
Chapter 441 Winning the Championship

Li Shiyi didn't expect that on the last night of the countdown to the LSPL national semi-finals, when he was a little restless and couldn't fall asleep and chose to go downstairs to take a walk outside the hotel to get some fresh air, he would unexpectedly meet Lin Feng.

There is a small park directly opposite the hotel gate.

After nightfall, there are few visitors in the park.

Only street lamps cast soft and quiet light, illuminating the night view of the park.

Lin Feng sat on a bench under a street lamp, staring at the small fountain that had stopped working.


Li Shiyi walked over and called subconsciously.

Finally, someone came back to his senses. He turned around and saw his partner. He was also slightly stunned for a moment, and waved his hand: "Oh." When he came to the bench and looked down at his partner on the bench, Li Shiyi couldn't help but say: "I thought you went back to sleep early in the morning-" Lin Feng smiled: "Well, I'm not too sleepy, I came out for a walk." "You too?" This rhetorical question made Li Shiyi touch his nose with his hand, and his face showed a little embarrassment: "I can't sleep much either-" "What about you, what are you thinking about, thinking about tomorrow's game?" The topic was changed. The semi-finals are just around the corner, and it is indeed worth being nervous about. After all, the opponent is a strong enemy like the Jiutian team. Most teams dare not say they will win easily when they meet them. But it stands to reason that this kind of emotion should not appear in the members of the Magic City Decisive Team. This is especially true for someone who is the team's mid laner. No matter how strong the ace midfielder K-Zhang Ke of Jiutian is, he is now comparable to the top midfielders in the world's professional e-sports circle. Compared with the four emperors and seven kings, he is nothing.

Hearing Li Shiyi's question, Lin Feng nodded and shook his head:

"It counts, but it doesn't count."

"There is nothing to worry about the game itself. Everyone is well prepared."

"It's just... I'm thinking that after tomorrow's game, I will officially return to the professional arena-"

At this point, Lin Feng paused, took a deep breath and sighed:

"I didn't expect to finally get to this point."

"It feels a little unreal."


As long as they win and advance in tomorrow's semi-finals, the winning team will be the first to lock in a LSPL selection qualification, and will truly enter the new season of the LSPL A-level professional league.

Speaking of which, from last year to now, nearly a year and a half, it has been a full four or five hundred days and nights.

During this period, he has experienced too much.

He has paid too much.

He has met many people.

He has also fought countless fierce battles.

From a small high school league to an international stage like MSI, and the world finals that he personally participated in and witnessed.

But all of this added together, its weight and significance may be a little less than tomorrow's game.

Because tomorrow's game is a new milestone in the true sense.

A watershed.

It is divided by the accumulation and preparation of the past four or five hundred days and nights.

It is finally going to come to fruition.

It represents that after six years, he has finally officially stepped back into the professional arena.

And the truly magnificent and grand battle will officially open the curtain from tomorrow.

This is the official re-entry.

It is the first appearance of the new decisive team led by him, Maple, in the professional arena.

Once this step is taken, there is no turning back.

Li Shiyi was silent for a moment and then nodded slowly, also sighing softly: "Yes, I am excited and looking forward to it, and there is indescribable pressure. That's the feeling, right?"

Lin Feng said "hmm" and looked up at his partner in front of him:

"What about you?"

Li Shiyi stretched out his hand to scratch his hair and smiled a little embarrassedly:

"It's about the same for me."

"It feels very strange. Time seems to have passed in a blink of an eye. I didn't expect... so soon, I would return to this stage again."

This feeling may be more intuitive and specific than someone's feelings.

You know, just one or two months ago, Li Shiyi, who was originally a substitute player of the Gaoshan team, had just made up his mind to quit the team resolutely, and one or two months later, he was about to return to the LSPL arena with this new decisive team.

And the feeling of quitting the team at that time.

And the mental state of returning now.

It is completely different from the world.

Li Shiyi looked at Lin Feng on the bench seriously:

"Thank you."

It's time to thank him.

Such a huge change that happened in just one or two months, I regained my dream and passion for professional e-sports, and gradually regained my own state level. All of this is thanks to someone.

Lin Feng smiled and stretched out his hand to his former partner in front of him, who is also his current teammate:

"Let's continue to go on together."

Meeting Lin Feng's gaze, Li Shiyi's face became solemn and solemn, and he stretched out his hand and shook Lin Feng's hand tightly:

"Of course!"


The LSPL national selection is coming to an end, and the final schedule is very tight.

After a short one-day rest and adjustment time, the semi-finals of the top four teams determined from the quarter-finals and the final championship, second and third place games were directly assigned to take place in the next two days.

The first day is the semi-finals.

There will be duels between Group A and Group B in the morning and afternoon.

The next day was the third place match in the morning and the finals in the afternoon.

Since the morning of the first day, the discussion on the Internet has been heated and lively. For the first Group A showdown, the majority of Chinese server players and netizens have responded with great enthusiasm and expectations.

Everyone is guessing.

The confrontation between Jiutian and the decisive battle will determine who will be the first to get the first precious place to advance to the finals and even be promoted to the LSPL league.

There are all kinds of score speculations, among which more than half of the netizens are optimistic about the victory of the Jiutian team.

Among the less than half of the remaining netizens, although they support the decisive team, most of them also think that the final score should be extremely close, maybe 3 to 2 to the final decisive game.

A very simple truth——

In the BO5 battle between the Magic City finals and the Xiacheng finals in the top 16, the former won with a score of 3-1, and it was quite difficult to win.

Compared with the Xiacheng decisive victory, the Jiutian team's comprehensive combat strength will undoubtedly reach a higher level.

If you want to win against an opponent of this level, you must have to pay a greater price and effort to win in the Magic City.


That is this morning.

Everything that happened in the semi-final venue was destined to shock the entire network.

The game starts at 9am.

Finished at eleven o'clock.

In just two hours, the first BO5 battle of the semi-finals ended quickly with eye-popping efficiency.

The first one to advance to the finals and advance to the LSPL league will be determined.

The decisive team wins and advances.

3 to 0.

Just like the destructive attitude when facing Team Ghost Night in the quarter-finals, the entire competition venue was shaken by violent reactions, sweeping and defeating Team Jiutian.

And it is destined that this shock will not stop here.

The next afternoon, the LSPL national selection finals were held.

The decisive team faced the Group B opponent, Junlin Team.

The exciting, intense and thrilling fight kicked off amidst the roaring cheers and cheers of the entire audience.

But the dust settled after just two hours.

At that moment, the entire audience was stunned, including several professional commentators on the live commentary desk who were petrified.

3 to 0.

The decisive team won the King's Landing team with a complete victory.

The title of the national selection champion...is in the bag!

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