
Chapter 447 Another way

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Latest website: After the training at the God Club base, Lin Feng privately met with the coaches and leaders of the God team to discuss and request some things.

The matter is about some work arrangements for the God team in the LPL regular season.

Often after entering the regular season stage of a new season, in addition to daily games, the team will also return to the base after the game to do various review simulations and deductions. Often, part of this work is left to the club's analysis team and The other part of the coaching staff is that their second team and bench players need to be put to use.

What Lin Feng requested was that several members of his decisive team could also participate.

He hopes that when the God team conducts analysis and deduction, several members of his own team can be present to observe, and if there is a need for review simulation, their decisive team can also help out - that is, continue to serve as a sparring partner.

Of these two requirements, the latter is easier.

For the God team, even if their own second team and substitute players are rich enough, they do not rule out other teams that can bring them help from more diverse perspectives. After all, there are always too many sparring partners. of.

As for the former, it is relatively troublesome.

Because this relationship involves the issue of whether the tactical system of the own team will be leaked. Generally speaking, tactical analysis and review meetings are often tasks that each team club needs to keep confidential.

However, since it was Lin Feng who made the request, we can discuss it a little more.

On the one hand, it is because someone and the decisive team have established enough friendship with the God team club in the past period, and also helped a lot in the preparations for the previous finals, which is somewhat worthy of gratitude. The kindness is there.

On the other hand, considering that person's identity and that there are several past generation legends of the national server such as No. 1 and No. 5 who can endorse him, the God Club does not have to worry about any leaks of its own tactics.


There is another very crucial point.

That is, the current decisive team is still just a rookie team in LSPL, and there is no direct competitive conflict with God-God's Hand, which is an active team in LPL.

If you really want to become an opponent, then at least it will be in the future.

at the moment--

Providing a little bit of help is within the scope of one's ability, and it can further consolidate the friendship between the two teams. It is always a good deal.

Therefore, after a brief discussion, the coaches and leaders of the God Club gave a positive answer to Lin Feng’s request:

"no problem."

"If you are willing, you are always welcome here."

However, Brother Zhang, the chief leader of the God Club, was a little more concerned and asked Lin Feng one more question:

"However, your schedule for the new LSPL season will be very full by then, and you will have to come to us specially to participate in the analysis and review of the LPL. Can you afford the time?"

Lin Feng showed a big smile:


"If you squeeze in the time, it will definitely be enough!"

After leaving the God Club training base,

The five members of the winning team also said goodbye to each other and left.

Of course, we still made an appointment for tomorrow’s meeting time and place.

After returning to the Magic City, I have to pick up the daily training again. Today I went to Team God for a round of training. Tomorrow I can pick another one between Hayami and KG, and then pick the rest the next day... …

Time should be used wisely and should not be wasted.

In a taxi, Lin Feng first sent Tang Bingyao home, and then when he was walking back to his home community, he didn't forget to call Senior No. 1 again.

On the phone, he went straight to the point and asked about the upcoming schedules of seniors No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4.

Number 1 on the other end of the phone immediately guessed what someone was thinking:

"Ask them for help, right?"

"You brat is pretty smart and knows how to make the most of everything."

"There shouldn't be much of a problem with your senior No. 3. I'll ask him to come back early and contact you later."

"However, your seniors No. 2 and No. 4 may have to stay in North America for a while longer - there are still some things they need to deal with over there."

Lin Feng was a little disappointed when he heard:

"That's it..."

However, it is understandable. After all, the two seniors No. 2 and No. 4 are responsible for the top management of the North American Electric Association. The new season is about to start. Naturally, there are many trivial matters involved. It is impossible to really just satisfy the needs of juniors like them. You can come back if you tell me.

But soon, the person on the other end of the phone added with a smile:

"But it's okay."

"Although I can't come back for the time being, it's still okay for them to take some time to practice with you online."

Lin Feng was surprised:

"That's great!"

"If we don't bother seniors No. 2 and No. 4—"

Although online practice is not as good as offline face-to-face teaching, it is still a good compromise. After all, as long as they are seniors at the level of No. 2 and No. 4, even just giving guidance through the Internet is enough for them to win the team. Several members here have benefited a lot.

Number 1 on the other end of the phone laughed:

"It's definitely going to be a little more troublesome."

"But I still say the same thing, as long as you little guys are willing to work hard and work hard -"

"No matter what other needs you have, we, the people, will try our best to help you meet them."

It sounds like it's just a casual courtesy.

But Lin Feng could feel the weight of that promise.

"Senior, thank you."

Lin Feng spoke seriously and sincerely.

Number 1 on the other end of the phone seemed to wave his hand:

"Thank you early."

"Performing well is the best reward for us old guys."

Lin Feng nodded vigorously:


When they got home, Su Da explained that it would be hard to rest tonight. The two siblings happily ordered a takeaway snack and sat down at the coffee table in the living room to eat together.

While chatting, Su Xue asked Lin Feng why he came back so late tonight. She was a little surprised when she learned that someone had just left the airport in the afternoon and went straight to the God Club base for training:

"Isn't this too hard?"

Then she heard someone talking about the plans for the next six months, and her eyes widened even more:

"You are... trying to drive everyone in your team to death!"

Lin Feng nodded:

"Otherwise, there will be no chance of winning against the world's top teams in the second half of the year."

Then he couldn't help but frown:

"I feel like this is still not enough..."

Su Xue was shocked:

"Isn't this enough?"

Lin Feng said "Yeah" and started to worry.

Judging from the current planning and arrangement, it seems that the time has been fully arranged, but there are still one or two months before the official start of the new season. Before that, that is, during the period from now on, if it is just Doing some ordinary daily training, I always feel that something is missing.

Moreover, even if you keep sparring with God, Hayami and KG, there are still limitations.

If they can find opportunities to train with the top teams in other divisions, it will be of greater help to their current decisive team.

But this kind of thing is difficult to think about.

It is not easy to establish relationships with the three LPL teams now.

As for the top teams in other divisions - even if there are some of his old acquaintances and opponents, it is impossible to get appointments casually.

After hearing Lin Feng's troubles, Su Xue, who was eating chicken drumsticks as a late-night snack, inadvertently replied:

"Hey, speaking of it, there's no chance at all, right?"

"Huh?" Lin Feng suddenly raised his head and looked at Su Xue.

After wiping out the chicken legs in her hands, Su Xue burped with satisfaction:

"you forgot?"

"Just that, what, what..."

"Nightingale is fighting secretly!"

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