
Chapter 484 Excluded

I'm confused and I'm confused.

There may even be a little bit of resistance and doubt at the beginning.

But when they really calmed down and started to accept the teaching, and started the "class" honestly, the five members of the decisive team, including Lin Feng, quickly felt the extraordinary nature of this "teaching course".

Not only is there so many almost dizzying items listed at the beginning.

When he really started to explain and analyze, Mohe's narrative style and method seemed extremely concise and concise, and every sentence was able to hit the most critical point.

The so-called words have meaning.

These four words are no longer enough to describe the teaching level of the head of the Jiutian Club.

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The selected tactical arrangement began to be analyzed and deduced. As if casually, this top legend of the previous generation of the Chinese server completely dismantled the various tactical lineups selected by the decisive team in the first day of training yesterday. , pointed out various shortcomings, and at the same time, was able to integrate the ba

Choose ideas and understand them thoroughly——

He also gave a better improvement plan, which was enough for the five members of the team to suddenly understand and couldn't help but get excited and excited to try the new plan he just gave. They wanted to test it out on the spot.

But this is far from the end of get out of class.

Further down, when it comes to the positioning at the start, the defense and offense of the first-level team, this aspect has always been something that the captain of the team likes and is good at, and because his style determines the entire team. The style of the decisive team, often six or seven of the ten games are biased toward early invasion attacks——

When I arrived in Mohe, I briefly sorted out the various first-level regiment ideas that someone had arranged yesterday, and then gave a more detailed and thoughtful improved and enhanced plan...

Lin Feng's eyes were as bright as light bulbs:


"This should work better!"

Mohe glanced at him lightly:

"If you want to attack, you have to be more resolute and thorough."

"But this is not a mindless bet, but a reasonable game made after precise calculations to avoid all theoretical risks as much as possible."

"When deploying the tactics of a first-level regiment, you can't just think about how much you will pay first."

“It’s about confirming that the price you pay will definitely lead to greater returns.”

Lin Feng nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice.


It's five minutes of laning, eight minutes of laning, ten minutes of laning, and those key time nodes of fifteen minutes, twenty-five minutes, and thirty minutes...

In Mohe's eloquent narration, he calmly combined the specific issues of positional alignment, operation, consciousness and rhythm control of the five decisive team members, making each conclusion more well-founded and based on. It also makes each improvement plan more concrete and vivid.

Later, more than one Zeng Rui even took out a notebook to record.

Instead, all five members of the team picked up paper and pen, listening to the lecture with eyes wide open and ears pricked up, while scribbling down the drafts as hard as they could.

That look, that serious and focused posture.

I guess they saw their respective school teachers.

Everyone's eyes are red with envy - if these guys can have this kind of enthusiasm and devotion in class, what can't they do?

It was also while receiving this instruction from Mohe that the five members of the decisive team finally intuitively and truly felt the power of this legendary senior figure from the previous generation of the national server.

Senior No. 1's comments... were not exaggerated in the slightest.

Judging from this professional guidance and teaching ability as a coach, the level of attainments of this senior Mohe has indeed reached a level that makes almost all professional coaches and analysts in the circle feel ashamed.

Lin Feng felt that even Senior No. 4, who had always been good at collecting information and analyzing and deducing, was inferior to this senior Mo He.

And even if it’s senior number one, Miss Xiaowu——

Perhaps his personal strength is better than that of this senior Mohe, but his teaching and analysis abilities are really incomparable to this senior.

Probably because of this, Senior No. 1 specifically asked him to spare time to train with the Jiutian team for a whole week. If a week of training can be exchanged for three days of teaching opportunities from this senior Mohe, it seems at the moment... …It’s really not a loss at all, it can be called a bloody profit!

After such a change in mentality, the members of the winning team became more serious and focused in listening to the lectures.

A good analyst can help the team members find out and fill in the gaps, while a good coach can help the team further break the shackles and broaden their thinking.

When the two are perfectly combined in Mo He, the quality of teaching that can be achieved is truly complete and amazing.

The first half of the teaching mainly focused on various tactical ideas, and the second half focused on specific details. It was already afternoon. Mohe began to let the five members of the decisive team continue to play in the rankings, and began to work on each person's specific operations. Combine the morning teaching content with further extension.

Combining theoretical knowledge with practical practice.

It is indeed more effective.

After playing several group games in the afternoon, several members of the decisive team were pleasantly surprised to find that their tactical operations and execution had quickly and significantly improved under the improved and enhanced version of the mode.

Moreover, there is not much difference from their original playing style.

You can still adapt to it very easily.

In fact, he played more smoothly and let go.

Many places that I could only feel vaguely awkward and uncomfortable in actual combat before, but could not explain why, have now been better improved, and it is smooth to the end in one breath. This feeling... can only be described in one word.


Now, with the actual results as evidence, the eyes of several members of the decisive team looked at Mohe changed again.

This time it really turned into a rarity like looking at a peerless treasure.

Legendary seniors, top coaches...

That’s absolutely right!

In half a day and a day, their originally stagnant progress was accelerated and suddenly brought back to a high-speed track.

If there were another ten days and a half, their decisive team would not be able to be taken off! ?

Now I'm really starting to feel sad.

We have agreed to only have three days of teaching time, and if one day passes, one day will be lost.

If they had known this, when they were training for the Jiutian team, they would have been willing to work with them for ten more days and a half, or have this senior Mohe give them guidance for three to five days more, then they would definitely be willing to do so!

"Ah, heartache!"

After the training and teaching on the second day, Chen Ting clutched his chest with a look of pain on his face.

Lin Feng smiled:

"Don't push too far. Three days... is already pretty good."

Zeng Rui also nodded seriously:


"Tomorrow is the last day. Let's all cherish it and don't waste it."

On the third day, which was also the last day of scheduled training and teaching, Mohe’s teaching methods were adjusted again.

On this day, he did not talk about theoretical concepts or emphasize team execution and cooperation. He began to give targeted guidance to the five positions of the winning team's upper, middle and lower field assistants one by one, and gave targeted guidance to the members in each position.

Each individual was allocated the same individual teaching time accordingly.

Only Lin Feng, the captain of the mid laner, was excluded.

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