
Chapter 562 Another strong team

“Just in time after the fight!

Such words, no matter how passionate and sincere they are when spoken, fall in the ears of the listener...

It always makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

For example, at this moment, this Internet cafe challenge team, which has just returned from another Internet cafe outside, has the same mood as the team members and the boss.



Being underestimated.

You must know that as one of the challenge teams competing for the "Sweep Thousands of Troops" award in the "Fierce Fighting Cup" Internet Cafe Cycle Challenge, the strength of their "St. Mark Internet Cafe" team is among so many Internet cafe teams that signed up to participate. Definitely among the top.

From this afternoon to now, their St. Mark Internet Cafe team has challenged five Internet cafes in total.

Record, 4 wins and 1 loss.

In the current Fierce Fighting Cup Challenge performance statistics rankings, they are definitely in the first echelon.

As a result, now they are actually being despised by a group of high school kid's resident team?

This tone...

But I can’t swallow it!

They had maintained their demeanor before and politely asked their opponents to finish dinner before playing the game, but since their opponents were so ungrateful, they should just get started!

Before several members of his team entered the ring, the boss of St. Mark Internet Cafe also gave a few words of warning in a bad tone:

"Don't hold back."

"Hit me good, hard!"

As he spoke, the boss paused, the veins on his forehead twitching slightly, and added viciously:

"Aren't they in a hurry for dinner?"

"Then let's make a quick decision!"

At the same time, Lin Feng, the five members of the Netbull and Internet cafe team, who were sitting in the ring area, were also having their final conversation and discussion.

The content of the discussion was similar to that of the Stigma Internet Cafe Team.

"Well, let's make a quick decision!"

Lin Feng clenched his fists, full of fighting spirit.

Tang Bingyao nodded her head in agreement.

Both teams are pursuing a quick victory, but the two teams have completely different purposes. One team is to teach their opponents a lesson, while the other team is really just in a hurry to eat a hot and delicious dinner.

An Xin smiled slightly:

"Well, then let's fight this battle with all our strength~"

The tone is understatement.

But when the words "give it your all" come out of the girl's mouth, they always carry an aura of frightening danger.

In the previous rounds of the BO3 challenge, Lin Feng and several members of the Netniu Internet Cafe team changed their position lineups, and Lin Feng made several guest appearances in the jungle and auxiliary positions.

But now, if we want to show our true strength...

Someone will naturally return to his mid lane position.

Then the ending has naturally been decided in advance.

The fifth group’s BO3 challenge begins.

First battle.

The blue side's NetNiu Internet Cafe team won the victory in 31 minutes.

This time, the opponents of the St. Mark Internet Cafe team were indeed stronger than the previous teams that challenged the Internet cafes. At any rate, they managed to hold on for twenty-five or six minutes before gradually collapsing. In the 31st minute, they were defeated by two high ground waves. He lost his own base crystal.

At the end of the first battle, the Internet cafe audience and guests around the ring area couldn't wait to burst into enthusiastic applause and cheers.

However, the expressions on the faces of the members of the St. Mark Internet Cafe Team sitting in the arena area suddenly changed.


Really strong!

It turns out that the other party is not underestimating the enemy for no reason, but has enough real ability!

After the start of the second game, the members of the St. Mark Internet Cafe team who switched to the blue side did not dare to take it lightly at all. They carefully arranged their tactics from the beginning of the ban selection, and became even more tense after the game started. Fight with all your strength without any carelessness.


The destined ending has not changed.

At the 15th minute of the game, the purple side of the Wangniu Internet Cafe team was already firmly ahead of its opponent with an economic advantage of close to 3,500.

Just at this time, the curtain outside the Internet cafe hall was opened, and a delivery boy walked in carrying a bunch of food boxes and bags of various sizes.

The takeaway for dinner has arrived.

Looking back, he saw the takeout delivered to his door. Qian Lu had already walked up and was about to take the dinner for Lin Feng and others from the takeaway boy.

At the same time, Lin Feng, who was sitting in the ring area and playing the second game, happened to look up and saw the takeaway boy.


"The takeaway is here!"

