
Chapter 445 Don’t waste it

Analyzing and evaluating from an objective perspective, a normal passerby team has just been promoted to the LSPL league from the national auditions and has just become a professional team. So for them, they will naturally encounter huge challenges in the following rookie season.

Because regular games for passers-by and professional leagues are completely different things.

The former may rely on personal courage.

But the latter——

What is needed is truly professional tactical cooperation and various comprehensive abilities.

Teams and team members who are newly added to the professional league need to spend a long time to slowly re-familiarize themselves with and adapt to the new competition environment and rhythm. Only after experiencing enough lessons and "beatings" can they slowly be able to Grow up and truly gain a foothold in the new professional arena.


Even more unluckily, if some rookie teams are unable to adapt to the rhythm of the professional arena, they may eventually be unable to bear the pressure and be eliminated from the league.

This kind of thing has not never happened in the Chinese professional e-sports circle.

But the three teams promoted from the national selection this time can be regarded as special cases.

They don’t have the same worries as in the second case above.


It may be unlikely that you will encounter the situation mentioned in the first item above.

Putting aside the decisive team, neither King's Landing nor Jiutian can be regarded as ordinary passerby teams. Instead, each has a profound qualifications and background, and is originally an orthodox background of a former e-sports giant club.

In terms of adaptability to the intensity and professionalism of the professional league, these two teams have actually started preparing from the very beginning.

Moreover, each team is equipped with a professional team of coaches and analysts, and the scale of the lineup may even be more luxurious than most of the established professional teams in LSPL today.

Therefore, there is basically no such thing as an "awkward adaptation period for newcomers" between these two families.

In addition, even with the current comprehensive strength of these two teams, it is no longer comparable to the rookie teams that have been promoted in the past.

Regardless of King's Landing or Jiutian, taken individually, it is no exaggeration to say that they can directly rank at the top of the current list of nearly 20 teams in the LSPL division. It is not a problem to stabilize the second tier or even enter the first tier.

Like the core aces of the two teams, the Overlord of Junlin or K-Zhang Ke of Jiutian——

Taken together, these two players will definitely rank among the top five or even top three mid laners in today's LSPL division.

No exaggeration at all.

After all, they are the top talents selected by two former Chinese e-sports giants after putting in a lot of effort and cost.

That vision has never been limited to a mere LSPL competition area, but has gone towards the LPL and even higher-level competitions.

And if even Jiutian and Junlin are destined to be able to compete in the next LSPL league...

Then let alone the decisive battle to win the championship in this national selection.

Also consider the problem situations mentioned in the two above items.

Even in terms of personal ability, the strength level of the five members of the current decisive team is slightly better than that of Junlin and Jiutian, and there is even greater room for improvement.

Even faster.

As for aspects such as professional arena experience, tactical formulation, and preparation analysis——

Although they don't seem to have the same qualifications and background as Junlin or Jiutian, from another perspective, the decisive team is still the strongest among the three newcomer teams.

The sparring partners are all top LPL teams.

Those responsible for guiding and teaching are the top legends of previous generations.

This kind of "reserve force" is more than enough to be directly used in the World S League, let alone a mere LSPL league.

According to Lin Feng's own judgment and estimation, their decisive team will only need a short period of rapid adaptation after entering the LSPL, and basically can't find any opponents in the entire competition area——

Perhaps the Seven Leaf Team led by their old acquaintance "Eight Wine Glasses", if they were still in the LSPL, opponents of that level could still give them some threat and pressure, but now the Seven Leaf Team has also been successfully promoted to the LPL division. .

In other words, in today's LSPL league, there are really not many opponents who are qualified to pose a threat to the decisive team.

To put it more bluntly.

As long as the winning team adjusts its status, their addition will soon become the ceiling of LSPL's strength in the new season.


The same thing was said to Lin Feng by No. 1 in the office of the President of the Electrical Power Association not long ago.

But the meaning expressed is completely different.

"I don't need to be humble for you, but basically in the next season, your decisive strength should be beyond the limit in the current state of LSPL."

"It's hard to have a rival."

“It’s natural to achieve a dominant level of performance.”

It was after this passage that Number 1's conversation suddenly changed and he gave an extremely unexpected conclusion:

"But this will also be your biggest hidden danger in the future."

Taxis are still speeding down the street.

Lin Feng, who was sitting in the passenger seat, looked out the window in ecstasy. He understood the meaning of Senior No. 1's last words.

The strength ceiling of the LSPL division.

Sweep the new LSPL season.

It is difficult to have an opponent.


It sounds like a very good statement, but there is a core and critical problem here, which is that their goal is never limited to just one LSPL league.

The new LSPL season, which seems to be a recreational playground for their decisive team, may turn into a very deceptive and gentle trap at any time.

The same five or six months.

When their decisive team is easily killing everyone in the LSPL league, what are their real opponents doing in the future?

Such as God, Hayami and KG.

Will always compete in the highest intensity national server competition of LPL.

Not to mention the European Lege

d. Seaso in North America

, and South Korea's SSK.

The world's top teams will go all out to engage in the most intense and intense confrontations and collisions from the beginning of the new season, maintaining and improving their competitive status under the highest competitive pressure and environment in their respective divisions, in order to prepare for the real competition that will soon come. The world war begins.

And if their decisive team just paddles easily in these five or six months, and even slowly adapts and gets used to the intensity of an LSPL confrontation——

That means that within the same period of time, they will continue to widen the gap and be further left behind by those teams that are already at the top of the pyramid.

This is what Senior No. 1 means by his words.

They've gotten off to a slow start.

Although there is a "ladder to heaven", there are still many shortcomings and disadvantages in the first half of this ladder that cannot truly compete with other strong teams.

But there's nothing you can do about it.

Right now, they have just entered the LSPL from the LSPL national auditions, and it is impossible to rush directly to a higher level league all at once.

We can only do it step by step.

The objective reality conditions cannot be changed, and defects and shortcomings are inevitable.


You can only rely on yourself and make more attempts and efforts under limited environmental conditions.

To put it more bluntly——

Lin Feng rubbed his forehead and temples, his eyes gradually becoming sharper:

These five or six months.

Absolutely, don’t waste it.

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