
Chapter 566 The champion of the national server

For people in the professional e-sports circle of the national server, their attitude towards "bringing in foreign aid" is actually the most tangled and complicated.

On the one hand, as a member of the professional e-sports circle in the Chinese server, no one would not hope to rely on their own strength to achieve results that will satisfy the players and fans of the Chinese server and impress the whole world. .

But on the other hand, they are now unable to do this with their own strength.


There are two ways.

One is to continue gritting one's teeth and persisting, relying on one's own ability to work hard and strive for it, but hope is far away.

The second is to invite more powerful foreign players to enhance the team's strength in a simple and quick way and achieve results in the game.

Even if it is no longer purely based on one's own efforts.

But at least the results are real.

Not to mention the current LSPL division, even among the several established first-tier teams in the LPL, there are several e-sports clubs that have been gradually introducing foreign players from South Korea since last season.

The Dust team, which reached the S5 World Finals last year with the KG team and the God-Hand team, is the best example.

Last season, the Dust Team introduced two Korean foreign players.

One is Flu, the top orderer.

One is the Mote at the ADC position.

The latter was even once the champion ADC member of the Korean SSK team.

"Without the addition of mote and Flu, Team Dust might not have been able to qualify for the national LPL division in last year's finals."

This was the evaluation given by a senior e-sports commentator in the national server at the time.

In fact, it is also the most objective fact.

Inviting Korean foreign aid can significantly and rapidly improve the strength of your own team, and at the same time attract a lot of attention.

These are real benefits that can be seen immediately.

However, in the eyes of the vast majority of ordinary Chinese server players, this behavior of "bringing in foreign aid" is often not recognized and can even lead to rejection.

The majority of players in the national server have a very simple idea. Our professional team in the national server should be composed of our own masters. If we invite foreign players from South Korea, isn't that a change of character?

In that case, even if you really achieve good results and even reach the World Finals, what's the point?

At that time, who should get the credit for the record?

To put it even more exaggeratedly, if one day their Chinese professional team reaches the top of the world finals and wins the championship, all five players on the team will be Korean foreign players.

Is that still worth being happy about?

Can it still make people excited?

That is not their national championship at all.

It makes no sense at all!

Therefore, in last year's World Finals, among the three participating teams in the Chinese LPL division, the Chinese players supported the most not Team God or Team Dust, but the KG team known as the "All-China Class".

There is no other reason, just because the KG team is the only team that is still purely composed of professional players in the national server.

It is an authentic "all-China class".

If they lose, that is also the result of their own efforts in the national server.

But if they win, the glory and joy will not be discounted at all. It will be a victory that completely belongs to everyone in their national server and does not need to be shared with any Korean foreign players.

"The ideal is beautiful, but the reality is cruel..."

Su Xue couldn't help but shook her head and sighed.

She can also completely understand the mentality of most ordinary Chinese server players. In fact, she often has such thoughts and opinions.

If you hire foreign aid, it will be difficult to make people happy if you win.

It would be better to just rely on their national server players to work hard and work hard on their own. Even if they lose, there will be nothing to say.

But this is not the case.

In almost any professional e-sports club in the national server, the first thing they value is always the word "performance". What they pursue is profit. If they don't invite foreign aid for the sake of feelings and ideals, what will they do if other teams invite them? What should you do if you are constantly being beaten in the professional league?

What should they explain to their team fans?

What should I explain to the club owner?

Anyone can talk about the word "ideal", but the hardest thing is always to face reality.

In the live broadcast room, a group of fans and water friends couldn't help but fell silent. In fact, they also understood that many times they, ordinary players, can talk, but that is because many things have nothing to do with their interests at all, so they can talk. So confident.

But if they were really moved to the top positions of those national professional team clubs, they might make the same difficult choice.

At this time, a water friend in the live broadcast room was still a little unconvinced and couldn't help but say:

“It’s not like Korean foreign players must be awesome, right?”

"We also have great players in our national uniform."

“A while ago, CN and Hook2 almost killed the Korean champion team, didn’t they?”

As soon as this barrage came out, it immediately aroused the approval of many other fans and water friends, and all kinds of barrages started to appear again:

"Yes, yes, Hook2 is from the Great God Bull B!"

"Our national server really needs to find experts, and if we put in some effort to find them, there will definitely be a lot of them!"

"During the S5 finals, both God and Chen Chen had Korean foreign aid. In the end, our KG team had the best results in the entire Chinese class?"

"I remember that during the S1 season, a team in our national server even won the runner-up place in the World Finals!"

For a while, the atmosphere of the barrage discussion in the live broadcast room became a little heated.

Fans began to give various examples to prove their points, and their originally depressed mood suddenly became better again.

Looking at such a barrage, Su Xue couldn't help but glance at Lin Feng beside her.


Whether it is CN, Hook2 mentioned by fans in her live broadcast room, or the captain of the Chinese team that reached the World Finals in the S1 season and won the runner-up trophy.

They are all Lin Feng.

When it comes to introducing foreign aid, perhaps someone has the best say from someone's perspective.

At this time, Lin Feng also saw these barrages on the screen in the live broadcast room.

But he only glanced at it for a few times, then lowered his head and continued to concentrate on eating watermelon. He seemed to have no intention of participating in the discussion.

Because it makes no sense.

This kind of discussion or argument is meaningless.

Lowering his head to eat the watermelon, the light in Lin Feng's eyes flickered slightly and complicatedly.

In fact, he can understand the move of inviting South Korean foreign aid.

In fact, as e-sports develops and matures, various teams and e-sports clubs have become more and more on the right track, and the so-called boundaries of countries and nationalities will naturally gradually fade and disappear.

This is similar to competitive sports such as football and basketball. The club becomes an independent entity and has nothing to do with the concept of "country". Professional players are simply the property of the club and it is enough to perform their obligations in accordance with the signed contract.

As long as you can win the game, it doesn't matter which country you are from?

Just be strong enough.

The current national server professional e-sports circle seems to be slowly following this trend.

It stands to reason...

This is a good thing, or at least reasonable.

But for Lin Feng, from the perspective of selfishness and subjective emotions, he was not willing to do this.

At least, he himself is not willing to accept such a change for the time being.

Eyes slightly lowered, Lin Feng subconsciously tightened the handle of the spoon in his hand:

He wants a world championship.

Don't rely on so-called foreign aid, only rely on yourself and your trusted teammates.

In the simplest and purest way, for himself, for those professional e-sports players in the national server who still have dreams, and for all the players in the entire national server, he can win a championship trophy that completely belongs to their national server.

The network is too slow... I finally logged in, and the update is here. I'll try to get the next chapter around 10 o'clock~

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