
Chapter 549 The dish is so touching

At the beginning of the laning match in the bottom lane, Lin Feng's assistant Galen used Q twice in total.

Both times, he failed to successfully cut in front of the opponent's blue side ADC Jinx. In one of them, he was even hit by the opponent's auxiliary Morgana's backhand Q to control and increase damage.

However, everything is under Lin Feng's plan and control.

In fact, he had no intention of going up to the opponent's ADC at level 1.

If Jinx on the other side doesn't even have this awareness and operation, and he can easily be cut by Galen's Q when he rushes forward...

Let alone the level of Electric 1Diamond 1, whether it has the level of Silver 1 or not is very worrying.

From the beginning, Lin Feng had placed his target on his opponent's assistant, Morgana.

After launching Q twice, one of the skills failed was deliberately to make the opponent relax and underestimate the enemy. The other time, Lin Feng successfully Qed the opponent's auxiliary Mogan and hit a wave of consumption.

The battle in the bottom lane was still continuing at this time. Lin Feng glanced at the experience bar:

Almost level 2.

Tangtang's ADC's Spear of Revenge started with the A-soldier's last-ditch attack very quickly, which strongly suppressed the opponent's ADC's last-ditch rhythm. They should be the first to reach level 2 later.

"Tangtang, slow down the pace a little."

Lin Feng on the team's voice channel suddenly reminded him.

Tang Bingyao understood:


Slowing down the pace doesn't mean we won't rush to level 2.

Instead, Lin Feng asked Tang Bingyao to put away this strong and aggressive attitude a little. Otherwise, if it was obvious that one or two soldiers were ahead of him in terms of experience and were upgraded to level 2, the opponent would definitely make predictions and alerts one step in advance. Be on alert and retreat early.

But if the experience difference between the heroes on both sides is very tight, and the opponent feels that there is an opportunity to grab level 2, they will not retreat early, and they will definitely think of continuing to fight head-on.

For this kind of thing, Tang Bingyao and Lin Feng have already developed quite a tacit understanding, and they can understand each other's thoughts without saying anything at all.

Tang Bingyao began to consciously slow down the rhythm of A soldier's finishing blows.

Sure enough, the opponent's ADC Jinx on the blue side immediately started to speed up the A soldier.

As another blue soldier fell, Lin Feng quickly glanced at the experience bar again:

Still bad...

A little soldier.

"Tangtang, ready!"

Lin Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, with fighting spirit flashing in his eyes.

Two seconds later.

Another melee minion from the blue side was leveled at A point by Tang Bingyao's ADC Spear of Revenge and was reduced to residual health.

At the same time, the ADC Jinx on the blue side is also accepting the last hit of another minion, and is only the last minion's experience away from level 2.

at this moment


Lin Feng shouted in his mouth, and when he finished speaking, he was quickly tapping on the keyboard and mouse!

Galen, holding a two-handed heavy sword, suddenly fired Q.

"Fatal blow"!


He rushed directly towards the opponent ADC Jinx not far ahead!

On the blue side, the auxiliary Morgana reacted immediately and immediately stepped forward to prepare for protection. She fired a backhand Q skill "Dark Confinement" energy ball towards the opponent's auxiliary Galen who was rushing up.


Still at this same moment.

Lin Feng's eyes suddenly flashed with sharpness.

The summoner skill key on the keyboard was pressed instantly like lightning!


A golden light lit up, and Garen's figure suddenly disappeared, avoiding the control of Morgana's Q skill!

In this flash, Galen did not choose to continue to charge towards the opponent's ADC Jinx. Instead, he turned sideways and turned his carbine. In the blink of an eye, he flashed and charged in front of the opponent's assistant Morgana who had no time to react!

Gangzi, who is the ADC Jinx on the blue side, suddenly felt something in his heart!


Damn it, the other side is headed for Morgana!

This hand...

It's a fun game! !


