
Chapter 486 Very good

"When you reach your current level, you have actually completed the path that most professional e-sports players have tried to take throughout their careers."

"Even the top and outstanding ones among us old guys from the so-called previous generation have only come here on this road. Maybe they arrived earlier than you, but they are not any better than you. Go as far as you can.”

"Perhaps with two or three, we can take a little more than half a step ahead."

"But at your current age, with your talent and ability, it is only a matter of time before you can catch up with this small half-step gap."

At the entrance of the Internet cafe, the sky was gradually getting dark, and the street lights on the street lit up one by one, reflecting the bustling night scene of people and cars.

With such a flowing and noisy night as the background, Mo He, standing in front of Lin Feng, said this to him.

When he said this, the former legend of the previous generation of the national server and now the general manager of the Jiutian Club seemed to have thought of something and paused for a moment:


"Among so many people, the only one who has really taken a big step forward on this path is your master."

Lin Feng didn't have any so-called "master" in the literal sense.

Naturally, the only person Mo He was referring to at this moment was that person.

Lin Feng nodded silently.

Mohe continued casually:

"Although we were old rivals back then, everyone, including me, had to be convinced."

"After two generations, old and new, it is true that he is the only one, 001, who has truly reached a position that no one has ever reached on this road of professional e-sports players."

"In other words, he defined the ceiling of today's professional e-sports players."

"It was his existence that made everyone behind realize that the strength of professional e-sports players actually exists at such a level that could only be achieved theoretically."

"But it's a pity that-"

"In two generations, he is the only one who has reached this level."

"Other than him, among our group back then, Li Daozai couldn't do it, and neither did that dead crow, nor did your senior No. 3, or that Bullet."

"It may even be difficult for 001 himself to teach this kind of experience. He can do it himself, but he can't help others do it."

"A very mysterious thing."

Having said this, Mo He raised his head and smiled at Lin Feng again:

"However, perhaps it is precisely this that reveals some very critical information."

"As for the new height that only he has reached, maybe it's not that he can't help, but that when you get to that step, the experience and experience of anyone else has no reference value. Others say too much, It will only interfere with your own steps."

"When you get to that point, there will be no other help around you to rely on."

"You can only rely on yourself."

Lin Feng nodded subconsciously.

Vaguely, he actually felt this.

Perhaps on the threshold of the four emperors' realm, if there are experienced people,

So sharing experiences and providing help can indeed have a certain auxiliary effect; but after I have truly entered the Four Emperors, I have actually achieved an almost impeccable level of maturity in all aspects of operation and awareness. It already has its own complete set of rules and systems.

In this case, the guidance of others has almost lost most of its effect.

Only you can clearly understand everything about yourself, and even other people's seemingly correct suggestions are actually hasty judgments made due to insufficient understanding of you, which may ultimately have the opposite effect.

But then Lin Feng seemed to have thought of something, and there was a look of hesitation on his face.

Seeing Lin Feng's expression, Mo He smiled:

"Why, you think if your master knew this, why did he ask you to come to me?"

Lin Feng was a little embarrassed, but still nodded honestly.

But Mohe shook his head gently:

"Don't think too much."

"The idea of ​​that guy 001 is probably very simple. He just wants you to come here and try your luck."

"If it doesn't work out, then you can at least let me, an old guy, help guide your winning team for three days, and you'll definitely make a profit; if it works out, it'll be an unexpected surprise."

"You, the master, have always been like this. On the surface, you look calm and calm, but in fact, you habitually always want to account for all possibilities and seize all opportunities to achieve the ultimate goal he desires. ideal effect.”

Mohe nodded slightly and made his own evaluation in a calm tone:

"At that time, most people felt that it was the turn to calculate and the turn to be concerned about gains and losses. He was the most relaxed and casual among us. But in fact, it was just the opposite. He wanted too much, wanted to take care of too much, and was concerned about gains and losses. ...It’s actually the heaviest.”

"But manpower is sometimes scarce."

"Even if he-"

"It is also impossible to achieve a truly exhaustive plan."

As a junior, it was naturally difficult for him to express his opinions when the senior in front of him made comments about his master. Lin Feng could only scratch his head after hearing:

"Ah...I don't understand these things very well."

The more you say, the more mistakes you make.

Whether he was defending Senior No. 1 or agreeing with Senior Mohe's evaluation, it was not appropriate for him to stand on either side at this moment.

Mo He laughed and reached out to pat Lin Feng on the shoulder:

"It's nothing."

“There’s no need to understand if you don’t understand.”

"You have reached the place where we old guys worked so hard to reach."


"Just keep trying your best and move forward."

On the night after saying goodbye, Mohe did not choose to return directly to the Jiutian Club's training base. When he took a taxi to leave in front of the Internet cafe, he asked the driver to divert to a bar a few kilometers away.

It's still clear.

Quiet and soothing atmosphere in the store, melodious and soft music.

Two old friends are already waiting for a half-pack of sofa booths.

Six Paths and Birds.

The person in charge of TO and Meilan clubs.

Mohe walked to the booth and sat down on the sofa. The two people sitting opposite him had already raised their eyes and cast their eyes on him:

"How about it?"

"He's a guest coach for three days...that guy 001 is really awesome, he even hired you."

"Being a coach for three days is not a waste of time. What research findings have you found?"

The three general managers of the old three teams had a very deep friendship in the past. For example, the training appointment between Jiutian and the decisive battle, and the deal with Mo He as the temporary coach, the other two also knew about it early on. Extremely clear.

Similarly, they also knew that Mohe readily agreed to accept this "deal" this time, not only to exchange for a sparring partner for his Jiutian team, but also to observe and study the decisive team.

That was also what they both were thinking.

Mohe raised his head and looked at his two old friends opposite:

"It has nothing to do with you TO and Meilan anyway, why are you so concerned?"

Liu Dao shook his head:

"That's not what I'm saying. What we're asking is not for the benefit of our own team, but for the sake of the entire national server."

Asuka nodded in agreement:

"That's right."

"TO and Meilan's club leaders have no position to care about asking questions."

"But at any rate, as two old guys from the previous generation of the national server, it's not too much to care about our juniors who have the most promise and the heaviest burden in our national server in the next year, right?"

Both of them sat up straight and looked at Mohe with shining eyes.

The corner of Mohe's mouth curled up, as if remembering the scenes in the Internet cafe in the past three days, he raised a faint smile:

"Do not worry."

"The team chosen by 001 this time..."

"very nice."

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