
Chapter 481 Chase

During the LSPL National Trials two months ago, Lin Feng believed that the latter was stronger than the former when it came to evaluating the strength of Jiutian and Junlin.

At that time, he still felt a little puzzled and suspicious. After all, at that time, he already knew that behind this Jiutian team was the truly powerful Jiutian Club of the previous generation, and there was also senior Mohe as the person in charge— —

Under such circumstances, the strength displayed by this New Jiutian team was enough for them to reach the semi-finals in the LSPL national trials, but it was still a bit disappointing.

It even makes people doubt how capable Senior Mohe, who is behind the Nine Heavens Team, is in terms of his ability to guide and teach.

Later, Lin Feng heard the truth from Senior No. 1. It turned out that the Jiutian Team's training and preparations at that time mainly relied on the coaching team in the club. As the general manager, Mo He did not really give much personal guidance.

That's clear.

However, since in the past two months, the senior Mohe has put aside other complicated and trivial matters and started to train the team in person, then the current Jiutian Team must also show something different.

The appointment for the training match was still chosen online.

The players on both sides confirmed the time in advance, went online, created a room, and did not do much nonsense in the chat channel of the room, and went directly to the training battle.

An afternoon of training was completed.

After the Jiutian team members who returned to the custom room said goodbye simply and politely and exited the room, the decisive team members in the Internet cafe box were still in the room. Lin Feng in front of the computer screen touched his chin. Thoughtful.

Then he turned to look at his other teammates:

"how do you feel?"

Chen Ting thought for a while and said:

"It's obviously different from before."

Li Shiyi also nodded and praised:

"They are much calmer."


Apart from anything else, you can feel the difference just from the simple typing exchanges before and after the game. In the previous Jiutian team, every member from top to bottom gave people the impression of being arrogant and arrogant. .

But this time it was different. When they were typing for a simple exchange, the members of the other party seemed to have changed their tempers. The casual greetings were full of politeness. Although they seemed a bit too strict, at a glance, you could feel that they were being forced and sternly asked. Code of conduct adopted——

However, it is also conceivable that when senior Mohe, who is said to have always been strict, received team management training in person, not only the daily training of players and team members, but also their daily words and deeds would be strictly required and no slightest tolerance would be tolerated. Discourteous.

"It does have an effect."

Lin Feng also nodded.

Changes in behavior and mentality, as well as strict daily norms, will also have a subtle impact on the training and fighting styles of the players. For example, in these training matches this afternoon, not to mention anything else, at least in terms of playing style and tactical execution. In terms of performance, it is also obvious that the Jiutian team has become more and more rigorous.

The mistakes and flaws made by the team have been significantly reduced.

The intensity of tactical coordination and execution has been significantly enhanced.

Advance and retreat appropriately.

When it's time to attack, be firm to the end.

Never fight when it's time to retreat.

If the Jiutian Team during the LSPL national selection was more like a top passerby team with amazing talent, then the current Jiutian Team has shown some magnanimity that can only be found in a truly top professional team.

And all these changes took place and were completed in just two months.

"Looking at it this way, Jiutian's progress is greater than that of King's Landing."

Zeng Rui also gave his own opinions and evaluation.

Li Shi nodded: "If this continues, it's really hard to say who will get the other promotion spots besides us this year..."

Overlord's original plan was that if they couldn't beat the decisive team in the LSPL league, they would at least keep their King's Landing as the second best team in the league.

This was said earlier, and Lin Feng and others from the decisive team also agreed.

But looking at it now...

Not really.

In the following days, Lin Feng, the five members of the decisive team, did nothing else and basically focused on training with Junlin and Jiutian. In the morning, Junlin and Jiutian each took half of the time, which was fair and reasonable.

While the two teams were sparring with the decisive team, they also secretly and openly asked Lin Feng and others for intelligence information about the other team.

After Bawang and Yu Ping learned vaguely about the current status of the Jiutian Team from Lin Feng, they did not feel any tension or pressure, but they were obviously inspired with a stronger fighting spirit.

According to Overlord himself:

"What a joke! We won't fight for the first place. No one can take away the second place in this ten thousand years!"

He is probably the only one who can talk about competing for the second child in such a heroic and impassioned way.

Yu Ping sneered:

"They have to work hard for nine days to kill themselves?"

"We in King's Landing are not bad either."

"It's not like we don't have any seniors who can give guidance and guidance."

On the other side, Jiutian Team's relationship with the decisive team members is definitely not as good as Junlin's in terms of friendship. However, during a break in training, Zhang Ke, the ace genius mid laner of Jiutian Team, also came directly to Lin Feng and got straight to the point. just ask:

"How am I better than Overlord?"

The talented young mid laner of the Jiutian team, although perhaps because of Mohe's personal management and guidance, he has restrained some of his arrogant and conceited temperament in the past two months, he still has a strong desire to win in his words.

And to be honest, after not seeing each other for two months, Lin Feng could really feel the opponent's rapid progress when they met again in the middle lane of Summoner's Rift.

Talent is really nothing to say.

As long as he calms down a little and has the guidance of such a top legendary senior, the future career of this nine-day mid laner is destined to be limitless.

Lin Feng's answer was also very honest and objective:

"Roughly the same."

"The two of you have somewhat similar styles. He is more willing to gamble than you are, but you have a stronger desire to attack than him. I can't say which one is better - but both need to be tempered."

In fact, these words have a hint of instruction.

With Lin Feng's strength, he is indeed qualified to say this, but if it were Zhang Ke before, he would definitely be angered and fight back when he heard such condescending comments. But this time, he didn't react much, just snorted coldly:

"Of course I will continue to hone in."

"That overlord is not worthy of being my opponent."

After saying this half sentence, he paused, and then added as if gritting his teeth:

"The same to you."

"Just wait, I'll catch up!"

Then he hurriedly logged off, as if he was afraid of hearing someone's response.

Lin Feng himself was stunned for a moment, scratched his head, and laughed indifferently. He could completely understand such a young man's anger, but he had never thought about it, and he had become a target that others needed to catch up with.

Because for him, he always feels that he is the one who needs to catch up with others.

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