
Chapter 451 Unexpected Return

Although it is different from the official nature of regular professional leagues.

But even though it is a private private organization, it may not even be called an "organization", but the background behind Nightingale's secret war still cannot be underestimated by anyone.

The administrators and the earliest founders of the so-called Nightingale Secret War Management Group...

They may not be in constant contact with each other.

Naturally, it cannot be said that they are so close that they share common interests and carry out rigorous cooperation based on organizational structure.

But the connections and energy each has in their hands are beyond what ordinary people can imagine.

According to what Nian Shisan told Lin Feng, it is:

"Among this group of people, I probably have to be the one with the most seniority and the lowest qualifications."

"Those other guys... although I can't figure out everyone's identity, the few I can vaguely guess are at least a little more awesome than me."

"There are some more awesome things in there that I wouldn't even dare to guess casually——"

"This time Ax took the lead, and he probably just went along with the wishes of the other big guys."


"It coincides with each other, and several big guys in the group have joined forces to make an effort."

"Tsk tsk, with that energy and splendid scene, it's definitely not too much to just use it to create a regular professional league in a separate division. It's easy to handle."

"To achieve this level of professionalism, it must be those big guys who have found connections and resources to help manage it."

"to be honest--"

"In this team competition, you can play it as if it were a first-tier professional league in each major competition. From hardware to software, it is absolutely no exaggeration!"

Lin Feng didn't have time to engage in more gossip with Nian Shisan.

This Nightingale Secret Battle almost perfectly met their needs for a decisive victory in every aspect, and was also an important opportunity that they urgently needed to seize.

Therefore, even in the regular individual competitions, although several members of the decisive team, including Lin Feng, also signed up to participate, they actually did not spend too much energy on it. More...

They all put their efforts into the team competition.

As mentioned before, the Nightingale Secret Team Competition, held for the first time, was more intense than ever.

The competition was intense from the beginning.


In terms of intensity specifications, it is indeed almost directly comparable to first-line professional events in major competition areas.

Putting aside the various professional teams and clubs that take the initiative to sign up as a group, even those teams that have a few passers-by and experts to form a group to compete in the black game, their strength cannot be underestimated.

Sixty teams.

At the beginning, there was a points race in a wheel battle.

It lasted for a whole week. After the points were tallied, the top 32 were decided.

Of course it could have been made more concise and efficient, but it seems that the management group of the Nightingale Secret Battle this time was specially designed to allow all participating teams to have a sufficient opportunity for discussion and communication, so the entire event process was further improved. elongated.

Lin Feng, the five members of the decisive team, went through a series of fierce battles. It can be said that after going all out, they still managed to advance to the top 32 with a somewhat thrilling ranking in the middle of the pack.

Among the opponents encountered in the wheel battle points competition, they have already encountered many difficult opponents.

In the top 32, I had relatively better luck. The opponent I met was a team made up of strangers. They easily won the BO3 game 2-0, which also helped the decisive team advance to the top 16 steadily.

But when the top 16 teams were drawn—

The luck of the decisive team seemed to be getting a little bad.

Because in this round, the opponent they encountered was the most vigorous rookie dark horse team from South Korea's LCK division, the Minx team.

Yes, that's the Minx.

Minx reached the S Series World Finals last year and shocked the entire professional e-sports circle with its blockbuster success.

The team has two terrifying rookies whose strength is close to that of the Yonko members.

This time the nightingale secretly fights,

The appeal is indeed amazing. Not only the established professional teams and clubs in major competition areas are attracted, but also such top rookie teams are unexpectedly attracted.

For Lin Feng and the other five members of the decisive team, encountering such a terrifying and powerful enemy was, on the one hand, gratifying, but on the other hand, it was also frustrating.


No chance of winning.

Even though the strength of today's decisive team is still improving, and the speed of improvement is enough to amaze any of the most demanding people.

But against such a dark horse team, which is the most vigorous and amazing rookie team in the LCK and even the entire world of professional e-sports circles, today's decisive team is still far from it.

The team competition schedule of Nightingale Secret Battle this time has three days between each round of competition to adjust and prepare.

But since the opponent we met in the top 16 this time was Minx——

That means that no matter how well these three days are used to prepare, the winning team will not be able to defeat their opponents.

Even Lin Feng said this to several teammates in the team after learning the news:


"Just give it a good fight."

"After all, we can have a BO3 with Minx, and this nightingale's secret battle is not bad either."

This is true.

For the decisive team, what they need now is the experience and experience of playing against various top teams in the world, and the existence of the Minx team is qualified enough to meet the needs of the decisive team.

Fighting against them, even if they were defeated, would be enough to bring a rich experience reward to several members of the team.

The only pity——

Because they met such a powerful opponent too early, their nightingale secret war journey is destined to end early. Otherwise, if they can continue to hold on for a few more rounds, they will encounter more diverse opponents. , accumulate more valuable experience.

But still the same sentence.

"If" is just "if", the reality still has to be faced honestly.

When Lin Feng and others were already mentally prepared for this, they did not expect that a huge unexpected surprise came out of the blue and changed all their original plans.

This accident——

Someone is back.

Not long ago, I talked about this schedule with Tang Bingyao on the phone. As the girl's master and an honorary consultant at the North American Electrical Association headquarters, Bullet came to China again this time, and it took longer than Tangtang expected. A few days earlier.

It seemed that this North American legend of the previous generation had forcibly adjusted many of his schedules in North America because he had not seen his beloved direct disciple for so long, and got on a plane arriving in the Magic City a few days in advance.

At this time, it was the countdown to the top 16 of the Nightingale Secret Team Competition.

When he learned about Nightingale's secret battle from the girl's mouth and the opponents that the decisive team would face in the next round, he quickly guessed the regrets and regrets of several members of the decisive team. After thinking about it for a while, this North American legend of the previous generation , a decision was made.

This decision was conveyed by Tang Bingyao to the other four partners of the decisive team:

"Master said."

"In the next round, he will play AD."

Here's an update. I've been too busy these days on a business trip, so it's hard to find time to write. I hope you guys can forgive me.

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