
Chapter 521 Unexpected opponent

The battle report of the fifteenth solo queue game of CN and Hook2 came out, and most of the national server once again turned into a sea of ​​excitement and cheers and celebrations!

Five consecutive wins!

First three consecutive wins, then four consecutive wins, and now five consecutive wins!

After the master of CN and Hook2 won this solo queue game, his ranking on the Korean server king list is only a little away from the previous fifth place!

There is still more than half an hour left, which is definitely enough time for the final round!

As long as we win one more game in the end...

It will definitely be able to firmly enter the top five of the Korean server king group list!

Countless players in the Chinese server felt like the blood all over their bodies was burning and hot at this moment, as if they were getting goosebumps and were trembling constantly!


It's right in front of you! !

At the same time, there is another thing that makes the players of the Chinese server feel lucky, that is, in the solo queue match just now, their CN and Hook2 masters were lucky enough not to compete with the "Moon Emperor" of the Korean Fate team. "Moon was scheduled for the same event.

This was a huge relief.


Fortunately, I didn't get in line.

Otherwise, if we really have to face Moon, one of the four kings of e-sports, then even the masters of CN and Hook2 will have extremely slim chances of winning...

But then, when another news came from the Korean server, the Chinese server players in the major online League of Legends forums could not help but feel anxious again:

It turns out that at the same time that the fifteenth solo queue match of CN and Hook2 ended, Moon also finished a qualifying match.

The latter's solo queue that just ended was also played in the mid lane position.

Mid lane male swordsman.

20 minutes of awesome.

In 28 minutes, the whole game was destroyed and the victory was won.


The "Moon Emperor" seems to be preparing to start a new ranking game.

For Moon, who is recognized as the second mid laner in South Korea after "F" Han Shihao and one of the Four Emperors, players in the national server definitely have a deep understanding.

The second mid laner in South Korea, who is revered as the "Moon King", has defeated their Chinese LPL professional team countless times in various world-class competitions in the past, even the Dawnstar who once defeated Moon. , in the experience of fighting against the former, they always lost more than they won.

Even though he is ranked at the bottom among the Yonko, Moon is still one of the few people standing at the top of the pyramid in the world's professional e-sports circle.

Such an existence, just an ID name, is enough to give people a huge sense of oppression that is almost suffocating.

That is truly powerful.

Even though the players in the Chinese server are full of admiration for tonight's overwhelming victory of CN and Hook2, if the opponent is Moon, they still can't help but feel guilty.

It's best not to face Moon.

This is the first thought that flashes through the minds of countless Chinese server players.

Immediately afterwards, many new posts began to appear in major national service forums on the Internet, all expressing the same meaning.

Moon on the Korean server is now preparing to start the next round of ranking. At this time, the CN and Hook2 masters can wait and wait until Moon's ranking starts before starting the ranking.

This way you can avoid that extremely terrifying opponent.


Putting aside some subjective emotions, this may really be the wisest choice.

On the Huya TV live broadcast platform, Wu Guangxin in the live broadcast room looked at the barrage that was flooding the screen in his room, and couldn't help but become silent.

From his personal emotional point of view, he naturally didn't want to see "that senior" delaying his time to wait for the other party to start ranking in order to avoid being sniped by Moon.

Because that is tantamount to a sign of weakness and a concession.

It is equivalent to a silent acknowledgment that one's own skills are inferior to others in terms of strength.

This feeling is undoubtedly humiliating.

"How can you give in voluntarily!?"

In the live broadcast room of Sunless Heart, some players with more straightforward personalities expressed their opinions quite fiercely:

"When Moon is online for ranking, the Master of Hook2 is required to wait for others to finish the ranking before starting the ranking?"

"What's the difference between this and a turtle with its head shrunken!"

"If someone keeps waiting for a sniper attack, does the Hook2 master also have to wait with him?"

"It's so fucking embarrassing, okay!"

But as soon as such remarks came out, they immediately received rebuttals from other players and friends:

"Why do you call this a turtle with its head shrunken?"

