
Chapter 443 Return

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Latest website: Again, although they lost to the decisive team 0-3 in the final, the promotion spot to LSPL has been obtained, which is already a quite satisfactory result for the Reign team.

Of course, the same is true for the Jiutian Team——

Even though they were crushed by the decisive team in the semi-finals, they successfully won the third place match against their old rival TO with a score of 3-1, so they got the third promotion spot, and the Jiutian team also became the third team to be promoted to the LSPL. League teams.

At this point, the LSPL national selection has finally come to an end.

All three promotion places have been decided.

Decisive victory.

King's Landing.

Nine days.

These three teams will officially enter the national server professional e-sports arena in the new season, and will start a new competition with the other dozen or so veteran teams in the LSPL in a month.

"It's well deserved."

On the Internet, some professional commentators in the circle also gave this evaluation:

"The three teams selected from the national auditions have not yet officially entered the professional arena, whether in terms of individual player ability or team coordination, but we can already see the shadow of professional teams in them."

"Even though they are newcomers, I think these three teams should be able to outdo most of the teams in the LSPL today."

"Perhaps our LSPL league also needs to inject such new blood."

"Then, it takes on a new lease of life!"

"In addition, although the rankings of these three teams in this national selection competition are Decisive, King's Landing and Jiutian, after entering the LSPL league, each team will gain new improvements and growth."

“It’s hard to say what heights these three teams will reach in their respective future professional e-sports careers. It’s hard to draw conclusions now.”

"Perhaps the Jiutian team, which is currently only the third to advance, will catch up from behind?"

"It's still unclear."

"If the decisive team that won the national selection championship this time cannot maintain a humble mentality and constantly adjust, adapt, improve and become stronger in the following professional leagues, it will be overtaken and left behind by the other two 'contemporary' teams. It’s also possible to happen behind the scenes.”

Most people are familiar with the story of Shang Zhongyong.

In the professional e-sports circle of the Chinese server, there are also many examples of rookies who were talented at first, but then gradually disappeared from everyone.

No one can guarantee what the future of these three rookie teams will be like before they truly deliver a new answer based on their performance in the new season.

But still.

Everyone is more inclined to respond with optimistic and kind expectations.

This truth is also clear to several members of the decisive team.

And not only do they know it themselves, they also receive reminders and advice from others outside the world.

It was still that night, after the dinner party with the King's Landing team. Bawang, Yu Ping and others had to catch a flight back to the Imperial Capital early tomorrow morning because their clubs had other follow-up arrangements. Although the dinner party tonight was still unfinished, they could only say goodbye and leave. .

Lin Feng and others from the decisive team were left behind to continue eating, drinking and chatting at the late night snack stall.

Someone suddenly proposed to make a video call to a certain girl on the other side of the ocean to announce the good news in person. However, several other members of the team, such as Li Shiyi, Tang Bingyao and Zeng Rui, were so excited when they heard someone's suggestion. The expression on his face changed in an instant.

But before they had time to persuade and stop them, someone's video call had already been made excitedly.


In a strange and frozen atmosphere, the video call beeped a few times and was connected.

From an angle that no one noticed, the faces of Li Shiyi, Zeng Rui and Tang Bingyao suddenly stiffened slightly at this moment, as if a disaster was imminent.

But the next moment.

A girl appeared in the cell phone video screen.

Wearing a casual and comfortable outfit, he wore a beret with sun protection, and his ponytail passed through the back of the hat and hung down on his shoulders, which further accentuated the sunny and sporty atmosphere.

The background of the picture is not a white ward, but seems to be in a sunny outdoor park with green grass.

The girl who answered the video call waved generously to the camera and said hello with a smile.

Then for a moment.

Zeng Rui, Tang Bingyao and Li Shiyi were relieved. When they looked at each other, they all saw the happy look in each other's eyes.

The girl at the other end of the video smiled and said hello to several members of the decisive team at the night snack stall here, but someone who didn't notice the strangeness of the partners beside him excitedly talked to the girl about the outcome of the team's game. Son.

It is inevitable that there will still be some joy.

After all, since today's final, it has been a big step forward since the two agreed.

"We are already in LSPL, so LPL is not far away!"

Lin Feng announced with high spirits.

The girl at the other end of the video was smiling. Naturally, she first expressed her congratulations to the winning team, but then she glanced at someone in the middle of the video camera:

"It's only LSPL, don't be too happy."

"The opponents you encounter next will only be stronger. If you underestimate the enemy too much, you will suffer."

Someone is full of confidence:

"Just wait."

"It's best to buy your tickets now half a year in advance. Our team will be missing you as the team leader and coach!"

The girl raised her eyebrows:

"Oh, okay."

"Then I'll wait for your good news."

The video ends.

Berlin, Germany. A girl in the park put down her mobile phone and looked behind her. Not far away was the outline of a hospital building looming among the trees in the sun.

The girl breathed a sigh of relief, looked down at the casual clothes on her upper body, and then looked down to see the white striped hospital pants and slippers she was still wearing on her lower body, and shook her head slightly.


What a coincidence.

Compared to the girl's casual and joking reminder, some of the other warnings were obviously more serious and formal.

That night, Lin Feng left the supper stall and returned to the hotel room when he received a phone call.

The caller was Number 1.

Number 1 on the phone got straight to the point, omitting unnecessary congratulations, and gave instructions concisely:

"After the game is over, come back early."

"Can you still buy a plane ticket for tomorrow?"

"Call Xie directly."

"Don't think about being lazy and relaxing. Next... there are a lot of things waiting to be done."

The senior's orders were naturally refused without question.

So, the next afternoon, the five members of the decisive team flew back to the Magic City.


Lin Feng, who was alone, took a taxi from the airport and arrived at the headquarters building of the Magic Electric Association.

Take the elevator all the way up, pass through the office hall where people come and go, and push the door into the president's office.

In the office, Fang Hao and Chu Fangnan, the two presidents and vice presidents of the Electrical Association branch, as well as No. 1 and No. 5, were already waiting.

Here comes the update. Go to bed early tonight and get up early tomorrow morning for the update. Good night, friends. See you tomorrow.

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