
Chapter 616 The granddaughter has also grown up

After hanging up the phone, Tang Bingyao sat at the table and subconsciously lost her mind, lowering her head and wondering what she was thinking.

So the dinner table seemed a little quiet.

After a while, grandma's gentle and kind voice sounded from the opposite side:


After being called out like this, Tang Bingyao finally came to her senses, and raised her head in a panic:


Grandma Tangtang, who was sitting opposite, looked at her granddaughter with some concern:

"What's wrong?"

Tang Bingyao was slightly startled, then shook her head vigorously: "No, nothing."

Although she said so in her mouth, the girl's tone was obviously a little bit wrong. Naturally, this change in mood could not be hidden from her grandma who had depended on each other for many years. The old man looked at his granddaughter and said gently:

"Is it a call from a classmate?"

Tang Bingyao hesitated for a moment, then nodded slowly:


Grandma Tang laughed: "Boy?"

The little face couldn't help but blushed, but Tang Bingyao still nodded and admitted, and then quickly added: "It's a classmate in the same class."

But it would be superfluous to say such words, and it would make people feel the guilt in the girl's tone.

Grandma Tang didn't take it seriously, she thought for a while and seemed to recall something, then her eyes lit up slightly:

"It's... the boy named Lin Feng that you often mentioned before?"


Grandma Tang asked: "Is there anything he can do to call you?"

After hesitating for a moment, Tang Bingyao replied in a low voice: "He invited me to eat hot pot with them, and he didn't go home for the New Year this year, he spent it here in Shanghai."

Grandma Tang nodded understandingly, and looked at her granddaughter with a kind and gentle smile on her face:

"Your classmates have invited you to spend the New Year together,

Our family, Tangtang, has made many good friends in school now. "

"Then... why don't you agree?"

Tang Bingyao pursed her lips, then shook her head firmly with determination:

"not going."

"I will celebrate the New Year with my grandma."

Grandma Tang was silent for a while, and she looked at her granddaughter with tenderness and compassion. She could feel that her granddaughter wanted to go. It was probably because of this incident that she was absent-minded when eating, but... …

Children are too sensible.

There is only one old man at home, if Tangtang leaves to eat hot pot with her classmates and friends during the Chinese New Year, then she will be the only one left at home, and for Tangtang, who has always been extremely sensible and filial, she will never want to do such a thing see.

So even if she is "wronged" by herself, even if she has to sacrifice her own happiness, she is unwilling to let her, a lone grandma, stay at home for the New Year in desolation.

The old man sighed in his heart.

But as a grandma, she didn't want her precious granddaughter to be dragged down by an old lady like her.

Thinking of this in her heart, Grandma Tang still had a gentle smile on her face, but suddenly changed the topic:



"How about that little boy named Lin Feng?"

"Uh, uh?"

Unexpectedly, grandma would ask such a question suddenly. Tang Bingyao, caught off guard by the question, suddenly raised her head, blinked her big eyes and looked at grandma stupidly, her mind completely unresponsive.

What is... Fengzi, how is it?

But Grandma Tang was still smiling:

"I often hear you mention this boy's name. You have a good relationship, right?"

Tang Bingyao replied subconsciously: "Oh... not, not bad."

There was a guilty conscience in his tone that couldn't be concealed.

Grandma Tang laughed until her eyes narrowed: "There are not many boys who can make our Tangtang talk about it so often. How about it? Does he like you?"


Tang Bingyao finally couldn't help but let out a soft cry, her little face turned red:


But at this time, the old man seems to suddenly have a rare gossip curiosity, breaking the casserole to ask the bottom line:

"Or... Our family Tangtang has already fallen in love with someone?"

A small face was almost flushed with embarrassment, Tang Bingyao panicked and shook her head like a rattle:

"No no!"

"No! Just friends!"

Seeing her granddaughter flushed like a fever from being teased by herself, Grandma Tang finally smiled and stopped asking this question any further, and turned the topic back again:

"Since a friend with such a good relationship invites you to be a guest, it would be rude if you don't go."

