
Chapter 462 Popular tasks of live broadcast

Then the popularity of the live broadcast room began to increase at an alarming rate.

Lin Feng, who was responsible for broadcasting the live broadcast on his mobile phone and faithfully acting as a cameraman, did not notice it because he focused most of his thoughts and energy on the few new guests who had just arrived.

Li Shiyi, Chen Ting and Zeng Rui, several fellow members of the new decisive team, also paid a visit before the New Year's Eve dinner was officially served tonight.

When he heard the doorbell ringing, Lin Feng took a selfie stick in one hand and led the live broadcast room to trot over to open the door.

Seeing the three teammates in front of the goal, I was also surprised and happy:

"Hey, you guys are here so early!"

Li Shi entered the house while changing his shoes:

"Well, there's nothing else to do anyway."

"Wanted to see if there was anything we could help with here—"

"Now it seems that we are no longer needed." Chen Ting, who was next to him, took over the words and pouted angrily towards the kitchen.

So the three members of the new decisive team also saw the beautiful figures of two ladies, one big and one small, busy in the kitchen.

"This picture——"

"It's so beautiful."

Chen Ting admired from the bottom of his heart.

Zeng Rui, who was next to him, noticed No. 5 in the kitchen: "Senior No. 5 is here, and Senior No. 1..."

Hearing the conversation in front of the entrance door, No. 1, who was sitting on the sofa in the living room, happened to look over, smiled at several members of the new decisive team and raised his hand:


Only then did several people discover Senior No. 1 on the sofa and quickly said hello:


"Happy New Year, senior!"

Although he usually gets along easily, in the past month or so of training, No. 1 has truly and unreservedly demonstrated his ability and style as the top legend of the previous generation in front of several members of the new decisive team. .


Even if there is no need for severe verbal reprimands or superficial punishments, just by being in contact with each other, people can be in awe of them.

The feelings of several members of the previous new decisive team in this regard were not obvious.

But over the past month...

When they really worked hard to improve themselves, and when No. 1 also gave them unreserved guidance, they finally felt what kind of qualities this senior who seemed to be so approachable, easy-going, and carefree had. Strength and heritage.

Seeing the new team members who were suddenly a little respectful and restrained just because of his casual greeting, No. 1 was a little surprised at first, but then he reacted and smiled:

"Okay, let's just relax and have a good time on New Year's Eve."

"No need to make it the same as before."

After hearing these words, several members of the new decisive team, including Li Shiyi, finally breathed a sigh of relief and returned to normal one by one.


No matter how hard the previous training and the future training are, at least tonight is New Year's Eve.

A day for family reunions with relatives and friends.

No matter what——

Today, I can make a little exception and relax.

After Chen Ting, Li Shiyi and Zeng Rui arrived, the five members of the new decisive team finally arrived.

In other words, the main guests of tonight’s New Year’s Eve dinner have almost arrived.

The remaining ones are still short of a number three, as well as Ouyang, Yang Fan and Ren Rou from high school in the past.

But basically, now you can sit down at the table and wait for your food.

"Right away, right away!"

Su Xue's furious voice came from the kitchen:

"There are still a few dishes left, it's almost done!"

"But are any of you hungry already? You can sit down at the table first. The main thing I have to do here is make a chicken stew—"

"Hey Qiaoqiao, how's your potato stew going? It's almost done, right?"

"Tangtang, you cooked the eels and bean sprouts together. I'm too busy here, so I'll fry them for you."

"You damn kid, come in quickly! Take what's already done out!"

Sure enough, it was a busy scene as expected.

In the last sentence, I didn't forget to give instructions to someone outside.

Lin Feng also responded honestly and got up from the sofa to help in the kitchen. As soon as he entered the kitchen, he sniffed with his nose and opened his eyes wide:

"Oh, it smells so good!"

Su Xue pushed and rushed:

"Nonsense, don't even look at who is busy preparing this meal."

"Okay, take the dishes out quickly and ask everyone outside if they are hungry. It's ready to be served."

"Oh, by the way, I asked you to start a live broadcast. Where did you put the selfie stick?"

Lin Feng remembered:

"It's on the dining table."

"They said they wanted to see girls, so I kept the camera pointed at your kitchen -"

"Look, you can't even do a simple task assigned to you. The live broadcast room is still on the table and it's not called live broadcast. Those guys in the live broadcast room are going to make a fuss again later, okay!" Su Xue rambled on. He hurriedly walked out of the kitchen, ready to pick up the live broadcast room and check the situation.

After all, I am the head anchor of the "Suhang Yexue" live broadcast room. I have promised to take care of those water friends and fans this New Year's Eve. Even if I am too busy with the New Year's Eve dinner and can't spare any time, I still have to pay a little attention to it. ——

Besides, during last year's New Year's Eve live broadcast, her popularity in the live broadcast room was obvious to all.

Even she was shocked at the time, not to mention the other supervisors and people in charge on the platform, who were simply overjoyed. The peak popularity of her live broadcast room that night almost hit the top ten of the entire platform's traffic records. .

As for the nine places ahead, those are the results and benefits that were only available in the official live broadcast room during the previous World Finals or MSI Mid-Season Invitational.

In other words, with the scale of an individual anchor, he can achieve a level comparable to the much-anticipated official live broadcast room of the World Series. The "Suhang Night Snow" live broadcast room on New Year's Eve last year almost created a new history for the platform.

So this year before the arrival of New Year's Eve, not only the old water fans in the live broadcast room have been thinking about it, but even the official super management and person in charge of the platform have been constantly contacting Su Xue to confirm whether there will be something similar in this year's live broadcast room. A live Chinese New Year event like last year.

Su Xue, who had this plan in the first place, of course agreed.

But in this way, accordingly, she has an additional responsibility:

After all, I agreed to those super-management things, and tonight’s New Year’s Eve live broadcast should be more lively.

The popularity of the live broadcast room cannot be too low.

Su Xue had some estimates in her mind. The peak popularity of the live broadcast room on this night last year was 8.6 million, but it was only the peak, and there was a popularity bonus brought by gifts from many water friends in the live broadcast room.

The real popularity score should have been stable at around 6.5 million at that time.

This year--

No matter what, we must at least maintain a level similar to last year.

While thinking this in her heart, Su Xue had already picked up her phone and came closer to the screen to take a look. She was immediately shocked:

"Holy shit!"

"What's going on with you...?"

"Did I stab the entire nest of Douyu Platform——"

I was too busy the past few days, and then I caught a cold. I lay at home with a bad cold for two days, and I just recovered a little today.

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