
Chapter 575: The Game Between Jess and the Little Murloc

After the previous solo match with Riven, Zhang Hao already realized that Chen Ting, the top laner captain of the opposing 72° Internet cafe team, was stronger than himself.

Therefore, in this match, when he saw that the opponent chose Riven as the top laner again, he also resolutely and decisively took out his best top laner girl.

Originally, he was ready to go on the road and resist the pressure.

In his opinion, his laning ability may not be as good as that of his opponents, but he has not played this kind of anti-pressure game once or twice. Before that, even if he was as strong as the Fudan, Zhejiang University and Beijing Electronics Association teams. The team's singles matchup can at least ensure that the line does not collapse.

But this time he was wrong.

At the beginning of the matchup, he obviously felt a stronger sense of oppression than in the previous solo round.

The opponent's top laner, Riven...

The aggressiveness on the line is almost stronger than the previous solo game by more than a few points!

It was so overwhelming that he couldn't breathe!

In the previous wave of confrontation, he was flustered and hastily handed over the "Balanced Strike" of the E skill in advance. As a result, the opponent's jungler blind monk surrounded him with a wave of wandering gank. The direct kill took away his first blood.

The game screen on the computer screen turned into black and white.

Sweat dripped from Zhang Hao's forehead.

He has an unreal feeling:

The top laner captain of the 72° Internet cafe team opposite him seems to be stronger than any opponent he has encountered in the National College League before...

Be stronger!


Riwen, the top laner on the purple side, got the first blood, and the number of kills of the blue and purple sides on the field became 0 to 1.

On the middle side, as the level of the mid laners on both sides has gradually increased, the situation of the blue side single Jess is no longer as easy as before.

Jess VS little murloc, at level 1 and 2, the former can take advantage of the long-range advantage, but after level 3, the little murloc gradually becomes passive and active.

The reason is very simple

Jess can continue to find opportunities to consume the little murloc's blood by consuming the damage of the poke remotely.

But as long as Jess is inadvertently attacked by the little murloc Q, it will be the rhythm of losing half a tube of blood in an instant.

Level 3...even starting from level 2, the little murloc's damage burst is already terrifying.

The first set of damage to lower Jace's bloodline.

After the cooldown of the skill CD is complete, the little murloc's second set of damage can be played out. With [ignite], it can almost directly kill the half-blooded Jess away.

"Didn't Jess explode too?"

Around the ring area, someone among the Internet cafe audience said something not convinced.

A spectator who was playing Jess's top laner next to him shook his head:


"It's true that Jess has exploded, but compared with the little murloc, the little murloc can completely backhand with an E skill and turn passive into active."

"And before that, Jess could only use EQ 2nd Company or level A to slowly lower the little murloc's blood volume, but it is also very difficult for the electric energy ball of the Q skill to hit the target. The little murloc should react faster. You can still dodge pole vaulting."

"Anyway, if these two heroes are just facing each other, the error tolerance rate for Jess to play a complete set of Bo Seconds is too low."

"The little murloc is much simpler and more brainless."

With that said, the Internet cafe audience member paused, then looked at the OB screen on the spectator screen, and couldn't help but sigh:

"Speaking of..."

"The little murloc level of the short-haired girl from the 72° Internet Cafe Team is really good."


Although the laning situation in the middle lane made sense when analyzed, but if it really came to fruition, Chen Guo was still a little upset at the moment.

The Jess on the opposite side seemed to be a little stronger than she expected.

Her little murloc was already putting pressure on the opponent, playing very aggressively, but she hadn't been able to take advantage of the opponent.

The opponent's Jess always accurately grasped the distance between him and his little murloc online.

It seems that the distance range of her little murloc Q skill "Naughty Strike" has been counted to death.

So she tried to directly face Jess Q several times but failed, but if she borrowed a minion Q to go up, before she can even hit A, the opponent's future guardian will directly cut into the warhammer form and swing the hammer. Come and knock her back.