Tang Bingyao was stunned suddenly, and raised her head in a daze to look at the kindly and gentle grandma who was smiling, and finally understood the real intention of grandma's joking words just now.

Then she still shook her head persistently: "No need, I want to accompany you, grandma..."

Before she finished speaking, Grandma Tang interrupted with a smile: "What do you do with me as an old man? You have grown up too, so you can't spend your time with grandma forever. It's rare that I met some good friends in school. It’s more fun to spend more time with them.”

Tang Bingyao shook her head stubbornly:

"don't want."

"I'll just be with grandma today."

Grandma Tang looked at Tang Bingyao gently: "You really don't want to go?"

Tang Bingyao wanted to say "yes" subconsciously, but when she met grandma's gentle gaze, she couldn't help but pause when she reached her mouth. After hesitating for a long time, she finally nodded indiscernibly, and said in a low voice:

"I have...a little thought."

Hearing her granddaughter's sincere words, Grandma Tang didn't get angry at all, but smiled gratifiedly:

"Then go."

"Today I let you stay with me, an old man, all day. You are busy with everything. Other people's children have fun during the New Year. If grandma still keeps you on a leash at this time, then It’s just wrong to be a grandma.”

"Go, have fun with your classmates and friends."

Tang Bingyao was still struggling with the last hesitation: "But...then grandma..."

Grandma Tang smiled and shook her head: "Grandma, what else can I do at night as an old man? I am old and tired after eating. I have to go back to my room to rest almost early. There is nothing to worry about. Just remember to bring the key when you go out later... ..."

As the old man seemed to think of something, he suddenly added:

"Oh, yes, if it's too late tonight, it's better to trouble others and stay at a friend's house. Before a girl comes back too late and it's not safe, you will spend the night at those classmates and friends' house, right?"

Although the old man is old, he is particularly enlightened in this kind of matter.

It's just that Grandma Tang didn't forget to tell Tangtang more in the end:

"But Tangtang, grandma still wants to remind you."

"It's a good thing for a girl to have someone she likes."

"But you are still young, you still have to keep some boundaries between men and women, you know?"

At this time, Tang Bingyao had already been blushed by her grandma's words, and couldn't help stamping her feet in embarrassment:


Of course, although she was so blushing that her face was about to have a fever, Tang Bingyao's mood suddenly became extremely light and cheerful.

This New Year's Eve...

It will be different from previous years!


At the home of Lin Feng and Su Xue, Lin Feng who hung up the phone in front was still a little regretful:

"Tangtang doesn't seem to be coming."

An Xin looked at Lin Feng: "Why, is there something wrong at Tangtang's family?"

Lin Feng nodded: "Oh yes, it seems that she wants to accompany her grandma."

At this time, Su Xue had almost finished her work in the kitchen, and walked over while unbuttoning her apron, with a look of understanding on her face:

"Tangtang is only her and her grandma at home right now?"

"That's really understandable. She is so sensible and filial. It's normal for the old man to worry about being alone."

An Xin shook her head slightly, and said softly:

"But... just spend New Year's Eve at home with grandma like this, it's a bit deserted."

Lin Feng sighed: "There is no other way."

The old fans and water friends in the live broadcast room looked even more gloomy and wailed:

"Ah, our Tangtang can't come!"

"I feel sorry for Tangtang!"

"My heart hurts! Where does Tangtang live? I want to come and send warmth!"

"Use the love of our Tangtang Party to warm Tangtang's lonely heart!"

And at this moment, Lin Feng's cell phone rang again suddenly.

At first glance, the call was from Tang Bingyao.

Things seem to be turning around?

Lin Feng immediately lifted his spirits, and quickly picked up the phone with quick movements:

"Hello, Tangtang?"

The girl's shy yet excited voice came from the other end of the phone:


"I can come here."

"almost there!"

Because the hands-free was turned on, the girl's voice came out of the microphone, allowing everyone present to hear it clearly.

The next moment, the live broadcast room roared with joy and excitement!

The update was sent, and I suddenly found that Qiu Fengluan gave another 88 red envelopes, thank you~ I will accompany my parents to my grandparents' house in the evening, and the third one will be later, try to be before eleven o'clock.

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