Gangzi, who was frightened and furious, shouted out loudly, tapping the V key frantically to produce a warning signal of retreat.

But it's too late.

The auxiliary Galen under the control of Lin Feng raised the heavy sword in his hand, and the sword flashed with dazzling light, and slashed it towards Morgana in front of him!

The health bar on Morgana's head quickly slid down a whole grid!

Fall into a state of silent control!

At the same time, Tang Bingyao's ADC Spear of Revenge quickly took down the last blue minion.

The light of upgrade shone on Kalista and Galen at the same time.

Be the first to level 2!

Lin Feng directly put [Ignite] on Morgana, and at the same time quickly activated the E skill "Judgment" he had just clicked, swung the epee in both hands and began to rotate close to Morgana.

The sharp wind of the sword penetrated Morgana's body fiercely!

The blood volume of the health bar on Morgana's head is falling rapidly!

Tang Bingyao's ADC skateboard shoes also moved away and jumped forward as A finished the last minion's last hit, bringing the target Morgana close to the attack range, and then began to move quickly to cut down A's output.

Flat A!

Draw A again!

The first time she got rid of the silence control, the blue side's assistant Morgana desperately handed over [Flash] and escaped.

"Tangtang! Chase!"

In fact, there was no need for Lin Feng to remind him. The Spear of Revenge controlled by Tang Bingyao had already flashed like lightning and continued to pursue and follow up!

Draw A again!

Another A!

Gangzi anxiously prescribed [Treatment] to help his teammates support Morgana regain a mouthful of health, but it didn't help at all.

Morgana fled into the tower in panic and embarrassment.

The Spear of Revenge in the rear was still in hot pursuit under the control of Tang Bingyao.

Another flat ace!

Answer Q!

The cold fantasy blue spear swished through the air and penetrated Morgana's chest with a "chi" sound. At the same time, Tang Bingyao quickly tapped the E key on the keyboard in one breath.


All the layers of stacked spears were instantly detonated on the fallen angel!

Morgana's health bar suddenly bottomed out and returned to zero!


The system's female voice announced the kill.

Qian Lu, who was standing behind Lin Feng watching the battle, couldn't help but look slightly moved:


What a quick first blood!

At the same time, the faces of the two bottom laners on the blue side instantly became extremely ugly.

Especially as the ADC Jinx, Gangzi almost felt regretful about killing people, and his right hand holding the mouse was trembling slightly.


Damn it, why did the opponent suddenly explode so fiercely! ?

After all, there was no time to react. Galen and Skateboard Shoes flashed forward and opened violently. It was impossible to guard against it!

That Galen opposite...

He was actually showing weakness on purpose! ?

A kill broke out in the bottom lane. After harvesting and taking away the kill of the opponent's assistant Morgana, Tang Bingyao's ADC skateboard record data became 1/0/0.

The economy began to lead the opponent ADC Jinx.

Of course, the main reason was that Lin Feng's assistant Galen's previous attack was really beautiful.

Lin Feng looked satisfied:

"I told you earlier, even if you are playing support, you can still carry!"

In fact, it wasn't just the bottom lane that gained the upper hand.

Early in the 4th minute of game time.

Summoner's Rift goes on the road, and the single sword girl on the purple side kills the opponent's top single Rambo.

"An-enemy-has-been-(an enemy hero has been killed)."

The kill announcement from the system's female voice came.

On the top side of the road, Zhang Hao, who was the single-sword girl on the purple side in this match, looked at his opponent Rambo who was defeated by him in a single kill, and was almost moved to tears:

Kill alone!

This feeling...

It’s been a long time coming!

When he played in the National College League before, when he met opponents such as Fudan University and Zhejiang University, his top lane was always the weak point of his team. In the early game, he was always suppressed by his opponents. It's great to gank and catch the opponent to death. Don't even think about killing the opponent solo.

But after all, he is also a high-end top orderer in the national server's electric drill 1 segment!

This time, he has regained his confidence!


The food is so touching! !

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