
Chapter 511 Please give me more advice

A feast to welcome the wind, a feast of eating and drinking, where both the host and the guest are happy.

Especially when everyone in the decisive battle team heard An Xin's promise that they would not leave for a long time and stay in the country, they cheered even more. Immediately, Chen Ting went to the waiter and ordered two more beers.

By the time they had finished eating and drinking, and paid the bill, everyone was basically 70 to 80% drunk, and they were all staggering when they walked out of the restaurant.

Several people went to the roadside to take a taxi.

Lin Feng and An Xin were left last, or perhaps the others were not really that drunk, intentionally or unintentionally leaving a little space for the two of them to get along and talk.

In the magical city on a winter night, there is a bit of chilliness in the air, which makes people feel drunk as the night wind blows them away.

The two people stood under the street lamp, keeping a distance of not too close but not too far.

Not too intimate.

But it seems natural and harmonious.

Lin Feng raised his head and looked at An Xin: "Why didn't you tell me in advance when you came back?"

An Xin made a face: "I just want to scare you - besides, why do I have to give you a report when I come back? Aren't you happy to be back early?"

The elf-like girl always seems to have such a magical ability. One moment, someone is clearly asking a question, but the next second, it seems that he has become the party being blamed.

Lin Feng scratched his head:

"No...but I really didn't expect you to come back early - it was originally agreed that it would only count after we advance to the LPL."

An Xin smiled: "Isn't it the same now, or are you not confident in winning the promotion match?"

Today's decisive battle is only one step away from the LPL. After the MSI mid-season, it will be the promotion and relegation of the LPL. They only need to defeat this promotion and relegation opponent to officially become a member of the LPL league. member.

Regarding An Xin's words, Lin Feng spoke decisively without thinking:

"of course not."

"We will definitely win the promotion match."

There was no hesitation in his tone of assurance and confidence.

An Xin also nodded:

"I think so. I've watched your previous games, and you did perform well."

It is rare to hear such unstinting praise for someone from a girl. Of course, the performance and record of the Battle team in the LSPL spring schedule are indeed worthy of such praise.

However, it was rare that Lin Feng didn't show off because of this compliment. On the contrary, he shook his head:

"not enough."

Originally, his goal was never limited to just one LSPL league.

not to mention--

Seeing Lin Feng suddenly become silent,

An Xin's eyes fell on him and she spoke softly:

"Is it because of MSI?"

Lin Feng nodded, not feeling any surprise at what the girl in front of him said. From childhood to adulthood, in the past and now, his thoughts and thoughts have never seemed to be hidden from this childhood sweetheart in front of him.

"Actually, I already knew the gap between the current team and SSK, as well as the gap between me and that guy F."

"But I have always felt that I will not be worse than him. With the help of my seniors and everyone, I can always try to catch up with SSK."

"But after watching MSI this time—"

"I suddenly felt like I had no confidence."

Lin Feng said silently, and then suddenly raised his head and looked at An Xin in front of him: "Although it sounds a bit demoralizing, it is really like this - seeing SSK's performance in the finals, and the current state of that guy F , I suddenly had no confidence at all.”

In fact, in the past few days after the MSI game, he had never said this to anyone around him, or shared his thoughts and feelings.

Only tonight, at this moment, in front of this childhood sweetheart, did I finally have the opportunity to confess.

An Xin nodded:

"I know."

It sounds like just an ordinary echo from the listener.

But in fact, other people, even the vast majority of professional players, may not be able to truly understand the feelings Lin Feng expressed in these words.

Because to put it more bluntly——

In the BO5 battle of the MSI finals a few days ago, the SSK team achieved a 3-0 crushing victory. Even after the game, countless people, countless teams, clubs and countless professional teams have done various review analysis and deductions. , but it is difficult to make a truly accurate assessment of the current SSK or even the F-Han Shihao.

They can only feel how powerful SSK and Han Shihao are today.

Even far more powerful than God at his peak - the hand of God.


Only top players whose strength has truly reached the level of Lin Feng, Dawn Morning Star, or Spoon, Nian Shisan, and Autumn can truly experience the feeling of powerlessness after watching this game.

Seven Kings are not enough.

At least you have to reach the threshold of the Yonko, or even a higher level, to understand what kind of level the world's number one mid laner has reached.

In fact, even a very small number of people like them can't see clearly what height Han Shihao has reached today.

Precisely because of this——

It will bring them a huge sense of decadence and powerlessness.

In the past, at least I could see the person's back and judge the distance between them.

Now, the other party is almost invisible to them.

This is the biggest problem.

It is also the biggest fear.

At this moment, An Xin spoke softly, saying only "I understand", her tone was calm but serious, not at all perfunctory, and it didn't look like a simple agreement.

She said "understand", but she seemed to really understand.

It's like——

She can also observe and judge from the same level as Lin Feng and a handful of the world's top players.

Make similar, identical, or even more accurate judgments.

"But you can't give up."

An Xin said the next sentence.

Lin Feng nodded slowly: "But I can't give up."

"You have to win."

"I have to win."

"This is your responsibility."

"yes. "

"This is the opponent you have always chosen as your destiny."


The two of them went back and forth, one sentence after another, the girl was just making a calm statement, while the other person was admitting and responding.


Suddenly An Xin stopped, looked at Lin Feng, and smiled slightly:

"I'm back early."

It seems that this is the official answer to someone's question just now, and it is the real reason why the girl chose to return early despite the persuasion and advice of her relatives and doctors even just after the operation.

"You don't have confidence, I'm responsible for increasing your confidence."

"You are facing a very tough opponent."

"But you also have a great helper now."

An Xin looked at Lin Feng, smiled and stretched out her hand:

"I heard that your team is still missing a team leader and coach."

"There is no shortage now."


"Please give me your advice."

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