
Chapter 351 On the verge of elimination

Xiaolong refreshed at more than 17 minutes of game time.

The team battle broke out in the 19th minute.

At the 19th minute of the second game, the top laner of the Zhejiang University team finally showed off his power for the first time.

The B-level strength evaluation index can only be regarded as the most common level among the Zhejiang University team, but in fact, those who can reach this level of strength can definitely be regarded as semi-professional players among ordinary players.

And more importantly, for the top lane position, it doesn’t matter how amazing the early laning effect is. As long as it plays a key role in the mid-term team battle, it is enough to instantly lock the direction of the battle.

Just like this moment

Gnar flashes in!

After transforming into an ancient behemoth, Gnar slapped his arms hard, and with an earth-shattering sound, the three purple heroes flew forward several steps, completing the group control!

The team battle broke out in an instant!

The jungler's widow quickly appeared and rushed forward. Her ultimate move "Embrace of Pain" detonated dense stings of hatred that violently penetrated the bodies of several purple heroes.

The mid laner EZ under the control of Shi Hang directly raised his hand to make a big move, and the giant crescent arc of "precision barrage" swept out and flew out, instantly scraping off half of the health of the three purple heroes!

The battle seemed to be coming to an end the moment it started.

Sun Ruinian controlled his ADC Obama and directly moved his E skill to keep up with him. He raised his gun and began to pour out firepower.

But at this same moment

A sea-blue agile figure flashed out from the formation of the purple army like cold lightning!

Don’t retreat but advance.

The cold sea stone trident was pointed directly at the target Obama. Under the control of Lin Feng, the figure of the little murloc, packed with cold and boiling murderous intent, suddenly rushed in front of the target ADC in the blink of an eye!

"The little fish man wants to fight back!!"

Mo Sheng in the commentary box couldn't help but cover her mouth and exclaimed.

There was a commotion and uproar in the audience, and all the players and spectators at the scene had their eyelids twitching.

This sudden attack came too fast!

This little fish man...

So decisive and decisive!

Q skill "Naughty Strike"!

Instantly connect to the face with the big move "Giant Shark Attack"!

Hit the target!

"Captain, be careful!"

In the competition room of the Zhejiang Team, several team members suddenly screamed and reminded. The Japanese female player who was assisting immediately used the E skill "Zenith Blade" to throw back at the little murloc that rushed up, but at the same moment Lin Feng was already almost there. The E key was pressed like lightning.


The little murloc Fitz, who jumped up from the pole, dodged almost to the limit in an instant to avoid the Japanese girl's E skill. At the same time, the second E skill was about to shoot down towards the target Obama in front!

Sun Ruinian's scalp suddenly became numb. [Flash] immediately handed over diagonally and moved backwards several hundred yards!

But at the same moment

The sharpness in Lin Feng's eyes suddenly became as sharp as a knife, and the summoner's skill keys were hit and pressed again almost simultaneously!


Another flash of the second E!

The second stage of the little fishman's E skill flew hundreds of yards away in a thin golden light and appeared in front of the Paladin Ranger again, and was shot down with a terrifying momentum!

A solid hit, causing a splash of despair.

The whole place was buzzing with excitement!

This... this is the third time that the little fish man has used this kind of operation to flash the second E!

Three shots.

Three successes!

Sun Ruinian's mood suddenly hit rock bottom, and he knew he could no longer escape this wave.

But when he saw the situation on the battlefield ahead, he calmed down again.

Because they won this team battle.

The Japanese girl makes the first move.

When Gnar's anger gauge is full, he transforms and flashes into the field, taking control of the group.

The Widow keeps up with the big move to control the team and cuts the back row AD.

EZ's ultimate move also scratched a piece, causing tons of AOE damage.

The blue team’s Zhejiang University team started the team fight too well, leaving no chance for the purple team’s Shanghai Electric Association team to react.

It's just a crash.

Tang Bingyao's ADC Jinx was defeated first.

Followed by Zeng Rui’s assistant Nami and An Xin’s jungler Lee Sin.

Zhang Hao's top laner Nuo Shou couldn't hold on for long, and was attacked to death by the blue side's jungler Widow and mid laner EZ.

Amidst the continuous announcements of kill prompts, a system kill announcement symbolizing the death of the blue hero seemed extremely insignificant:

"An-ally-has-been-(A friendly hero was killed)."

Several blue heroes from the Zhejiang team turned around and saw the scene of their ADC Obama being cut down by the fishmen and falling down in seconds.


Shi Hang raised his eyebrows slightly and gave the instructions lightly.

So the remaining blue heroes rushed towards the little fish man with murderous intent, and in an instant, the little fish man's body turned into a pure gold statue with a clear "ding".

Hourglass of Central Asia!

Unable to select, unable to attack!

Many players and spectators at the scene couldn't help but let out a low cry. They didn't expect that the little fish man would actually make Central Asia so quickly.


It didn't work.

Mo Sheng, who was at the commentary table, couldn't help biting her lip. She could see clearly that at this time, the little fish man was the only one left, facing the four heroes from the blue side, and there was no chance of recovery. Power.

This wave of team battles is destined to be lost.

The hourglass of Central Asia is not yet over.

The entire Summoner's Rift was silent, just like the entire competition venue was so quiet at this moment that you could hear a pin drop.

Everyone looked at the solid gold statue of the little fish man in the canyon in silence, with an indescribable complex emotion in their hearts.

It was a lonely feeling.

Alone, surrounded by opponents.

But it seems to be the last act of pride and persistence, with a shocking sense of tragedy.

Lin Feng lowered his eyes and remained silent.

The moment the little fish man's golden body time ended, his operation moved again.

The cooled-down Q skill "Naughty Strike" instantly cuts off the opponent's remaining health jungler Widow. Combined with a flat A plus [Ignite], the sudden burst of horrific damage directly knocks the health bar above the Widow's head to the bottom of the critical valley!

Almost at the same time, the little fish man was also attacked by all the skills of several blue heroes.

The overwhelming skills and basic attacks suddenly caused the little murloc's crispy health bar to plummet to zero.

The game screen on the computer screen in front of Lin Feng turned into black and white.

"You-have-been-(you have been killed)."

But the next moment, the jungler Widow of the Blue Fang Zhejiang Team was dumbfounded as he watched his Widow Maker fall to the ground with no blood due to the double damage of the passive and igniting effects of the Murloc's W skill.

The kill announcement from the system’s female voice sounded again:



Heavy and depressing.

The last "Aced" group destruction prompt finally made the entire Summoner's Rift fall into silence, and finally truly determined the final direction of this game.

The 27th minute of the game.

The blue army pushed onto the opponent's base, broke through two incisor towers, and took away the crystals from the opponent's purple army's base with a wild demolition.

BO5, Zhejiang University team VS Shanghai Electric Power Association team.

In the second game, Zhejiang University won again.

With an absolute advantage of 2-0, the Shanghai Electricity Association team was forced into a match point battle.

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