
Chapter 622 Unspoken rules in the circle

The answer from Old Hei stunned Su Xue.



Locked by the super tube on Huya TV?

Although it has been live broadcasting on Huya TV for more than half a year, Su Xue has always been dedicated to live broadcasting on a daily basis, and basically did not spend much time in the so-called commentary circle, and the colleagues in the circle are really familiar with Only a few people including Lao Hei.

Not to mention making good friends with super tube climbing relationships. Apart from a few notifications about the promotion and recommendation positions on the platform, there are almost no exchanges.

So it was the first time she had heard of being locked in popularity.


Su Xue couldn't figure out what she had done wrong to be locked up.

The old black hair on the other side of the QQ chat window made a helpless sigh, and then continued to send messages to reply:

"It's not easy for me to say such a thing."

"But basically there are only two possibilities. Have you offended anyone from Huya recently?"

Su Xue's first reaction was to answer immediately:


"I watch my live broadcast every day, so how can I offend Chaoguan!"

Old Hei shook his head and sighed:

"I think so."

"Then it can only be another situation..."


Immediately after Lao Hei's answer and explanation, Su Xue finally figured out the insider truth about locking popularity.

On the Huya TV live broadcast platform, in addition to some special recommended promotion positions, the location of the live broadcast rooms of each live broadcast section is basically ranked according to the popularity of its own audience.

Your online audience is the most popular, with more than one million, so you will naturally be ranked first and second in the live broadcast section.

The most conspicuous and the easiest to be found by new water friends.

And if the popularity of your live broadcast room is relatively low, it is logical that you will be ranked behind a bunch of live broadcast rooms in your own live broadcast section

At this time, unless the players on Huya specially scroll down the browser page to the very back, they will find your live broadcast room and may click to open it.

But most of the time, most of the users will still habitually click on the few highly popular live broadcast rooms at the forefront of the page to watch.

simply put:

The more popular the live broadcast room itself, the easier it is to attract more new water friends viewers.

Those positions at the forefront of the live broadcast section also have the best publicity and recommendation effects.

"But sometimes, when Chaoguan wants to recommend and promote some new anchors, it will artificially increase the popularity of their live broadcast rooms in the background."

"In this way, the popularity of those live broadcast rooms will be high, and they can be ranked in a more prominent position at the front."

"It can also play a recommendation effect."

Old Hei patiently explained to Su Xue:

"But that's not enough."

"Because you just put the popularity of new anchors on the list, other anchors who are already popular can still be ranked first, so new friends may not necessarily click on the new anchor's live broadcast room when they come in."

"So... some live broadcast rooms with high popularity rankings will be locked during this period of time."

"For example, set the upper limit of popularity in your live broadcast room to 100,000."

"In this way, there is no way to compete with the new anchor they launched on Huya for popularity."

After listening to Lao Hei's patient explanation, Su Xue found it more and more difficult to understand and accept, and felt that the three views of the whole person were about to be subverted

Huya's super tube...

You can still do this! ?

In order to promote newcomers, go to the backstage to gain fake popularity?

And locked the popularity of other anchors?

Su Xue became angry and tapped on the keyboard:


Old Hei smiled wryly:

"Don't be angry, this happened to many other old anchors in the circle."

"The way Huya gave it is called 'Cooperate with Propaganda'."


Cooperate with publicity.

It's okay if Lao Hei didn't say this, but if he said it, it would make Su Xue even more angry.

What is cooperative propaganda?

Huya forcibly blocked her popularity in the live broadcast room, and didn't even say hello. It's not asking her to cooperate, it's a compulsory behavior!

If you want to cooperate, do you have her permission and consent? ?

Why do people just do this directly! ?

Regarding Su Xue's indignation, Lao Hei could only sigh and comfort him:

"There's no way. Huya's current high-level behavior has always been like this. Most of the time, it's unreasonable to push anyone."

"However, it's hard to say what's going on right now, so don't be angry, or go to the super management and ask."

Su Xue also calmed down a little, and decided to follow Lao Hei's advice, and immediately found a Huya super tube in the QQ friend list, and sent him an inquiry message.


Five minutes later there was no reply.

Ten minutes later, fifteen minutes later, twenty minutes later, there was still no response from the chat window.

And clearly at this time, Chaoguan's ID avatar is still brightly displayed online.

After Su Xue couldn't hold back and resent the message again, the profile picture of that super-supervising friend's ID suddenly went dark.

He actually went offline directly in front of her!

In this way, the attitude of the other party has become extremely obvious.

This is simply too lazy to talk to people!


Su Xue, who encountered this kind of thing for the first time, was really angry.

Forcibly lock her popularity.

Then I ran to ask about the situation, but the other party was still too lazy to answer, and was not even willing to give an explanation.

You know, she has been working hard on the Huya TV live broadcast platform for half a year. She has a diligent work attitude and doesn't talk about it. Although she doesn't communicate much with those super-supervisors, she is polite every time she encounters them. of.

Now, they just gave her such a look.

How can this be accepted?

However, Su Xue finally didn't lose her mind, she didn't go directly to Chaoguan to make a big fuss, but managed to calm down first, and continued to prepare for the live broadcast in the evening.

When the live broadcast started in the evening, the popularity in the room quickly reached 350,000. A group of old fans and water friends poured in first, and then the new fans of the water friends who followed a few days ago were all excited Vigorously greet Su Xue with a barrage:

"Good evening, Xuexue~"

"Why are you here so late today?"

"I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Regarding the barrage greetings from fans and water friends, Su Xue forced a smile:

"Hmm, good evening~"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, something happened before, so I came a little late."

Then it was the normal live broadcast at night, when it was about six or seven o'clock, Su Xue's popularity in the live broadcast room had reached about 80,000.

But it's about time...

How can the popularity not go up.

Su Xue paid special attention to it. Indeed, just a few minutes ago, the popularity of her live broadcast was obviously still increasing. According to the previous rhythm, it should almost break through the 100,000 mark by now.

But now it's stuck at around 82,000 popularity, and it can't grow any further.

Su Xue felt a little cold in her heart:


Popularity is really locked.

Immediately, some fans and water friends in the live broadcast room also began to slowly notice something was wrong:

"Hey, is there a problem with the popularity of our live broadcast room?"

"Why only 82,000."

"With this amount of barrage, it's impossible for so few people to watch it."

"Damn, really, I see that the other live broadcast room next door has more than 200,000 online popularity, and the barrage is not one-third of ours."

"What the hell, Huya's system is blown up?"

"Is there a bug?"

Regarding the confusion and doubts from fans and water friends, although Su Xue knew the truth in her heart, she could only keep the matter in her stomach.

In her opinion, although Huya did something wrong, she is Huya's contracted anchor after all. Even if she feels wronged by this kind of thing, she should not complain rashly to fans and water friends. After all, she still needs to maintain it. The image of Huya.

Such a thing as locking popularity...

In a few days, it should be untied.

At this time, Su Xue could only force herself to comfort herself optimistically.

The update is here, the next chapter will be around 10 o'clock~ Please ask for a wave of flowers and red envelopes~ In addition, I would like to thank my friends for their subscription support.

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