
Chapter 560 It’s getting more and more lively

In the arena area of ​​the Internet Bull Internet Cafe Hall, the solo challenge continues in an orderly manner.

For the time being, Tang Bingyao is still in charge of the ADC position in the solo game.

At present, it is still Tangtang's strong winning streak that cuts through the mess quickly.

However, winning streaks return to winning streaks. Although Tang Bingyao won every solo game she played, she did not play from start to finish with just one ADC hero.

Otherwise, with her usual personality, as long as she uses her natural Draven, she can chop up melons and vegetables and overwhelm most of the Internet cafe guests at the scene.

But now, in every solo game she plays, she will basically switch to an ADC hero.

After all, if you only use one hero all the time, you will definitely win, but it may also make many Internet cafe guest challengers feel a bit monotonous, and they may lose interest in continuing to challenge.

The continuous use of new ADC heroes can ensure the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of Internet cafe guests to the greatest extent. It can also prevent the highlights of solo rounds from being repeated and maintain a sense of freshness.

Then more people will come up to challenge.

Then you can win more games.

The solo fees earned will be more.

That's right, as long as the matter is related to making money, our classmate Tangtang's little brain turns very quickly, her little abacus clicks, and she is so shrewd and witty that she is no better than the owner of the Internet Cow Internet Cafe. Money and salary are inferior.

However, if Tang Bingyao is always the only one responsible for accepting challenges, it will still feel monotonous if there are too many games.

So soon after another ADC solo game ended, it was An Xin's turn to play.


The girl pointed at herself and smiled:

"In the jungle, soloing is more troublesome."

"Otherwise, I'll play mid lane."

Immediately, the Internet cafe audience and guests in the audience burst into cheers. Naturally, they raised their hands to support the request of such a beautiful girl unconditionally.

All of a sudden, everyone's enthusiasm rose again.

Just now, Tang Bingyao killed her so hard that everyone's fighting spirit was somewhat reduced. Now An Xin came on stage, which once again aroused the fighting spirit of the guests in the Internet cafe.

Many of them are not good at the ADC position, and if they lose, they lose.

Now I'm switching to the mid laner, and the opponent's girl An Xin is still a jungler, so I should have a chance to win!

come on! Come on!

Facts have proved that the audience and guests in the Internet cafe are still too optimistic and naive.

Because although the person who accepted the challenge was changed from Tang Bingyao to An Xin, the result of the solo game that followed continued with almost no change.

An Xin comes on stage.

The first mid lane solo round ended in five minutes.

The second game, 6 minutes, two consecutive wins.

The third game, 4 minutes, three consecutive wins.

Compared with Tang Bingyao's extremely powerful and aggressive laning style, An Xin's mid lane playing style is obviously more steady and calm, leaving people with an almost perfect and impeccable feeling. Impeccable.

But the result didn't change anyway.

The same winning streak.

The girl smiled brightly and defeated each challenger easily, thus starting a winning streak.

The Internet cafe guests around the ring area were dumbfounded again.

Simply confused.

This jungler girl from their team at the internet cafe...how can she be so 6 even as a mid laner?

The hero pool is too deep! ! ?

Qian Lu, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, even had a stiff smile on his face. His smile was almost uglier than crying:

This, is this the first consecutive victory?

He had to take out 30 yuan for every game.

The on-site team that I invited is indeed strong, and I am really happy about it, but there are disadvantages to being too strong...

Couldn't they lose this solo round once? ?

Of course, no matter what, after such a series of solo challenges, the atmosphere in the Internet cafe lobby is getting more and more heated.

More and more new Internet cafe customers were attracted to it. Seeing the solo challenge being played in the arena area, they all participated with interest.

Warm atmosphere.

Looking at such a noisy and lively atmosphere, Qian Lu finally felt a little comforted:

This wave of transactions...

It’s not a loss after all.

After An Xin had played five or six solo games, the on-site team changed players again.

"Oh, is it my turn?"

Lin Feng eagerly rolled up his sleeves and prepared to play. He had been idle for so long, and now he couldn't help but feel itchy hands.

But just when Lin Feng was about to take over from An Xin, the curtain outside the Internet cafe hall was opened again. Finally, after such a long time, another Internet cafe challenge team came to the door.

"Hey, are you here to challenge the team again?"

Lin Feng's face was filled with regret:

"How come it's so unfortunate..."

"It's okay to come later."

The Internet cafe customer who had just been drawn and was excitedly preparing to go on stage to have a solo discussion with Lin Feng also had a disappointed look on his face:

"If you don't come early, you won't come later."

"Why don't you come here at this time?"

As a result, the members of the Internet cafe challenge team who had just entered the team and the Internet cafe owner who led the team were a little confused. What happened? They seemed to be disliked as soon as they arrived?

However, after feeling regretful, Lin Feng turned around to comfort the Internet cafe guest whose solo session was about to be postponed:

"it's okay no problem."

"I'll play solo with you later."

"They will be dealt with quickly."

The tone is so natural.

These words fell on the ears of a group of Internet cafe guests. For them who have now seen the strength of Lin Feng and several others, they felt extremely convinced. However, the newly arrived Internet cafe challenger team who did not understand the situation just listened. I must be a little dissatisfied.

What's the meaning?

Co-authors are they looked down upon?

The members of this Internet cafe team, which had just successfully challenged the competition in another Internet cafe, were suddenly aroused with pride:

People who look down on them...

It won't end well!

Then let the on-site team of this online elite Internet cafe see how powerful they are.

Teach these little brats a lesson!

Soon, a set of BO3 challenge games began again in the arena area.

50 minutes later.

The BO3 game is over.

Amid the enthusiastic cheers and celebrations from the audience in the internet cafe hall, Lin Feng, the five members of the resident team, once again defeated their opponents with great momentum, winning two consecutive victories and winning BO3, successfully defending the ring.

Another beating with completely unequal strength.

Several members of this Internet cafe challenge team were previously holding a arrogant attitude and wanted to teach these arrogant high school students who underestimated their enemies a lesson. Now they all looked like they were lost. Under the leadership of the boss, everyone is in a desperate state.

Watching the Internet cafe challenge team leave, the Internet cafe audience and guests in the hall cheered again.

Lin Feng turned around in high spirits, looked at the previous guest who was interrupted before he had time to solo, and greeted him warmly:

"Come on, come on."

"Have you been waiting for a long time?"

"We can get on with it!"

As the afternoon approached evening, the business in Wangniu Internet Cafe became more and more prosperous.

The popularity of Internet cafes at this moment is almost much higher than usual, which also makes Qian Lu, the owner of an Internet cafe, unable to hold back the smile again.

Half of this was due to the Fierce Fighting Cup round-robin challenge, and the other half was due to the impromptu solo challenge stage held by Qian Lu in the afternoon, which aroused the enthusiasm of many viewers of the Internet cafe to participate.

At this point in the evening, the flow of new customers outside the Internet cafe is also increasing. Basically, as soon as you enter the door, you will be attracted by the lively scene of the arena area, and then participate in the interaction with enthusiasm.

And coincidentally, when the solo challenge atmosphere in the arena area became more and more popular, the frequency of other Internet cafe challenge teams participating in the Fierce Dou Cup Internet Cafe Cycle Challenge suddenly increased. .

In fact, three Internet cafes came in a row as soon as I arrived.

The update will be sent, the next chapter will be sent before 11 o'clock~Thank you friends for your subscription support!

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