Someone's eyes lit up instantly.

I'm so hungry.

We can't delay any longer, this must be resolved quickly!

For the members of the St. Mark Internet Cafe team, who had their backs to the door and did not see the delivery boy, and who were completely unaware of the situation, they suddenly felt that the pressure from their opponents had suddenly increased.

Especially the purple square mid laner Annie on the opposite side...

Suddenly he became particularly fierce and fierce!

At the 17th minute of the game, a team battle started around the second dragon. The mid laner Annie of the purple side army flashed to take the lead.

The ultimate move "Tibbers' Wrath" instantly stuns and controls two purple heroes, and the subsequent Combo combo causes explosive damage, instantly killing the opponent ADC Jinx.

Immediately, the team battle ended with a 0-for-3 battle for the purple side.

After this wave of team battles, the St. Mark Internet Cafe team on the blue side went straight into a collapse rhythm.

Game time is 20 minutes.

The economic gap between blue and purple has widened to 6,500.

25th minute.

Completely unable to block the opponent's offensive, the Blue Side St. Mark Internet Cafe Team reluctantly launched a vote to surrender.

competition is over.

The eye-catching "Victory" emblem once again appeared in the center of the e-sports LCD viewing screen.

The audience and guests in the Internet cafe hall once again cheered in celebration.


Won again!

Once again, they won the BO3 2-0. Their team at the Internet Bull Internet Cafe has completed five consecutive BO3 challenge rounds! !

After winning this group, Lin Feng happily ran over to take out dinner from Qian Lu:

"Eat, eat!"

"Hahaha, it's still hot!"

The members of the St. Mark Internet Cafe team in the arena were in a daze for a long time before slowly standing up from their seats and looking at the Internet Bulls who had already gone to collect the fried rice boxes and were about to start enjoying dinner. The expressions on the faces of the members of the Internet cafe team and the St. Mark Internet cafe team members all looked extremely complicated.


I really lost to the point where I had no temper at all.

The opponent's strength is a level higher than theirs, and it can't be made up for by going all out.


It seems that the other party still has some energy left, which makes people feel even more frightened.

Several members of the St. Mark Internet Cafe team looked at each other and couldn't help but smile bitterly:

This time the Fierce Dou Cup Internet Cafe Challenge is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger.

However, this is actually not the first team they have seen with such amazing strength. In fact, before coming to the Internet Bull Internet Cafe to play in the challenge, they also met another Internet cafe team that was equally shocking. .

As one of the dozens of participating teams in the Fierce Fighting Cup Internet Cafe League, the Shenghen Internet Cafe Team’s comprehensive strength can definitely be ranked at the forefront. The challenge record of 4 wins and 1 loss is enough to illustrate this point.

But they also lost once.

In that defeat, the "Moxiang" Internet cafe team that challenged them was about the same strength as them, maybe slightly stronger than them, so in the end they were defeated by the opponent 2 to 1.

However, it was not the defending Moxiang Internet Cafe team that left a deep impression on several members of the St. Mark Internet Cafe team.

Because just after they lost that BO3 match, another challenger team from another Internet cafe came on stage to challenge.

The result was beyond everyone's expectation.

The later challenger team of the Internet cafe dominated and defeated the defending team of Moxiang Internet Cafe with a score of 2-0.

Really, it's also crushing.

The Moxiang Internet Cafe defending team, which originally overpowered the Shenghen Internet Cafe team, had almost no power to resist when faced with this new Internet cafe opponent.

It was that Internet cafe challenger team that first left a very deep impression on several members of the Stigma Internet Cafe team.

Therefore, the current NetNiu Internet Cafe team can only be regarded as the second team.

For a moment, several members of the St. Mark Internet Cafe team couldn't help but have the same thought in their minds.

(If next...)

(If these two equally amazing Internet cafe teams meet...)

(When two tigers fight, what will be the outcome?)

The update is coming. The next chapter will be around five o'clock. Thank you friends for your subscription support. It is recommended to recharge on the website, that is the most cost-effective. In addition, the next plot will become very important, with the appearance of new characters and some foreshadowing endings, so stay tuned~

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