
Chapter 513 Someone should stand up

Although it seems a bit inappropriate to compare a girl under the age of 20 with a legendary senior in the e-sports circle of the previous generation.

But after An Xin took office as the new official, gradually learned about the various situations of the Battle team, and formally implemented his coaching policies, several members of the team clearly felt that the arrangements given to them by their new coach The effect brought by his teaching guidance really seems to be no less than that of the previous senior Mohe.

Very similar teaching methods.

But it is a different style and brings a different atmosphere.

The most obvious point is that during the short three-day coaching process of the senior Mohe, as a junior and a trainee, several members of the team were in awe of each other's senior identity and status, and on the other hand, because of the senior's His aura is so strong that he is inevitably a little nervous during training, fearing that if he does something wrong, he will get a frown or a dissatisfied reaction from his seniors——

The same situation happened to An Xin now.

But it's a completely different feeling.

The girl frowned slightly, with a kind of refreshing beauty, or even if she expressed her dissatisfaction, the pleasant voice when she spoke made people feel happy and excited involuntarily——

We will still work hard when we have to, and no one can be lazy.

But tell the truth.

Facing such a coach during training feels much better than facing a senior who is always indifferent and expressionless, making people feel uneasy.

"This training is called training--"

During the break, Chen Ting couldn't help but sigh and praise like this:

"Our progress has not slowed down, and there is no need to worry."

"Coach An is really great!"

Tang Bingyao and Zeng Rui also nodded in agreement. Whether it was familiar seniors like No. 1 and Sister Xiaowu, or big figures in the e-sports circle like Senior Mohe and Senior Bullet, they would more or less bring some psychological impact to them. pressure.

But An Xin is different. We are all close partners and friends, and even getting along as coaches can make them feel more relaxed.

"However, actually, a job like coaching would be better if it had a little dignity."

Zeng Rui still gave his opinion relatively rationally and objectively.

After all, situations like their decisive victory in the Battle must be extremely rare exceptions in the e-sports circle; and in other formal professional clubs, the authority of coaches and head coaches is often unchallenged, and the team members under their We are all very afraid. Only in this way can we really follow the coach's instructions honestly.

A coaching style that is too relaxed and casual does make people feel friendly and comfortable, but it can also easily create a casual atmosphere.

Chen Ting is quite optimistic:

"It's okay, we are different from most other teams.


"Besides, if the coach is nice to you, we can be strict with ourselves."

"Work hard to be conscious!"

Li Shiyi on the side answered:

“Working on self-awareness is a must.”

"However, if you think our coach will be easy to talk to and easy to get along with, then you are thinking too much."

Chen Ting, Tang Bingyao and Zeng Rui all looked over subconsciously, with confusion.

Li Shiyi laughed:

"Didn't I make it clear early on? Her two identities, one as the team leader and the other as the coach, are clearly distinguished."

"As a team leader, she can chat and laugh with everyone; but as a coach, it's a different story."

"What you see now is just the beginning. Don't think this is all."

"As someone who has been through this experience, I would like to kindly remind you -"

"When Baozi gets angry... she will be even scarier than the head coaches of those top professional clubs."

Not to mention Chen Ting, even Tang Bingyao and Zeng Rui got along with An Xin as teammates in high school. The girl at that time was also half a coach, but after all, the various competitions at that time could only be regarded as small games. Just kidding, they haven't really seen what it's like when An Xin works as a formal coach.

Only Li Shiyi and Lin Feng have seen it.

In the old decisive team back then, there were all kinds of disputes between each member on a daily basis, but only when the girl as the coach got angry, everyone else would instantly become silent, and they would never really dare to There are a few other objections.

Hearing Li Shiyi's description at this moment, Chen Ting, Zeng Rui and Tang Bingyao could not help but feel a little dazed:

"So exaggerated?"

"Really or not...are you sure you are talking about Miss An Xin?"

Li Shiyi glanced at the door and saw that the girl and someone had come back from outside, so he quickly left the last sentence:

"You can always see it if you have the opportunity in the future."

Whether you see it or not, it’s all a matter of the future.

For the members of the current decisive battle team, with the addition of An Xin as the team leader and coach, the team is finally officially complete and has entered a more focused training life.


Different from the increasingly relaxed and relaxed atmosphere of the Internet cafe box training environment, now externally, the pressure of the entire national server continues to be in a subtle and depressive state.

MSI mid-season has ended for more than a week.

The summer split is not here yet.

Various other small-scale and low-level competitions are occasionally held in various places, but they always fail to cause much excitement.

The entire national server seemed to be silent for a moment.

Compared with the excitement before the start of MSI, this contrast seems to make people's hearts tighten slightly.

But no one dared to speak.

No one dared to say anything at this time.

Even many industry commentators who have always been known for their spicy style have chosen to remain silent at this moment.

However, if some emotions cannot find an outlet, they will not dissipate out of thin air, but will slowly and silently squeeze until they reach a point where there is truly no end. Many people know this, but when they are anxious and worried In addition, facing the current situation, there is also no way.

(This can’t go on like this.)

(There will be big problems.)

Many people have the same idea.

But then more depressing and powerless thoughts will arise:


(Something has gone wrong.)

People can only hopelessly fantasize and hope in such powerlessness, whether someone can stand up at such a time, break such a dead and oppressive atmosphere, and bring a ray of dawn to the national server again.

But everyone also knows that it seems that this can only be an unrealistic extravagant hope and fantasy.

"Maybe it's not a fantasy."

It wasn't until one night that I heard such a pleasant voice and made a firm judgment.

In a hotel suite.

After returning to China, she finally came here for the first time. The girl sitting on the sofa looked at No. 1 opposite and smiled sweetly:

"At times like this."

"Senior, it's your turn to stand up."

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