
Chapter 529 Opponent in the next round

That night, almost all the LPL teams and clubs were studying the replay decider-Battle and the BO3 of the Seven Leaf Team.

It was not just the manager of the God Club who was eager to recruit the newly appointed head coach of the victorious team.

Of course, just by relying on a set of BO3, you can't see enough.

Maybe this first match and the decisive team also have luck?

After all, the opponent is only the Seven Leaf team, which just entered the LPL league last year. If it is replaced by another established LPL team, how will the performance of the decisive battle be performed?

These still need to wait for further observation and testing.

The only thing that makes the coaches, team leaders and managers of each club feel regretful is that according to the schedule, the next game of the decisive battle team will have to wait until a few days later, so they need to temporarily suppress their eagerness.

However, for the members of the Battle team, there is no regret at all about this, but they are happy to see it.

Because time is never too much for them.

After the first game, other teams tried their best to get more intelligence information about their team, but all they had to do was to use the next gap in the schedule to continue to work hard and improve.

Every day that passes, their team's overall status and combat power will be higher and stronger than the previous day.

This also means that even if other LPL club teams continue to dig up intelligence information about their decisive battle, they are destined to be a bit slower. Whenever they obtain information, their strength will be higher than the information reported. More innovative and enhanced.

in addition--

In addition to their own team's training and preparation, they also need to seize the opportunity to further research and observe the intelligence data of other teams during the time when their own competition is not scheduled.

So when the LPL summer schedule came to the second day, six people from the decisive battle team appeared in the front row of the competition venue.

As the captain, the person was the most intangible. He had a drink in his left hand and snacks in his right hand. He didn't look like someone who came to seriously inspect the opponent. He was no different from the ordinary players watching the fun.

Zeng Rui, Li Shiyi and Chen Ting are obviously much more serious in attitude.

In fact, all of them had received instructions from An Xin, the coach and team leader, before they came. Now they were sitting in the auditorium, with a pen and a notepad in each hand, waiting for the results of the opponent's match when the game started. The competing teams from both sides conducted various observations and records.

Finally, Tang Bingyao and An Xin were sitting together. The two girls were talking quietly, which aroused curiosity and attention.

Indeed, many people are curious and paying attention.

Not to mention anything else, just as a newcomer LPL team that became an instant hit in the first game, the decisive team that came to the scene today has already been the focus of the cameras of various e-sports media gathered in the competition venue.

Among the six people in the team, the most eye-catching ones are naturally the two girls.

Tang Bingyao had previously caused a sensation in the national server with her "profile goddess" photo on the Internet.

In the spring schedule of the LSPL in the past few months, if the decisive team relied on its strong strength to break out of the siege as the most fierce dark horse and win many fans, then the performance of Tangtang in the ADC position was even more impressive. The number of her personal fans far exceeds the number of fans the team has.

Although the title of the first professional female ADC in the Chinese server is still a bit too high for the time being, it has already spread among the players of the Chinese server.

If in the next LPL competition, even if the girl is not as stunning as in the LSPL and kills everyone, as long as she can gain a firm foothold to a certain extent, it will be enough to create history and leave the most vivid and vivid mark in the history of national server e-sports. A gorgeous touch.

in addition……

It's An Xin.

During the LSPL schedule in the past few months, the Battle team had only five main players, no substitutes, and no coach. This situation has attracted a lot of attention. This time it enters the LPL Summer Split, and there is no coach or leader column on the lineup. If it is vacant, many interested people will notice it.

In yesterday's opening match, the decisive team won 2-0 and got off to a good start. In the eyes of professionals, the coach accounted for most of the credit, which naturally made people more curious about the newly appointed decisive coach.

I actually didn't pay much attention to it yesterday, as there weren't many shots of An Xin.

But today, various e-sports media specially showed close-up shots of An Xin sitting next to Tang Bingyao——

All the reporters and photographers suddenly widened their eyes, and were shocked and stunned by the appearance of the coach of the decisive team under the camera.

I go!

I remembered it was a girl yesterday.

I took a look today...

This appearance and temperament are simply not inferior to the player next to her, Tang Bingyao, who is known as the "goddess of profile" and "the first goddess in the national server, ADC"!

A professional team with a female player is already a surprising exception.

An LPL professional team has a beautiful ADC with both strength and looks, which can almost naturally push this team to the top of popularity.

And what if... plus a beautiful coach with the same strength and looks?

What else can you say?

The popularity has exploded, right?


All of a sudden, the cameras of various e-sports media were focused on the two girls from the winning team in the front row of the auditorium, taking photos frantically, with flashes and shutter sounds happening one after another.

In the front seat, Chen Ting, who was sitting next to the two women, heard the commotion and turned around to see what was going on. When he saw the dark pile of cameras shooting at his house from various angles, he thought he was being filmed. The buddy chose it, showed a warm smile and made a few gestures to cooperate...

"That player, please give way, he's blocking the camera."

The next second there were protests from all the photographers.

Chen Ting sat back angrily, causing Tang Bingyao and An Xin to burst into laughter like silver bells.

Naturally, it attracted a lot of photographers, their eyes lit up and they clicked the shutter again:

It’s done!

The cover photo for tonight’s report is here!

These small commotions before the start of the game quickly stopped and became quiet after the two teams in today's game took the stage.

On the side of the decisive team, everyone's eyes were also on the big screen watching the battle.

"Clear light vs. dust."

Zeng Rui nodded:

"This is interesting to watch."

Several other members of the team next to him also showed signs of approval.

Team Mingguang and Team Dust are both veteran teams in the LPL, and their strength and experience cannot be easily matched by rookies like Qiye.

"The dust is stronger."

Li Shiyi opened his mouth and gave his own evaluation and judgment.


Not to mention anything else, just one point, Dust is better than Mingguang - except last year, in the previous two S Series World Championships, the Dust team was one of the three representative teams in the Chinese LPL division.

Being able to reach the World Championship is in itself the most powerful proof of the team’s strength.

No coincidence.

Decisive Victory - Battle team's opponent in the next round is Dust.

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