be completely shocked by an almost unprecedented grand scene.

After drinking with a client, I have a splitting headache...Life is so difficult...The next chapter will be before six o'clock.

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