And after being knocked back, she can't easily use the E skill to cut up

Just now she was so angry that she couldn't hold back and manipulated the little murloc to shoot at Jess in a pole vault, but as soon as she landed, she directly took the opponent's second EQ shot.

Half of the blood bar was blasted away.

When she was about to control the little murloc to fight back, Jess had already opened the distance again by relying on the acceleration effect brought by the E skill Acceleration Gate.

This made the current Chen Guo really aggrieved and annoyed, she couldn't help but want to go crazy:

This Jess...

Why is it as slippery as a loach!

If you have the ability, just face it!

Depend on!

She originally thought that even if her blood volume was lower than the opponent's Jess, as long as they exchanged blood with each other, when the blood volume of both of them fell to a certain level, her little murloc could completely fight back. Opposite death.

But now, her own little murloc's blood volume was obviously dropping too fast, while Jess' blood volume on the opposite side was still far above her calculations.

So the original plan went bankrupt.

Chen Guo gritted her teeth, and finally sent a signal for help to her team's jungler teammates.


The game time is 5 minutes.

The jungler blind monk of the purple square 72° Internet cafe team wandered in the middle of gank again.

The blind monk quickly drove out from the grass at the river crossing in the middle road, touched his eyes and rushed forward with the help of W skill, and shot the target Jess with a Q skill "Sound Wave".

At the same time, the little murloc rushed forward directly with the Q soldier, and an "Eccentric" with the E skill was already pole-vaulting and ready to shoot down.

Without even thinking about it, Lin Feng decisively handed in [Flash].

The figure of the future guardian Jess instantly avoided the Q skill of the blind monk, and at the same time moved away quickly.

On the side of the 72° Internet cafe team, Chen Guo gritted her teeth bitterly:

"Smelly guy."

"It's really fast to escape!"

But looking at Jess who fled back to the tower, and thinking that the opponent had handed over [Flash] this time, Chen Guo's mood improved a little.

This wave did not kill.

With the next wave of double summons in hand, Jess on the other side does not [flash], if you want to forcefully kill, you are sure enough!

After suffering a wave of ganks from the opponent's jungler, Lin Feng was already ready to return to the city.

But Chen Guo on the purple side had decisively chosen to quickly push the line at this time, pressing a large wave of soldiers to the front of the blue side's middle defense tower.

This is forcing Lin Feng to make a choice.

It is to return to the city safely.

Or take the risk to eat this wave of troops.

Lin Feng chose the latter directly without much consideration.

Seeing that the blue mid laner Jess was really reluctant to stay under the tower, Chen Guo smiled triumphantly:

Just know!

The other side is greedy enough!

In that case, then wait to pay the price for this greed!

The game time came to about 5 minutes and 30 seconds.

Chen Guo's mid laner murloc is already more than half of level 5 experience bar. Although he hasn't reached level 6 to learn the big move, but at this time the little murloc Fitz already has a set of incomparably impressive burst damage.

And at the moment, Dan Jess in the blue square under the tower has begun to fall into a passive state. In order to eat this wave of soldiers, he can't leave. But when he is making up his sword under the tower, it is naturally difficult to prevent the harassment of the opponent's little murloc. .

The Q skill "Naughty Strike" charged forward and cut to Jess like lightning.

Flat A.

At the same time that an energy light bullet from the defensive tower was about to fall, the little murloc made another E skill pole vault, and jumped back lightly and nimbly back out of the range of the opponent's defensive tower.

Another wave of consumption.

The blood volume of the blood bar above Jess's head is less than half at this time, and all the supplies on his body have been eaten.

Quickly calculating the CD time and damage of the next wave of skills in her mind, the corner of Chen Guo's mouth has already evoked a triumphant smile:



The update is here, the next chapter should be before 11 o'clock, it's a little bit of a hassle to go out at night.

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