
Chapter 456 New Year is coming

Nian Shisan's sudden burst of enthusiasm for inviting the battle was unexpected by Lin Feng and others from the winning team.

But for this kind of thing, several members are certainly happy to see it happen.

But as the captain, Lin Feng still gave his answer quite simply:



Nian Shisan on the other end suddenly became anxious:

"Why not!?"

Indeed, originally it was your decisive team that came here to ask us assassins to spar and train together. Why did you suddenly change your attitude and start acting aloof?

Don't take it so far!

Fortunately, Lin Feng patiently explained:

"I've already made appointments with other teams for the rest of the two days."

"The training with you assassins ends now. If you are interested, we can continue to make arrangements in two days."

Speaking of this, someone also added an understanding comment:

“Or you can go back and make an appointment for a little longer in advance.”

Naturally, the result was that Nian Shisan was furious to death, but he had no way to deal with someone, so he could only grit his teeth and make an appointment honestly, and deliberately made the next time for discussion and exchange very long. Some……

But it is true that today's decisive team seems to have suddenly become more popular.

Originally, it was just their own family that came to discuss and request exchanges.

But when every family agreed readily——

Instead, it has now become the decisive team. They have a full schedule. This morning they had an appointment with God, and in the afternoon they were meeting with Hayami. In the evening, they agreed with KG to play a few games together, and the next morning it was Nanaba. , the assassin in the afternoon...

If other teams want to get involved again, they really have to beg someone in a good voice.

For the decisive team,

This situation is both a good thing and a challenge.

The challenge is that such a schedule means that almost every day they have no rest time. From early morning until late at night, they have to spend the most intense training battles.

The advantage is-

As long as they can endure this hardship, as long as they can withstand such training intensity and pressure, as they continue to compete and accumulate experience among the top active professional teams, their progress speed will also amaze the entire world. Everyone else in the world of professional esports.

In fact.

This progress has been shown bit by bit in the eyes of others at an extremely obvious and even astonishing speed.

There are many specific ways of expression.

For example, the expression of satisfaction and relief on Bullet's face becomes more and more frequent, which is recognition of Tang Bingyao in the ADC position.

Another example is the comment that No. 3 made from time to time in the teaching battle with a tone of surprise and enthusiasm, "Hey, boy, you are a little better today than yesterday." This is another example of Chen Ting in the top lane position. way of appreciation.

There is also the name "A Zeng" that No. 1 and No. 5 mentioned more and more often when doing teaching analysis reviews - "A Zeng's handling of this step is good", "In the big dragon team battle, A Zeng's backhand protection Well done" and "You should also learn from Azeng's style" - these are the best affirmations for Zeng Rui in the auxiliary position.

Or, there is jungle.

Two days later, the decisive team once again competed against the Assassin team online.

After a full half-day of intense confrontation training, before Lin Feng and the others in the Internet cafe's box could take a break, Nian Shisan made another urgent call.

The first step was to ask for an appointment for the next training session.

It was rare to see such a burning enthusiasm for training in this old friend. Lin Feng was also curious and asked a few more questions about the reason.

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a moment.

Then came the voice of chanting thirteen, which was rare and serious:

"The last two times I trained with you, when I faced off against that guy from Eleven -"

"I feel like I can see a bit of the shadow of him when I played against him."

It seems a bit difficult to say.

But for Lin Feng, he understood it effortlessly.

After understanding it, he was slightly startled.

Holding the phone, there was still the sound of Nian Shisan talking nonsense again. Lin Feng's eyes fell on Li Shiyi not far away. His former partner and teammate sat in front of the computer screen and concentrated. Look carefully at the profile of the replay video.

Then he laughed:


"I saw it too."

In the blink of an eye, another half a month passed by like this.

It would be too tedious to talk about the improvement rate of the decisive team during this period.

But if you want to sum it up in one sentence, you can directly quote Shi Hang’s sigh that he couldn’t help but sigh after the latest training session with Team Hayami:


"In your current state, I would bet all my wealth on you."

"In the new season of LSPL, if you can't defeat the invincibles in a decisive victory, then you're in trouble!"

Of course.

Again, for Lin Feng and even for the entire decisive team, these current rewards are the natural and expected gains after their huge efforts.

In other words——

After they have received such huge help from all parties, if all they have to face is an LSPL division as an opponent, it would be too much to look down on the helpers behind them to say that there are difficulties and feel pressure.

"You still have to become stronger."

"Faster, stronger."

This was the tone that Lin Feng, as the captain, set for the team during the previous team meeting.

Everyone on the winning team is working hard with the same belief.


One day, two days.

A week, two weeks.

One month, two months.

Time was spent in this way with sweat and hard work.


In the early winter before the arrival of this new season, there is a short break.

Because the Lunar New Year is coming.

On New Year's Eve, on New Year's Eve, while sitting on the sofa in the living room at home, watching Su Xue wearing an apron and busy in the kitchen, Lin Feng suddenly came back to his senses and realized this.

Soon, it will be a new year.

"Don't be lazy, you damn kid! If you have nothing to do, come over and help wash the dishes!"

Su Xue's irritable shouting came from the kitchen, with a bit of worry:

"Oh, it's true, everyone will be here in a while!"

"I haven't even started cooking this dish yet..."

Lin Feng responded obediently, got up from the sofa and walked quickly towards the kitchen.


This year’s New Year’s Eve will also be very lively.

Many people will come.

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