"Can we find out how strong Moon is? He is the Four Emperors!"

"Now the Hook2 master is just one step away from winning the last crucial round. What if Moon is in the middle and faces him in the middle, what are the chances of winning?"

"If we lose because of this, we are one step away from entering the top five. Wouldn't it be that most of the results of Hook2's hard work tonight will be wasted?"

"This is outmaneuvering, okay?"

The water friends from the two groups argued fiercely with their respective views, and no one could convince the other.

But then, a water friend with a direct and fiery personality said something:

"We are looking forward to Master Hook's ranking in the Korean server tonight. Why?"

"Isn't it okay to reach a certain position in the end?"

"It's to see that our national server can finally have a master who can show such domineering power in the Korean server. Facing those kings and top professional players in Korea, we can also show our own style in the national server!"

"Now in order to be in the top five of the list, I gave in to a Korean Yonko."

"What does this mean?"

“It completely goes against what everyone expected!!”

The live broadcast room was quiet for a moment.

The Lightless Heart also nodded slightly subconsciously.


In the final analysis, even the final ranking of the Korean server list is secondary. What is really important is whether you can not compromise due to external reasons and whether you can consistently follow your heart.


Looking at the quiet friend ID avatars of CN and Hook2 in his friend list with complicated eyes, Wu Guangxin silently asked in his heart:

What is the original intention and original intention of that senior?

The CN and Hook2 summoner ID avatars in the friend list of Sunless Heart are quietly lying in the list.

There is no change in the information status at this time.

At this moment, the entire national server was waiting nervously and uneasily.

They are waiting for CN and Hook2 to make the final choice and decision.

He really wanted to give in temporarily and avoid the confrontation with Moon.

You still have to move forward bravely and continue at your own pace, even if you have to fight against the Four Emperors without fear.

Beijing, Chaoyang District.

In the hotel room, An Xin lowered her head and glanced at the Tieba situation on her mobile browser. A glimmer of light flashed in her eyes, and then she raised her head and looked at Lin Feng:

“Moon’s last qualifying match has also ended.”

"You should be preparing to start the next game now."

"Want to wait?"

The last sentence was asked softly, representing the urgent voices and inquiries of countless national server players and friends on the Internet.

But in fact, for the girl herself, even if such a question is not asked, she already knows the answer to the next person.


Lin Feng paused and asked:

"Why wait?"

The next moment, he continued speaking in a normal tone:

"There is not enough time in the first place, so we can't waste any of it."

"No matter who is ranked..."

"Just hit it."

"Anyway, I will win whoever comes."

As if it was an understatement, at the same time as the words fell, Lin Feng had already moved the mouse and clicked the confirmation button to start a new ranking search.

After a few seconds.

The main interface of the Korean server quickly jumped to the ban selection screen of the battle room.

Tonight's sixteenth race...also the last crucial qualifying race, officially begins.

The ID names of the ten passerby players on both sides of the blue and purple sides were also instantly displayed on the floor lists on the left and right sides of the room.

Lin Feng glanced across.

On my blue side, there is also no ID figure as expected.

The purple square opposite...

When his eyes swept over the ID name on the fourth floor of his opponent's purple square, the pupils in Lin Feng's eyes finally narrowed slightly.

Didn't expect that.

You'll meet another unexpected guy.

Here is an update. Many friends in the book review section feel that the plot of these two chapters is too long. It is understandable that everyone wants to catch up on the update. But in fact, if you want to read the entire plot together, these foreshadowings and chapters are necessary. Yes, it would have been impossible for one chapter to be followed immediately by the next. Without these chapters, you wouldn’t have been able to watch it as excitingly.

In addition, there is no need for me to deliberately drag down the word count. I originally wanted to put it on the shelves soon after it arrived. I have been fighting with the editor for free chapters until now. It is not beneficial for me to delay the word count for free chapters. It is just to tell the story. That's good, I hope my friends can understand that when the plot is due to become more ignited, it will become even more ignited because of these foreshadowings.

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