
Chapter 459 Let’s put the business aside

The annual Spring Festival, a rare New Year's Eve, is also a hard-earned rest time. The two masters and apprentices on the outdoor balcony did not continue to talk in depth about those serious and heavy topics, but turned to talking about trivial daily matters. Little things.

"It should be quite lively tonight, right?"

As he spoke, No. 1 glanced into the room, sniffed, and praised:

"Axue's cooking skills are pretty good. You can smell the aroma on the balcony through two doors."

"I saw the battle in the kitchen just now. How come you plan to fill up such a big dining table with dishes?"

Lin Feng scratched his head:

"Well, Sister Xue is quite fond of this New Year's Eve dinner."

"I put the tablecloths on the tablecloths that I bought and haven't wanted to use for a long time."

Number 1 laughed when he heard this:

"How many people are coming tonight?"

Lin Feng thought for a while:

"It's quite a lot."

"Everyone from the team should be here, including Azeng, Lao Chen, Shi Yi, and some of my old classmates from high school - if it's later, Fatty also said he'd like to come and have a look."

Even more than that.

Before today, many other people had also said hello to Lin Feng in advance, saying that if they could spare time tonight and find an opportunity, they would also like to come and visit.

This includes a number of current LPL professional players such as Dawn Morning Star, Huangxue Yege, Shi Hang, and Shadow Puppets.

On New Year's Eve, for these e-sports players who are temporarily unable to return to their hometowns to spend the New Year with their families, they often spend the New Year's Eve with everyone in the club at the club's training base.

Such festival activities are also a way for team clubs to cultivate cohesion and enhance intimacy between each other.

It is also to provide warm comfort and caring care to these professional players who are away from home.

Of course, even though they had greeted Lin Feng in advance, these current professional players would still have New Year's Eve dinner at their respective club bases first. If they wanted to come over, they would probably have to wait a little longer.

But even so, there are already quite a few people participating in tonight's New Year's Eve dinner at home.

Roughly counting, there are nearly ten people.

"It doesn't matter if there are a lot of people, just having fun together makes it feel like celebrating the New Year."

Number One commented with a smile.

Lin Feng nodded in agreement, and then seemed to have thought of something, showing a bit of regret:

"Originally, I wanted to ask Senior Bullet to come with me, but Tangtang went to ask, and it seemed that Senior Bullet was unwilling to——"

In terms of closeness and familiarity, this North American legend of the previous generation does not match the atmosphere of tonight’s New Year’s Eve dinner at home.

But on the other hand -

Today, Bullet is also Tang Bingyao's master, not to mention that in the past one or two months, he put aside the complicated affairs in North America and came to China alone to accompany Tang Bingyao and everyone on the decisive team. Train together and give careful guidance without reservation.

This friendship alone deserves the respect and gratitude of everyone on the winning team.

No. 1 waved his hand after hearing this:

"That guy has that temper. I've told him about this before, but it doesn't make sense, so don't worry about it and let him go."

When speaking of this, Number 1 glanced at Lin Feng again and asked casually:

"Have you contacted Aqiu and Amo recently?"

Lin Feng paused after hearing this.


Tonight's New Year's Eve dinner is destined to be extremely lively. There are the seniors from the past and all the members of the new decisive team. If we count the old decisive-Battle members, including him, Tian Tian and Li Shiyi, they have already reached three. Bit.

But indeed, two other people were left out.

Mu Qiu.

Zhou Mo.

"Aqiu is still the same as before, not talking to me."

"But Ah Mo is often contacted on his mobile phone. I asked him before if he could come to Shanghai to celebrate the New Year together, but he declined politely, saying that he also had arrangements there and had made an appointment with some children. A piece or something.”

Lin Feng reported to No. 1 honestly.

No. 1 nodded understandingly:


"If there are arrangements, it's hard to force it. It's a pity to say so."


Otherwise, if it is really the most ideal situation, tonight's New Year's Eve dinner at home, with the five members of the new decisive team, plus the original five members of the former decisive team, will be even more exciting. A scene of contentment.

Missing two will always be a pity.

Lin Feng shook his head and smiled:


"I'm very satisfied with the results we have now."

The mistakes he made have yet to be made up for, but he has already been forgiven by a former partner in advance, and no matter what, he can meet his former teammates again, and even be able to reestablish contact after many years——

This precious friendship he found was enough for him to be content and cherish.

For the rest, if he still wants more, he needs to continue to work hard for it.

Seeing the smile and calm look on Lin Feng's face, No. 1 also laughed:

"It's good to think so."

"However, some things are uncertain."

"Perhaps there will be a turning point next...it's not certain."

Lin Feng was stunned for a moment by such a sudden sentence. He keenly grasped some key information from the mouth of Senior No. 1, and he immediately raised his head to look at No. 1:


However, No. 1 just waved his hand at this time and discussed the topic again in an understatement:

"No more."

"Tonight, New Year's Eve, we won't talk about serious things."

As he spoke, he looked inside the room again:

"Hey, the ladies in the kitchen are pretty busy, right?"

According to Su Xue's high standards and strict requirements, the busy schedule for tonight's New Year's Eve dinner has more than doubled after the addition of No. 5 and Tang Bingyao, but the dishes that were made in this short time are only a third of the way. The expected quantity is around one.

Platefuls of steaming dishes were brought to the table, occupying less than half of the dining table.

But the next second, Chef Su returned to the kitchen in a hurry and continued to be busy.

No. 1 and Lin Feng walked back to the living room from the balcony. When they saw the sumptuous dishes on the dining table, someone's eyes suddenly lit up and his index finger moved:

"Can we start now!?"

Su Xue’s angry shout quickly came from the kitchen:

"You damn kid, try moving your chopsticks!"

“People haven’t arrived yet and the dishes haven’t been served yet!”

Someone shrank his head and gave up the idea angrily.

Number 1 couldn't help but became speechless, and called into the kitchen:

"Axue, don't work too hard, the food is almost enough."

Su Xue, who had already returned to the kitchen and started cooking in front of the stove with the pot in her left hand and the spatula in her right hand, replied hurriedly without raising her head:

"It's not enough. This New Year's Eve dinner comes only once a year. If it's not done well, I won't feel comfortable!"

Even No. 5 and Tang Bingyao, who were the kitchen assistants, also agreed. The three women worked together and continued to be busy.

The two masters and apprentices outside the kitchen looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly.


The next moment, another command from Su Xue came from the kitchen:

"Xiaofeng, when you have nothing to do, just use your phone to tease the fish."

"Help me start a live broadcast!"

I'll send you the update. I'll try to update it early tomorrow morning. I still have some work to do and I'll do a small shift tonight.

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