
Chapter 496 Feeling proud

No matter how noisy the external public opinion is, in the eyes of a few caring people, one thing is beyond doubt:

Now, maybe they are actually witnessing the rise of a new legend.

Even now, for anyone with enough professional vision, they can directly confirm that the talent, potential and future prospects of the current decisive victory-Battle can no longer be simply used as a "Battle" "Rookie dark horse" to describe.

Even if we rashly regard it as Mi in the Chinese competition,

It is no longer appropriate to compare Team

This is a new dark horse unique to their national server division.


Will be the next God-Hand of God!

Just looking at the speed of personal strength improvement of the players and the statistical charts reflected in the performance data of each game is enough to give those doubters a strong proof to shut up.

There is no need to say more about the mid laner...

Today, the captain of the decisive team whose ID is called Maple has truly become the mid laner of the seventeen other teams in the entire LSPL division.

Don't forget that even Edici Shi Hang of Kuaishui Club and Dawn Morning Star, the strongest mid laner in the national server of Team God, all gave him such high praise.

Even though this team has not yet officially advanced to the LPL league, at least the mid laner captain of the decisive battle seems to have the qualifications to compete with those top mid laners in the LPL——

Just like last year's Seven Leaf Team's ace star top laner "Eight Wine Glass", he swept all the top laners in the LSPL league. In the LPL league, he continued to rise with an astonishing momentum. Now he is among the top top laners in the Chinese server. His reputation and status are already second only to KG’s Yuoshen Tian Tian.

(Speaking of which... Maple's name still seems a bit familiar to people——)

At least some very senior e-sports media people have a vague feeling like this, but after thinking hard, they haven't found an answer in their memory yet.

In addition to the captain of the mid laner, there is also the decisive winner - Battle's Uenosuke.

They are also making rapid progress.

The jungler Li Shiyi seems to have been a substitute player for the LSPL Alpine Team before. Unexpectedly, he was still sitting on the bench in the Alpine Club last year. This year, he changed teams and came back, and his performance can be called the first-tier level of the LSPL. The top jungler.

I don’t know what kind of complicated mood the old team, the Alpine Team, had when they saw this scene.

And the top laner and AD of this team——

Almost the same style of play that maximizes offensive aggression.

Perhaps there are still some flaws in their operation and consciousness, but this offensive style of play is enough for them to quickly attract a large number of fans from the LSPL audience, especially the AD player... Who can Thinking that a girl who previously set off the national server network with a "goddess profile" photo turned into a professional player and performed such an amazing performance?

The only thing that is slightly less eye-catching is probably the auxiliary position players of this team.

But it is such an auxiliary player who is cautious and steady in his playing style, but also meticulous enough in his thinking. He can just make up a key link for this team that originally maximizes its offensiveness, making this team's success The playing style has been controlled to a certain extent, which can be said to be a very important and indispensable adjustment.

When you see these five players forming such a team, it’s hard not to sigh and admire——

Players have both talent and potential.

The team lineup configuration is complete and reasonable.

How could such a team not have a bright future?

Of course, not to mention that after the two rounds of the regular season, the iron-clad record is already in front of everyone's eyes.

Thirty-one wins and three losses.

Decisive Victory - With this record, the Battle team has taken the lead in the current LSPL overall standings, firmly occupying the first place.

Basically, as long as they maintain this state, an LPL promotion spot will be right around the corner before the summer split.

There is another thing that is slightly worthy of people’s amazement——

That is this year's LSPL league. In addition to the decisive battle, the other rookie teams in the same period also showed an extremely strong and even moving upward momentum.

The current Junlin team and Jiutian team also occupy the second and third positions in the standings respectively.

You chase me and bite each other very hard.

This is also an unprecedented and shocking event throughout the history of the LSPL. The top three spots in the regular season points list are all occupied by three rookie teams.

Perhaps in addition to the decisive team, another LPL promotion quota this year will be produced by these two teams.

It stands to reason that the competition between these two rookie teams is destined to become more intense as a result, but apart from the fact that they will not give in to each other in the LSPL arena and continue to advance all the way, the leaders of the two teams actually have a secret relationship. A tacit understanding that needs no words.

That is……

"It is not meaningful".

An LPL promotion spot is important to most professional teams, and can even be considered a dream.

But in fact, for these two teams, regardless of the team's heritage or the talent and potential of the players, entering the LPL is only a matter of time. Their goals have never been more than this, but placed at a higher place.


This year is destined not to be the year for their two families.

Regardless of whether Jiutian or King's Landing, even if one side defeats the opponent and obtains another promotion quota, no matter whether King's Landing or Jiutian enters this year's LPL league, they are destined not to be the protagonists of this season.

It will be difficult for them to catch up with the decisive battle - Battle.

Not to mention that in a short period of time, they will compete with top veteran LPL teams such as Hayashi, KG and even God-God's Hand.

So this year, they can only go as far as the LPL at best.

Further on...

Competition at a higher level is currently beyond their ability to participate.

And when this point has been made clear, the few results obtained now are naturally not enough to make people feel more satisfied. I can only look at the decisive battle - Battle, which ranks first in the points list, and feel sad. A complex sigh.

Amelia Su was very satisfied anyway.

To be precise, she has been in a good mood in the past two months.

On the one hand, naturally, my work is going very smoothly, including the two careers of commentator and anchor. I am advancing in an orderly manner, and my progress is getting smoother and smoother.

On the other hand, more importantly -

It’s as someone’s sister!

It can be said that she has found some satisfaction and sense of accomplishment from this identity!

In the past two months, the decisive team led by someone has scored 31 wins in the LSPL, occupying the top spot in the standings as a newcomer, and the decisive battle team has a total of 34 games in the past two months. Su Xue was in charge of the commentary for twenty-four of the games.

Originally, the work was not assigned this way.

But she tried every means to get the job from her official boss.

For what?

Cheering someone on is definitely one thing.

more important……

Even if you look at it, you can feel proud!

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